Tuesday, 25 August 2020

im sacred on starting my new summer job?

Ardath Templer: You're 'sacred'? Shouldn't you be joining a convent or something?

Ronny Nowzari: By custodian I take it to mean like a sort of caretaker role ...looking after gardens & maintenance type jobs! Nothing to be " sacred " about , maybe scared though ...it's going to be hard work ! lol

Sammy Kar: Like this is the Australian travel section. Like can you please move your question to another section.We don't have summer jobs in Australia. We have all year round jobs here.

Alisa Kaleiwahea: Considering summer is still 5 months away I assume you are meant to be asking this in the US section or employment section.The custodian is a fancy name for janitor or caretaker or even cleaner, a vital role at any school considering how grotty kids can be hehe, not to mention they are the one who keeps the playground and sports equipment running and the gardens pretty.Anyway it's natural and ok to be scared of starting a new job. I'm 37 and still get a little! anxious when starting a new job or new duties with my current employer. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you are unsure, most employers prefer you ask then to stumble around and stuff up. Don't be scared if you make a mistake, admit to it and learn how not to make it again. They are not going to boot you if you put rubbish in the wrong bin for example.Good luck with your new job....Show more

Jayson Brod: go on your interior sight employment organization, or the mall. The mall has all sorts of stuff for scholars. pretty places like Abercrombie, American Eagle, bathtub & body Works, Spencers, everywhere really a lot. those are reliable places to commence. also once you've like a putt putt golfing position, a waterslide or someplace like that's reliable. in case you decide on alot of hours visit an employment organization, the mall jobs will supply like 10-20 and occasional pay. waiting tables is reliable too for better funds. visit places like Logans Roadhouse, O! 'charleys, Texas Roadhouse. Oh yeah and previous military and ! the hollow are authentic reliable places too. reliable success ;)...Show more

Comment traiter l’arthrite septique chez les chats

Comment traiter l’arthrite septique chez les chats

p>Les chats âgés ralentissent parfois avec l’âge, et c’est normal. Mais parfois, ce ralentissement est causé par l’arthrite â€" une inflammation dans leurs articulations. L’arthrite septique est causée par des bactéries vivant dans ces articulations et ne peut être traitée de la même façon que l’arthrite normale. Reconnaître les symptômes de l’arthrite septique et donner à votre chat les soins appropriés peut aider à soulager ses symptômes et à le rendre plus confortable.

Rechercher une diminution de l’amplitude des mouvements. Comme l’arthrite septique cause un gonflement des articulations, elle peut empêcher votre chat de bouger correctement. Si vous remarquez que votre chat semble boiter lorsqu’il marche, il peut souffrir d’arthrite septique. Boiter est un signe que votre chat ne peut pas étendre ses pattes aussi loin q! ue d’habitude.

Limitez l’activité de votre chat. Pendant que votre chat guérit, il est important qu’il ne bouge pas plus qu’il n’en a besoin. Placez sa nourriture, son eau et sa litière près de l’endroit où il se repose. Vous devriez également empêcher votre chat de courir et de jouer autant que possible.

Demandez des radios. La durée pendant laquelle votre chat souffre d’arthrite septique peut avoir une incidence sur les dommages supplémentaires qu’il a subis. Une radiographie vous montrera à vous et à votre vétérinaire s’il y a un changement permanent dans la structure articulaire causé par l’inflammation.

Extraire le liquide articulaire de l’articulation infectée. Pour déterminer l’étendue de l’infection bactérienne, votre vétérinaire extraira du liquide articulaire pour effectuer une culture bactérienne. Cela indiquera à votre vétérinaire la meilleure façon de traiter l’arthrite septique de votre cha! t.

Alternez les packs froid et chaud à la maison. Une f! ois que votre chat est à la maison après l’opération, l’alternance de compresses chaudes et froides sur les articulations de votre chat peut lui apporter un certain soulagement. Placez un paquet de chaleur sur les joints affectés pendant 10 minutes. Remplacez-la par une poche froide et laissez-la allumée pendant le même temps. Vous pouvez le faire jusqu’à deux ou trois fois par jour.

Recherchez une boiterie dans le membre affecté. Si l’arthrite septique est suffisamment avancée, votre chat pourrait ne pas être capable de bouger les membres affectés. Ils favoriseront les autres membres qui ne sont pas affectés, en traînant ceux qui le sont.

