Friday, 17 April 2020

Can I get creutzfeldt-jakob disease from regular dental procedures?  

Can I get creutzfeldt-jakob disease from regular dental procedures?  

answers 0:In the area of the country where I live there have been around 4 reported cases of CJD (3 sporadic, 1 familial). I am interested am I in a high risk of getting CJD from dental procedures (if the person with CJD has been to the same dentist and the instruments were used on him) ? I am so scared....answers 1:You can only get it if you are paranoid about getting it. Relax!Joke apart, you can't. Don't let your teeth go black over this.answers 2:This site will help you with transmission and the risks of CJD "Mad Cow Disease" through dentistry. http://www.rense.com/general76/transm.htmPrions, the infectious agent of CJD, may not be inactivated by means of routine surgical instrument sterilization procedures. The World Health Organization and the US Centers for Disease Control ! and Prevention recommend that instrumentation used in such cases be immediately destroyed after use; secondary to destruction, it is recommended that heat and chemical decontamination be used in combination to process instruments that come in contact with high-infectivity tissues. No cases of iatrogenic transmission of CJD have been reported subsequent to the adoption of current sterilization procedures, or since 1976. Copperâ€"hydrogen peroxide has been suggested as an alternative to the current recommendation of sodium hydroxide or sodium hypochlorite. Thermal depolymerization also destroys prions in infected organic and inorganic matter, since the process dissolves protein at the molecular level....

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