Friday, 27 March 2020

Where does our tax money go towards?

Jeremy Donohue: first thing that comes to my mind, since I haven't ever seen any of them late with their paycheck is the President, and all the Congressmen(and women)

Delphine Cajka: See http://www.warresisters.org/pages/piechart.htm for an easily readable pic chart of the federal budget. This is from 2009, but the categories are basically the same. For more current info google "US federal budget".State income tax and sales tax goes to your state.Property tax goes to local or county entities - much of the property tax most places goes to school....Show more

Leora Klingelhoets: what's the subject? I say we placed day spas and racquetball courts in prisons besides. i understand, shall we additionally enforce Pre-regulation and MBA classes besides so a minimum of we could understand from the outset that criminals have been working our government and economic establishments.

Francis Stickle: I don't even want to read any thing like this again in my life, B! IT***

Colby Millberg: It goes to Pakistan to help them rebuild their country and continue the search for Osama bin Laden (although rumor has it he moved to Afghanistan, and that is why our troops are fighting and dying there.) (Paying U S soldiers to do others' fighting also takes a big bite of your tax dollars.)The rest goes to pay our Congressmen who cannot come to a compromise on the debt limit so that this country can borrow the money it needs to fund everything else....Show more

Providencia Serpe: Most of it goes to pay for inflated union worker salaries and benefits.

Minh Lefrancois: Depends on which tax you are talking about. Sales taxes do not go towards the military and social security taxes do not go to education.

Arleen Bussing: It goes to pay stuff that the government does.If you want to stay here, get over your hatred.

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