Monday, 30 March 2020

What expenses fall under Finance Cost aside from Interest Expense?

Chauncey Williama: First of all...look at where most of the freaking money the U.S. has is going to...a freaking war. The money could be used for other things that you people say need more money in. The U.S. spends more than 10 billion dollars on the dumb war while it spends more than just 1 billion on undocumented people. You people make it seem like a lot because you don't see where a lot of other money is going. What? War is actually something this country needs? They come here for a better live not for health care...most people that come don't have any and the only ones that do have them are the children that are born here. Sometimes not even the children have them, even though their U.S. born. You know how i know this because my parents were illegal immigrants and most people (family, friends, etc) i know are illegal immigrants and ex-illegal immigrants. Let me tell you they did not come here just to "suck on the U.S." They came here for a better life. They know they! would not make it, if they were to go back to Mexico, Brazil, Chili, Argentina, or China. All our friends say they are in bad conditions right now, but the thing is they are better off than when they were in China or Argentina or Brazil....Show more

Joie Kemmis: Finance costs basically refers to all costs incurred by an organisation in procuring and efficiently utilising funds.It can include - interest expense, expenses incurred on procuring funds (IPO fee, merchant bank's fee), insurance fee etc.

Kassie Kay: insurance is a financial risk taken against unforeseen contingencies by a wise business man or an entity.impliedly,insurance is a financial institution. it could therefore fall under finance cost.Finance cost is the business or art of managing the monetary resources of an organization, country, or person.

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