Tyler Burkman: the helth of the mother in late term abortion is bull **** the baby is fully formed and can be deliverd as opposed to inducing labor when the crown of the head appears a sissor is used to clip the spinal cord the the chils brain is sucked out how sick is that how could any so called doctor do such a thing
Lupe Sancen: i think conservatives dont get it mocking women's health is no way to win an election
Warren Kotter: allright... the earthquake in Haiti that killed thousands, then the Earthquake in Chile, and NOW IN TURKEY!?!?! WTF is happening
Piedad Bassiti: Tell the truth in your rant.He was saying that this is used as a carte blanche excuse and it can be. Especially in the "late term" portion of the abortion debate.Only the most fringe radical people would say to not consider the health of the mother. Really, you should learn to tell the truth. It is rather unseemly to lie and mischaracterize the words of others in a published manne! r. Some might even call it libel.edit -- do you think you could be any more racist and sexist than to say, "since when do old white guys..."? Not to mention age discrimination. Well done!edit -- Mine may be lame but your "question" is a rant and possibly an illegal one. You published items about someone that you misrepresented (read the definition for libel)edit -- Hey Dan you are a bigot and an ignorant one at that. For your information, I am a republican no longer. GW cured me of that.Oh BTW if you want a good read from a Pro-Abortion voice about of one issue voting check out the followinghttp://www.salon.com/opinion/paglia/2008/09/10/pal...Camille Paglia has never been so brilliant....Show more
Libby Berkovitch: Green Eggs and Ham
Rachal Osaki: Like you, I've never known any women to use abortion as contraceptives (or rather instead of contraceptives). Although I'm sure that there are some few who do. I hope they are exception and not the rule. I am! personally against abortions, as the women who have undergone! the procedure are often haunted by it, even twenty-years later. However, I strongly believe that abortion needs to remain a safe legal option. The CDC (being currently managed by Bush appointees) has the following stats for 2004 (the most recent ready for publication), over 60% of abortions are performed before eight weeks, and a full 88% are performed within twelve weeks (the first trimester). Only two percent are performed after 20 weeks. The late term abortion business is a totally a straw man argument designed to appeal strictly to emotions, bypassing reason. 24 weeks is when a fetus is considered viable to live outside its mother. The other thing that has changed, according to the CDC stats, the numbers of teen pregnancies have been declining since they peaked in the 1950s (although this may be a slightly misleading stat, since there were still large portions of the US in the 1950s where if a gal was married and pregnant by age 18, she was an "old maid"). Also ! the number of abortions has also been declining. What has changed more radically over that time, the Christian Message of abstinence, or the availability of sex-ed and access to contraception?http://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/Data_Stats/#......Show more
Armando Somes: So you are looking for a non-religious bible that doesn't talk about God? Well, that would be an interesting find...Report back.
Collin Barter: Well clearly you dont follow the issue of partial birth abortion bans.Many activist groups and politicians have tried to hold up partial birth abortion bans by trying to include very very vague health of the mother exceptions that pretty much would allow a doctor to proclaim any partial birth abortion as a possible necessity for the health of the mother, rendering any such law passed as useless because it really wouldnt ban any partial birth abortions.That is what McCain was talking about.People do your research. Just because you dont like what I am ! saying doesnt mean it isnt true. That is why McCain made that comment.! He wasnt making fun of womens health. He was making fun of the fact that Obama, once again, was dancing around that issue and skewing the argument with partial birth abortion.Where again does Obama stand on abortion????? He still hasnt really answered that question!doverHUH????McCain answered very very clearly on his stand on abortion. He specifically stated that he wouldnt put a litmus test on judges and clearly stated that he feels abortion should be a state issue.Obama STILL has not stated what his exact position on abortion is. He dances around that question every single time it is asked giving both sides as answers.DanI would never vote as abortion as the main issue, but appointing judges is a HUGE issue and one people tend to overlook. It is one of the most important jobs as President and one that the President has an incredible amount of power over. It makes me very very very nervous thinking Obama would be appointing a couple of Supreme Court Justices....Show ! more
Margart Stimpert: Yup. Another billion years or so and we're all toast.