Admettez votre chat à l’hôpital pour animaux. Pour le traitement, votre chat devra être admis dans le cabinet de votre vétérinaire ou dans un hôpital pour animaux. Le traitement nécessite souvent une intervention chirurgicale â€" bien qu’il soit parfois peu invasif â€" et votre chat aura besoin ! d’un sédatif. Le vétérinaire de votre chat voudra probablement aussi examiner votre chat pour évaluer son état de santé général et vérifier s’il souffre d’autres affections qui pourraient compromettre son système immunitaire. Un système immunitaire faible peut prédisposer votre chat à une infection, comme l’arthrite septique.

Faites attention au niveau d’activité de votre chat. Si l’arthrite septique est suffisamment avancée, votre chat ne voudra peut-être pas bouger du tout. Si vous remarquez que votre chat est léthargique et qu’il ne veut pas bouger beaucoup, il peut souffrir d’arthrite septique. La léthargie est aussi un symptôme d’autres problèmes graves, alors si vous le remarquez, vous devriez immédiatement emmener votre chat chez le vétérinaire.

Faites attention à l’appétit de votre chat. Si votre chat souffre suffisamment, il risque de perdre l’appétit. Si votre chat ne mange pas autant qu’à l’habitude! , cela peut être un signe d’arthrite septique. Cependant, le manque ! d’appétit est un symptôme grave quelle qu’en soit la cause, donc si vous le remarquez chez votre chat, vous devriez l’amener immédiatement chez le vétérinaire.

Administrer des antibiotiques pendant 4 à 8 semaines. Le type d’antibiotique que vous donnez à votre chat dépend des résultats de la culture bactérienne que prend votre vétérinaire. Toute autre condition, maladie ou médicament aura également une incidence sur le type d’antibiotique prescrit par votre vétérinaire. Vous devriez les donner à votre chat pendant quatre à huit semaines, même après la disparition de ses symptômes.

Vérifiez les articulations de votre chat. Les articulations touchées par l’arthrite septique présenteront des symptômes. Ils peuvent être chauds ou enflés. Lorsque vous touchez l’une des articulations de votre chat, il peut gémir ou siffler, car l’arthrite septique peut aussi y causer de la douleur.

Rincer le joint. Pour éliminer toute! s les bactéries de l’articulation affectée, votre vétérinaire peut laver ou laver l’articulation. Votre vétérinaire devra alors anesthésier votre chat, ouvrir sa peau près de l’articulation et utiliser une lunette de visée pour nettoyer l’articulation.

Monday, 24 August 2020

Madison square garden sellout?

Amada Greising: That gayass screamo band?I'll smash one of those f*ggots in the face with a Guitar.Why is this in RHH anyways?

Verena Koop: I've never heard of them. Usually an act has to be pretty popular to even get booked at Madison Square Garden, let alone sell it out.

Thomas Riner: I haven't even heard of them so good luck with that.

Andra Oger: i have never heard of them ?! Are you sure they are hip-hop, cause this is in the RHH Section.

Iris Shawcroft: no you got the name wrong i think you meant pharcyde.

Sena Highman: I'm with the other people... never heard of them. So no, I'd say it's pretty well impossible for them to sell out Madison Square Garden.

Cómo tratar una quemadura solar grave

Cómo tratar una quemadura solar grave

Mantenga su quemadura limpia e hidratada. Trate de evitar las lociones fuertes con perfumes, ya que esto podría causar más irritación.

Tome un analgésico de venta libre según sea necesario. Siga todas las instrucciones del fabricante sobre la dosis.

Lave bien el área quemada. Use jabón suave y agua tibia/fría.

Aplique gel de aloe vera en el área afectada. El gel de aloe vera o los humectantes a base de soja son la mejor opción ya que enfriarán la quemadura. Estudios preliminares han demostrado que el aloe vera ayuda a que las quemaduras sanen más rápido. En una revisión de la literatura científica disponible, los pacientes tratados con aloe vera se curaron casi nueve días antes (en promedio) que aquellos que no tenían aloe vera.

