Thursday, 23 April 2020

Dental assisting and certification?  

Dental assisting and certification?  

answers 0:I want to be a dental assistant. I live in Nevada and it says that they don't require you to become certified. Does that mean you will automatically make less than others living elsewhere?answers 1:Certification is nothing more than official "proof" that you have adequate knowledge of dental procedures and that you know what you are doing in a dental office. The best way to become a dental assistant is to be trained on the job by a dentist. You do not need to go to any assisting school; you just need to find a good dentist who is willing to properly train you. Becoming certified will mean the potential for higher pay.answers 2:it means that if you can find a dentist that is willing to train you and then ceritfy you then you can do that .otherwise you have to be certified to get jobs other than with th! e one that may train you and yes you will make alot less without that certificateanswers 3:if i get a certificate from a cummunity college then am i certified?

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