Charline Granes: Japan's tsunami was caused by the earthquake, which is just caused by plates under the ground moving. Its no big deal :-) Also, the only reason they say 2012 is the end of the world, is because all the planets are going to line up. they say that will make a gravitational difference. PSH. liars. Finally, the earth isn't spinning faster. everything will be okay. The world isnt coming to chaos- think about it! these natural disasters happen every year. in our lifetime, the world will NOT come to an end. Hope this helped! :-)
Jeannetta Gaffigan: Jesus never uttered a word about same-sex relationships, so he has nothing to do with it.The Old Testament said that eating shellfish, pork, and wearing clothes with different fabrics is also sinful. Yet they only follow not allowing same-sex marriage?The New Testament includes male prostitution, NO women's rights, and molest! ation. Yet people still use it as an excuse to not allow gays to marry.! And the Bible. Oooooh the good old Bible. It doesn't only define one-man-one-woman relationships, it also defines one-man-many-women, a rapist and its victim, and conquering soldier and its female prisoner. Yet people are still butt-hurt about gays marrying. Is there really a moral reason?...Show more
Marty Tichnell: Mad magazine is a good ,Start then there is the one on nature of the man called.Play boy or Play girl.Those two or all three are top of the list....Show more
Lu Tiner: Sounds like you may be talking about the Jefferson Bible (by Thomas Jefferson). He took out all the supernatural magic and voodoo, and stuff that had been mistranslated into the Bible.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_BibleOf course, the Bible was NOT the original source of morality. Societies existed and people had morals long before the Bible was written or read. Even after it did exist, it was centuries before it was widely available or read by common people, yet they had m! orals, with and without a belief in gods. Jesus' alleged teachings were not original - it had all been covered before by earlier gods and philosophers. Jefferson understood, though, that most Christians of the time were educated by the church and therefore unaware of much of the history outside the church. Look up Ethic of Reciprocity.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethic_of_reciprocity...Show more
Silvia Stclair: the bible is happening- just getting started. repent and accept jesus
Estrella Northway: McCain needs the christian vote.He wasn't going to agree on any part of abortion.I don't know. It seemed McCain had that stupid smile, like he knows better too much of the time.Oh, now I get it, he knows the doctors are up to no good.It has to be like a witch trial. If the woman dies, we know that she really needed an abortion....Show more
Coleman Deliberato: So does that mean their both heathens or Samaritans?
Andra Oger: The Jefferson Bible.http://www! .angelfire.com/co/JeffersonBible/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson! _bible
Toshia Metzker: it's called tectonic plates moving...there are thousand of earthquakes every day but you don't notice them because they are too small...there are some places that are very vulnerable to repeated big earthquakes:Turkey,Japan,California etc
Wally Perrien: What ppl aren't getting in their heads is that women have the right to decide for their own bodies and along with that choice should come with an education on that matter, abstinence is not working and the gov't obviously do not want their citizens to be informed especially women. In most cases it is necessary to abort rape, incest, and health risks for the mother and if you have the baby how do you explain to your child that the father was a rapist or that it was your cousin or own father and that it's father is also his grandfather and so on I mean ppl think about it in the present time when it's a baby but when that baby grows up and wants to know the truth what do you have to say to t! hat? whining about some other persons child and then they have the baby and is put into the system of welfare, you ppl have no idea about reality mccain is too old fashioned to even enlighten his mind to the present day and for goodness sake is so tactless choosing a women as vice president to haul in women voters and she's not even ready and is as in the dark as mccain is, he surely did not fool me no one is pro abortion and those ppl pro life have no respect for another persons PERSONAL decisions and it's all about pro choice we women have the right to decide what we are going to with our bodies and aren't little children to be told what to do by the gov't...Show more
Antonia Boomershine: I shall explain. I've been told that there is a printing or translation of the Bible that essentially has had all of the God-ness and religiosity stripped out of it, but still contains all of the theories, ideas, and concepts about morality, right versus wrong, etc. So far though, ! I've failed in my search, since I'm not really sure what I'm looking fo! r, and searches containing "Bible" and "Morality" turn up a LOT (I mean.... A LOT....LOOOOT), so any help would be great.Thanks...Show more