Cuidado con las insolaciones. La insolación ocurre cuando el cuerpo no logra regular su p! ropia temperatura y la temperatura corporal continúa aumentando. Debido a que la exposición al sol puede llevar tanto a quemaduras solares extremas como a insolación, muchas personas que experimentan quemaduras solares extremas también corren el riesgo de sufrir una insolación. Los principales signos de insolación son:

Consulte a su médico si sus ampollas de quemadura. Si su quemadura es muy severa, usted puede encontrar ampollas y filtración de pus de las ampollas. Es importante mantener el área limpia lavándola con agua corriente y jabón suave. La formación de ampollas en la piel significa que usted tiene una quemadura de segundo grado y la infección se convierte en una preocupación. Es importante consultar a un médico si su quemadura tiene ampollas y fugas de pus. El médico puede optar por recetar antibióticos y puede hacer estallar ampollas si es necesario.

Ten paciencia. Las quemaduras solares se curarán por sí solas. La mayoría de las q! uemaduras solares se curan por sí solas en unos pocos días o! semanas.. Usted puede esperar un marco de tiempo más largo si tiene una quemadura de segundo grado con ampollas que está más cerca del tiempo de curación de 3 semanas. El tratamiento adecuado con atención médica para las quemaduras por ampollas de segundo grado resultará en el tiempo de recuperación más rápido. Las quemaduras solares por lo general pueden sanar completamente con poca o mínima evidencia de cicatrización (si es que hay alguna).

Use vinagre para quitar el dolor. El ácido acético en el vinagre alivia el dolor, la picazón y la inflamación. Vierta una taza de vinagre de sidra blanca en agua tibia y remoje. Alternativamente, aplique un bastoncillo de algodón empapado en vinagre en las partes más dolorosas de su quemadura solar. Dab, no te limpies. No querrás añadir ningún tipo de fricción al exterior de la quemadura.

Consulte a un médico si cree que tiene intoxicación solar. El envenenamiento solar es un término utilizado para! describir quemaduras solares severas y reacciones a los rayos UV (fotodermatitis). Si su piel desarrolla ampollas, si la quemadura es muy dolorosa, o si está acompañada de fiebre y sed extrema o fatiga, busque atención médica inmediatamente. Estos pueden ser signos de una afección médica más grave. Puede haber una sensibilidad genética que cause esto. Además, las causas metabólicas pueden ser el resultado de la falta de niacina o vitamina B3. Los síntomas típicos y el tratamiento se describen en este artículo, pero los síntomas más graves que requieren atención médica incluyen:

Aplica un poco de hamamelis a tu quemadura de sol. Humedezca una toallita o gasa de algodón con este astringente antiinflamatorio y aplíquelo en la piel tres o cuatro veces al día durante 20 minutos para minimizar el dolor y la picazón.

Aplique una compresa fría. Si no tiene una compresa preparada, sumerja una toalla en agua helada y aplíquela en el área quemada p! or el sol.

Evite el sol mientras su piel está sanando. Una mayor ! exposición al sol puede causar daños adicionales, que pueden requerir atención médica. Su piel necesita protección, así que asegúrese de mantenerla cubierta cuando esté expuesta al sol o a cualquier otra radiación UV excesiva.

Tenga cuidado con el cáncer de piel. Las dos formas más comunes de cáncer de piel â€" carcinoma de células basales y carcinoma de células escamosas â€" están directamente relacionadas con la exposición al sol. Estos cánceres se forman principalmente en la cara, las orejas y las manos. El riesgo de una persona de padecer melanoma -la forma más grave de cáncer de piel- se duplica si ha tenido cinco o más quemaduras solares. Más importante aún, si usted tiene una quemadura solar severa, tiene mayor riesgo de padecer melanoma.

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Comment modifier les propriétés de police du texte dans un fichier PDF

Comment modifier les propriétés de police du texte dans un fichier PDF

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Saturday, 22 August 2020

Can I hook up a 12 volt fan to a 12 volt landscape transformer?

Curt Broadhead: Almost. A 12 Volt fan typically runs off 12 volts DC. Landscape lighting transformers put out AC. The quickest solution would be to get a small modular 12 VDC supply, as it would be very simple to wire up via the thermostat. While most thermostats are not designed to switch a lot of current, even at 12 volts, if the fan only uses 100 or 200 milliamps (0.100 to 0.200 amps), it should work fine. Much more than that and the contacts could "weld" as a result of arcing when they close. However, if you're handy with a soldering iron, and you really want to use that transformer, you could get a diode (half-wave rectification) or a bridge rectifier (four diodes arranged in a full-wave rectification configuration) and connect that such that it converts the AC to DC. It should work fine to run a DC fan, as they usually are tolerant of unfiltered and unregulated DC....Show more

Raven Purl: This seems reasonable as the fan and the lights will not be runn! ing at the same time , make sure you do not exceed the transformer rating

