Cody Shimko: kings corner is fun. poker, rummy, rummy 500, BS.
Perry Deshazior: this just seems like a magicians deck he bought. its sometimes better to change the deck around. so 6/10
Coleman Senn: cool nice job!!!
Providencia Serpe: BS, James Bond, Spoons, Solitaire (1), Hearts, Texas Hold 'Em, Poker, etc.
Maye Delk: Take out neos and anything related to it. Also take out cyclone boomerang, hero barrier, a hero emerges, rush recklessly, and change of hero. You might want to put in necroshade, mirror force, sakuretsu armor, torrential tribute, cards that substitute for a fusion monster (ex: king of the swamp), and definitely a reinforcement of the army/ emergency call.
Irvin Guiles: Yu-Gi-Oh! is a fun game.You can duel one vs. one or team dueling 2 vs. 2 It's a great game.
Son Ahlers: Monsters:23Endymion, the master magicain x2BreakerCrystal Seer x2Hannibal NecromancerSkilled Dark MagicianDark MagicianMagical Exemplar x2Defender, th! e Magical KnightSummoner MonkApprentice Magician x2Old Vindictive Magician x2Magical Marionette x2Dark Red EnchanterMei-Kou, Master of BarriersBlast MagicianSpells: 17Brain ControlSpell Power Grasp x2FissureBook of Moon x2Enemy Controller x2Mage PowerMystical Space TyphoonSwords of Revealing LightMagical Dimension x2Magical Citadel of Endymion x2Giant TrunadeMist BodyTraps: 5Metal Reflect SlimeMagic CylinderPitch-Black Power StoneMagician's Circle x2...Show more
Willetta Munhall: monsters 163 gk descendants3 gk spy3 gk recruiter2 gk commandant2 gk assailant1 gk chief1 blackwing gale the whirlwind1 plaugespreader zombiespells 103 necrovalley2 mystical space typhoon1 royal tribute1 gk stele1 dark hole1 giant trunade1 book of moontraps 142 bottomless trap hole2 dimensional prison2 seven tools of the bandit2 compulsory evacuation device2 rite of spirit1 solemn judgment1 deck devastation virus1 mirror force1 torrential tributeextra deck 1 ally of justice catastor1 t.g hype! r librarian1 brionac dragon of the ice barrier1 iron chain dra! gon1 arcanite magician1 black rose dragon1 blackwing armour master1 stardust dragon1 colossal fighter 1 scrap dragon1 mist wurm1 trishula dragon of the ice barrierso please have a rate and any suggestions would be much appreciatedNO DUALITY, WARNING OR OPPRESSION im not going to post my side deck thanks...Show more
Berry Gilmore: superb Deck 9/10 that's an exceedingly solid deck i could take out the 1x Gale the Whirlwind and that i could upload 1x greater Necrovalley and 1x greater Gravekeeper Stele and take out 2x of your obligatory Evacution gadget different than that your deck is actual sturdy and ideal
Azzie Trembly: This game never fails to surprise me and my friends. I even played it with my girlfriend and we were up all night dying laughing. Click⺠
Riley Migl: Spoons!!!!! I love it :-D
Sheree Hipwell: Magic: The Gathering
Elissa Curlin: BS. Rummy. War. Garbage (2 player game)
Berry Gilmore: mnsters 19:3#wil! dheart3#neos3#bladedgeburdtinarix2#avian3#claymansparkmancaptain gold(e-hero)neo-spacian aqua dolphintraps 8:2#elemental rechargehero barriercall of the hauntedhero counter attacka hero emergesdust tornadohero signalchange of hero-reflection rayspells 26:h heated hart2#o oversouldark factory of mass productionscyscraper2#neo spacepremature burialrush rucklesslyfissurespark blasterneos forcethe warrior returning aliver righteous justicelighting vortexde-fusion2#polymrizationmiracle fusion 2# fusion recoverymystical space typhoonheavy stormcyclone boomerangnobleman of crossoutfusionrampart blasterphoenix enforcerwildedgeaqua neos(e-hero)...Show more
Delphine Cajka: Yu-Gi-Oh is a fun one. 1-4 players can play.Big 2 is another one.Slapjack is another one.
Alden Sabio: BSmafia*rules on the websites
Marylee Lucks: kemps
Lilli Kochel: Take out deck deck devastation for another stele, take out 1 rite of spirit for another royal tribute, and I'd take out 1 se! ven tools for an allure of darkness.
Horace Escue: good start but! on scale of 1-10, would-be versionof it:MONSTERS (19)2 bladeedge3 king of the swamp discardable for polymer, also fusion sub3 wildheart 1 stratos 2 captain gold2 sparkman2 bubbleman1 burstinatrix2 clayman2 avianSpells (20)2 reinforement of army2 fusion gate2 polymer1 future fusion2 miracle fusion2 righteous justice1 emergency call1 pot of avarice1 heavy storm1 MST2 skyscraper1 fusion recovery1 nobleman crossout2 return alivetraps (4)1 mirror force1 torrential tribute 1 call of the haunted1 wall of revealing lighttotal 43 with every ehero fusion existing...Show more
Jene Kostyla: Magic: the Gathering, as weird as it sounds, it's actually really fun. But that's more of a strategy game and you have to learn it with someone who has played it a while. There is now a new card set called "5th Dimension" I have it, and plenty of new games come with the set. There are 5 colours, red, gold, black, blue and green, 5 jokers, aces AND one cards, and they added princesses. It! 's really fun, you can play the games they say on the box, it's fun and new!But if you are into older games, with a classic (and awesome) regular deck of 54 cards then some people above have mentionned some! I know some games, but i'm not sure they have explanations of internet. Here's a website you can go to for Magic....Show more
Hope Lundmark: This deck is not bad,but this deck is not good6.5 or 7.0
Joie Kemmis: in my opinion yugioh, duel masters, magic and lycee are the funnest card games to play with like no chance of losing your house or job becuase of it unlike texas hold 'em or whatever but i happen to love all card games YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!
Mahalia Brindle: Yugioh is extremely fun, I play and spend on it nearly 24/7. Poker is also quite addictive. Sevens and Rummy are also faves.
Brice Greczkowski: 1 - solitare, spider solitare2 - Speed! It's so fun! or War4 - Durro/Kemps. You can find easily how to play them by just typing them in o! n google. Have fun!...Show more
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