Otto Lingafelt: Banning anything in this country because of a Christian book is utterly absurd. Separation of church and state. Pilgrims flocked to the Americas so they wouldn't be persecuted for their religious beliefs and The United States was founded on freedom of speech and religion. So banning something and claiming that it isn't Christian in America is very Un-American. So there are immoral reasons behind it not any moral reason. Just the fact that people love to judge and hate others who are different than they are. The people you see holding signs screaming about no same sex marriage and God hates queers, would have been holding signs saying saying sit at the back of the bus ni**er if they had been around 50-60 years ago. Always gonna be shallow narrow minded judgmental people who love to hate others....Show more
Ali! sia Sutphen: Mark 13:32 32"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.Acts 13:41 41'Look, you scoffers, wonder and perish, for I am going to do something in your days that you would never believe, even if someone told you.'Isaiah 42:9"Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them." John 13:19âNow I tell you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am He."Matthew 24:37-3937 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.Matthew 24:6-76You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen,! but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and ki! ngdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.many still refuse to believe, but make no mistake the end of the world is coming. note that i say the end of the world and not the earth, Jesus is coming back to us in the clouds. many of the signs are all around us, many of the prophecies have been fulfilled. sill so many refuse to believe and refuse to see the truth in God's book. so many refuse to see that there is a loving God above who would not let us die for betraying him but instead took that punishment on his son Jesus. there is still time to repent and you will be justified by the blood of Jesus and by his suffering. you must repent of your sins, ask for forgiveness and then try to live your life in accordance with God's word, there may not be much time left for each of us...Show more
Rheba Cockman: Jefferson's Bible does a fair job. He basically nitpicks the New Testament to try and get rid of the silly supernatural stuff he thou! ght did the moral teachings a disservice.
Delora Struzzi: This whole screwed War and economy I lay at the feet of you Pro Life single issue voting morons! You salute anyone that says they are pro life - even when they are responsible for policies that kill thousands of BORN people. you would vote for someone that wants to attack the MOON if they merely said they were pro life.Not once did this Republican Congress try to eliminate abortion or overturn Roe vs Wade. They had the big trifecta - court, congress, and president. You've been sold - know it. You are the republican cash cow....Show more
Ronnie Barcus: The world seemed a lot more stable before we saw the world on a global scale. Now it seems everything is going to **** but it's just the same as before.
Aubrey Tirri: The world is always coming to an end for Christians; it's a religious marketing tactic. (Think infomercials, "This offer is only good for the next ten minutes, so call NOW!) No, the worl! d isn't coming to an end.
Luis Mellon: I watched the debate too. ! And in no way did McCain mock or belittle anything regarding women's health. No wonder Democrats are so mixed up about the issues!Doesn't this question belong on the political board?D1...Show more
Cornelius Thornborrow: The all is relative bible.
Jamika Gregorio: Well sorry ...I do actually no someone that has used abortion as "birth control" 2 abortions because the girl was really irresponsible.I promise people like that are out there.They just don't make it "well known".Anyway speaking of women's health I Do Not Speak for McCain but,I will also tell you the same girl was warned about the abortions she was having leading to health problems down the road.Not My life Her choice....Show more
Joesph Smithmyer: If you mean to know something decent about prophecies, visit these sites...http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/disâ¦http://www.pre-trib.org/articlesBUT... I can already tell you something you'll find in those sites... these are not [necessarily] sig! ns of the end. These are just God's callings to humanity that men repent from their increasing evil doings. The rapture is the event the start the beginning of the end and since no sign was given about the rapture, it's an any moment event. Therefore, you must be ready for it every second. Visit the sites and you'll be largely clarified.
Tommy Durrenberger: The Constitution of the United States of America and all its subsequent Amendments. Loaded with morality without the figment of imagination called the Christian God.