Foster Padgette: I don't know of an application for 12VAC to 1000VAC transformers, but if the power level is small, you could get 1000 volts from 12VAC by using a 120VAC-to-10,000VAC transformer from an oil burner. There are also transformers from old tube radios that have multiple secondaries, but finding the perfect one might be tough. It's common, for example, for a tube radio transformer to have a 120V primary and 6.3 volt filament winding, and 700+ volt HV winding. There is probably one out there with just the ratio you need, and some significant power handling capability....Show more

Comment faire des cheveux comme Jareth de Labyrinthe

Comment faire des cheveux comme Jareth de Labyrinthe

p>Jareth est un personnage populaire joué par David Bowie dans le film i>Labyrinth./i> Ses cheveux blonds et sauvages sont iconiques et reconnaissables. Bien que ses cheveux restent les mêmes pour la plus grande partie du film, ils gagnent quelques reflets bleus pendant la scène mémorable de la salle de bal. Tandis que vous pouvez toujours employer une perruque blonde et pointue, il y a quelques choses que vous pouvez faire à elle pour la rendre sembler encore meilleure. Si vous êtes plus audacieux, vous pouvez utiliser vos propres cheveux à la place.

Décidez si vous voulez ou non teindre ou décolorer vos cheveux. Jareth a les cheveux blonds, donc si vous voulez avoir des cheveux exactement comme les siens, vous devrez les décolorer blonds. Si vous commencez avec les cheveux foncés, vous devrez peut-être les lav! er avec un shampooing tonifiant violet pour enlever les teintes de laiton et d’orange.

Insérez des extensions si vous avez les cheveux courts. Séparez vos cheveux horizontalement au niveau de l’oreille moyenne avec la poignée d’un peigne à queue de rat. Coupez les cheveux, puis insérez l’une des trames les plus longues. Déposer une autre couche de cheveux, et répéter le processus environ deux fois de plus. S’assurer que la couche finale est soit à hauteur des yeux, soit en dessous.

Achetez une perruque blonde à pointes de mulet. Ces perruques sont étiquetées « Punky », « Rocket » ou « Spikey Rock Star ». Ils ont de longues mèches pointues sur le dessus et de longs cheveux raides et raides sur le dessous. Vous pouvez les trouver dans les boutiques en ligne qui vendent des perruques traiteur à cosplay. Certains magasins de perruques physiques peuvent aussi les offrir.

Coiffez les pointes avec de la laque. Si vous reg! ardez les photos de Jareth, vous remarquerez que ses pointes d! e cheveux sont plus définies et non pas aussi touffues. Vaporisez les pointes avec de la laque, puis utilisez votre doigt pour rassembler quelques mèches. Passez vos doigts vers les extrémités pour les pincer afin d’obtenir une pointe plus définie. Faites ceci pour tous les cheveux courts et taquinés.

Appliquez de l’ombre à paupières foncée sur les racines. Ceci donnera à la perruque un peu plus de profondeur et de dimension. L’ombre à paupières brun foncé fonctionnera le mieux, mais vous pouvez utiliser du noir si vous y allez légèrement. Prenez de l’ombre à paupières à l’aide d’un pinceau à paupières, puis tapotez-la dans les racines. Continuez jusqu’à ce que vous ayez assombri toutes les racines taquinées sur la perruque.

Prenez une pincée de cheveux et taquinez-la. Pincez une section de cheveux du haut de votre tête. Tenez-le vers le haut, puis passez-le plusieurs fois avec un peigne à dents fines, de la pointe à la ra! cine. Alternativement, vous pouvez couper la partie supérieure de vos cheveux hors de la manière, et commencer avec un morceau à environ niveau de sourcil.

Fixez votre coiffure à l’aide d’un fixatif à tenue forte. Une fois que vous êtes satisfait de votre look, vaporisez-le sur toute la chevelure avec un fixatif. Concentrez-vous sur les racines de vos pointes plutôt que sur les pointes. Cela leur permettra de se soulever et de se maintenir sans les alourdir.

Retouchez vos cheveux, en les lissant et en les modelant au besoin. Utilisez vos doigts pour manipuler les pointes taquinées jusqu’à ce qu’elles pendent autour de votre tête et sur votre front. Si nécessaire, pressez les pointes entre un fer plat pour les rendre bien lisses.

Ajoutez quelques reflets bleus si vous faites la version salle de bal. Choisissez une ombre à paupières bleu vif, puis frottez-la avec les doigts sur quelques mèches de cheveux au hasard. Vaporisez les cheveux! avec la laque, laissez-les sécher, puis pressez-les avec un fer plat.!

Commencez par la bonne coupe de cheveux. Il y a deux coupes de départ pour cela : longue et courte. Si vous avez les cheveux longs, vous avez besoin d’avoir des couches plus courtes sur le dessus qui sont entre le sourcil et la longueur de la mâchoire. Si vous avez les cheveux courts, il doit être à peu près de la longueur de la mâchoire avec quelques couches en haut.

Ajoutez des mèches bleues si vous faites le costume de salle de bal. Un stylo de peinture bleu fonctionnera le mieux, car l’encre est opaque, ce qui signifie qu’elle ne rendra pas votre perruque verte. Tapotez le stylo sur un plateau en plastique jusqu’à ce que vous ayez une flaque d’eau, puis peignez-le sur des mèches au hasard avec un pinceau.

Tease le reste de vos cheveux entre le haut et le niveau des sourcils. Continuez à travailler en rangées jusqu’à ce que tous vos cheveux entre le haut de votre tête et vos sourcils soient taquinés. Assurez-vous que vous obte! nez les cheveux à l’arrière de votre tête aussi bien.

Peigner la perruque, si nécessaire. Utilisez une brosse à perruque ou un peigne à dents larges pour démêler les longs brins sur le bas de la perruque. Si les pointes sur le dessus sont aplaties, faites-les gonfler avec vos doigts.

Placez la perruque sur une tête de perruque en polystyrène expansé, puis fixez-la avec des épingles droites. Ce serait une bonne idée de monter la tête de perruque sur un support de perruque ainsi. Si vous n’en trouvez pas, remplissez un seau de sable ou de pierres, mettez-y un gros goujon, puis placez la tête de perruque sur le dessus. Vous pouvez même utiliser un manche à balai dans un support d’arbre de Noël !

Appliquez un produit volumisant sur les couches supérieures de vos cheveux. C’est tout ce qui est au niveau des sourcils et plus haut. Vous pouvez utiliser un spray volumisant, une mousse ou une poudre. Pour plus de volume, vous pouvez même! soulever ces couches vers le haut et les vaporiser avec de la laque.

Redressez vos cheveux s’ils sont bouclés ou ondulés. Appliquez d’abord un protecteur thermique sur vos cheveux, puis lissez-les par couches, en commençant par le bas et en remontant vers le haut. Utilisez un petit pain ou des pinces à cheveux pour garder les cheveux non lissés à l’écart.

Fixez le style avec un fixatif. Concentrez la laque sur les racines de la perruque, afin de ne pas alourdir les pointes ou agglomérer les parties longues.

Friday, 21 August 2020

cost of proffessional landscaping?

Cassey Hollinghurst: You get what you pay for. But keep in mind the most expensive isn't always the best. Go with the company that gives you peace of mind. Try to steer clear of the fly by night landscapers.

Jess Grizzel: You get what you pay for. That is all that really needs to be said. If you are short on cash break up the project and do a part every year. I can't really give you a number because I am not sure how many, what type, or size of the plants being used. How much edging is being used. Is it going to by rock or mulch. These small factors can have a huge imapact on the price of a job.

Connie Dickirson: I paid 2,000 for just the front and one side of my house and they did a really bad job. The plants were fine. What they did is bring in bags and bags of dirt. Dug up the what was there and plowed it with a tiller. Spread the dirt planted the plants and put pine bark on top. They didn't put down any garden cloth and because of bringing in s! o much dirt it lays against the house which can cause problems. It would of took us some time to do it right, like take away some of the bad dirt first and then put down weed cloth. Also I had them put in soaker hose but they didn't bury it deep enough you can see it. The first rain that came washed out a bunch of the dirt across the front of the house. So I have been pretty disappointed with it. We will have to do a lot of fixing to get it right. If I had to do it over again I would have them remove the bad dirt first and put in the good and put the edging. Then do all the rest myself....Show more

Seema Hosfeld: I think the national average for landscaping on new construction is 10-15% of the homes value. So if you buy a $250,000 house you're looking at a good chunk of change. Too many people try to cut corners and do the job themselves without a plan and end up with an expensive mess. If you're not blessed with a green thumb or design savvy, I would consult w! ith your landscape architect and devise a 5yr plan to save mon! ey and give maximum curb appeal. If you do some of the labor and shop for bargains at nurseries you can save a bundle and still get the look of a pro. RScott...Show more

Cómo unirse a las Fuerzas Especiales del Ejército de los Estados Unidos

Cómo unirse a las Fuerzas Especiales del Ejército de los Estados Unidos

Unirse al ejército. Desempeñarse bien y no meterse en problemas, ya que las acciones adversas en su expediente pueden excluirlo de la consideración. Usted debe ser ciudadano de los Estados Unidos.