Gwenda Micheals: First let me say I dislike McCain and I distrust Obama, because he has already been proven to be a liar, but then, he IS a politician...It might surprise you to know that most women who get an abortion get another abortion.The phrase "the health of the mother" has never been defined, and no one has the guts to define it.While some abortions might be necessary, according to statistics, less than 2% of them are being performed to s! ave a mother's life or because of rape and incest. That means that abo! ut 98 % of them are done for convenience of the mother. Not for her health. Women DO have the right to make choices about their health and their reproductive processes -- I have to wonder, though, why so damn many of them aren't choosing wisely to use birth control when it is available and cheap? Even free, when needed?You are being intellectually dishonest, or perhaps you just don't know the facts. I suggest you learn them -- the number of abortions being performed is staggering, there is a high percentage of repeat abortions, and the number of abortions done for convenience far outweigh those done for health reasons or because of rape....Show more
Shaunta Paap: many use it as contraception, don't act so naive."obama said he agrees with the ban as long as it had an "exception for the health of the mother"." and obama is lying through his teeth right there! he said, he has two daughters and if they make "mistakes", he's not going to punish them with a baby. what d! oes that imply?...Show more
Adelle Weight: well there is the buddhist bible, buddhists are non-theistic and they have all the same morality as the bible. . they may say God in it, but it is not reffering to the same concept of God as in the Christian sense. .i think the buddhist bible is just a collection of the buddhas teachings. . .i don't know what your talking about exactly but it sounds pretty interesting fo' sho'
Moira Woodrow: "and since when do old white guys in government get to decide women's reproductive issues?"It seems that the answer to that lies in the 'respect' we give our rulers in this patriarchal society.IF men could become pregnant abortion would NOT be an issue.~...Show more
Foster Koopmann: We are suppose to be a civilized society, yet I can not understand why anyone would kill an unborn baby in the mother's womb and even fight so they can do so. They would never consider doing this to a whale or another animal, why human beings.If th! e argument is for the purpose or rape or incest, then why don't they ma! ke a law for that only and not kill all the other babies along with them. The real reason is that abortion is one sin covering another sin....Show more
Inell Riesgo: i'll repeat..i've never met anyone who thinks abortion is a contraceptioninstead of reducing the instances of unwanted pregnancies, should government make a law forcing woman to carry a fetus to term?
Tyrone Disanti: conservatives in R&S have accused pro-choice people of "using abortion as a contraceptive" ...but WHO DOES THAT?... no one, that ive ever metApparently you are lucky. There are women out there who do use abortion as birth control, or used to until the morning after pill became so accessible. As for being upset with McCain for not liking the health of the mother part, while I don't agree that thisexpception is wrong, I can see how he could. If you are old enough to get pregnant you are old enough for ALL the consequences, including harm to your own body caused by the pregnancy....Show! more
Clemmie Burkleo: Uh, why should the mother get an exception but the innocent baby doesn't. Mccain was right. Any abortion is murder and then to say, wait, what about the mother, as if she wasn't just part of murdering her own child, should really matter. And yes, it should be a law. Why should it be about pro choice when it's really pro murder?
Rena Pepe: McCain avoided the question, and pointed fingers at Obama, as usual
Hugo Pittari: Î´Î¿á¿¦Î»Î¿Ï Î§ÏιÏÏοῦ ἸηÏοῦ. your answer is just lame
Galen Gowers: I met someone who admitted to three. I'd say she was using it as contraception.If you aren't pro-abortion I take it that means that deep down you KNOW something is wrong with it.
Robin Tommie: Try "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.I must admit that I've not heard about the book you're looking for, but I would be interested in the answer.
Kim Gerbino: Bad things, like good things, tend to come in bunches. That's j! ust the way probabilities work. Think about it in your own family--in ! your extended family, is there a birth, marriage, or death once a year, or do you tend to have a bunch of them now, a bunch more a few years later, etc., with none in between?The world isn't ending--while big earthquakes are a big deal for us (because we like to build our cities on fault lines for some reason), they're insignificant events as far as the planet itself is concerned. And think about it, you wouldn't be affected by them at all if you didn't have access to modern news channels.
Hyman Coren: Devoted1: fundamentalists made abortion a religious issue.. not me
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