Entienda que usted debe ser capaz de pasar la Prueba de Aptitud Física del Ejército (APFT) estándar, así como también ser capaz de pasar un examen físico muy completo. Asegúrate de que estás en la mejor condición física, o simplemente te quedarás sin entrenamiento. Usted también debe ser capaz de calificar para una Autorización Secreta Provisional.

Asegúrese de tener un puntaje de GT (técnico general) de 110 o más en el ASVAB y ser un Especialista o superior, estar calificado en el aire o estar de acuerdo en ofrecerse como voluntario para el entrenamiento ! aerotransportado.

Esté preparado para aprobar la Batería de Aptitud para el Idioma de Defensa o la Prueba de Aptitud para el Idioma de Defensa. Tome algunos cursos de idiomas en la escuela secundaria o en la universidad. Habla con un reclutador de las Fuerzas Especiales o alístate con un contrato de las Fuerzas Especiales.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Where can I buy castor bean seeds in Australia?

Ramon Dahlheimer: 1. Choose a supplier of castor seeds. Suppliers can be found on the Internet at sites such as Amazon, Local Harvest, and SeedRack. Several varieties may be advertise; make sure the seeds you order are Ricinus communis.2. Choose a seed quantity. Castor plants can take up significant vertical as well as horizontal space. Plan for a 12-foot-high shrub, six feet in diameter. Ten seeds, or 12 grams, should cost you about $4. Bulk orders can be filled by foreign suppliers, although import of castor seeds is prohibited in Australia.3. Order the seeds using the website's order form and fill in your address. Choose method of delivery, and wait for the shipment.Tips & Warnings:Castor seeds and leaves are highly poisonous! Ricin, the poison present castor plants, is more deadly to humans than arsenic. Just four beans can cause death. Do not consume castor beans and keep them out of the reach of animals and children.Want to know how to protect plants - http://www.ro! sebudmag.com/growers/diy-garden-cloth......Show more

Joan Stavropoulos: Castor plants are from tropical country. people get oil from caster, that is Castor oil. This is mostly used for those who do not have a regular constipation. You need to ask why do you need it.

Lavelle Viveiros: This Site Might Help You.RE:Where can I buy castor bean seeds in Australia?Before moving to Australia I had a castor bean tree which grows easily and has a unique look with its huge leaves. I would like to have this again but I can not find the seeds to plant. Does anyone know where I can buy these. I live in Sydney so somewhere close would be preferred....Show more

Alane Antes: Castor Beans

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

green remodeling?????????????

Thomas Riner: The fact about green house is people need an additional room to their house. Because a green room refers to conservatory and we can use conservatory as living room, game room, gym etc.. So, this is the biggest reason for green remodeling.

Sherrill Botting: You are exactly correct. You need to watch the story of stuff it examines consumption from extraction to disposal. The best thing we can do to help the planet is to buy less stuff.

Kaylee Schmittou: You are absolutely right, I totally agree with everything you said. My husband has replaced all of our light bulbs with the energy efficient ones and our electricity bill has been cut in half! However, usually in summer it is lower because the days are longer. We will have to compare the winter.I believe the saying is: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

How to decorate my aunt's cake?

Nicolasa Henke: First off 58 is not old and unless you plan on putting Dora the Explorer on the cake, I am sure you Aunt will appreciate a colorful cake or what ever cake you decide on.A picture is worth a thousand words. This is a link to a website that shows you decorated cakes and the methods and recipes used to decorate the cakes.http://www.bakedecoratecelebrate.com/projects.cfm?...Here is a link to a Youtube video for decorating a sheet cake, you will find more cake decorating videos on Youtube.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMulQjntzCs

Dalia Causby: Make litte red and yellow piping flowers around as a border. Spell her name out with the icing. Make big icing flowers in the corners.

Monday, 17 August 2020

Survey: What is your best laundry tip or secret ?

Damaris Weiler: i bought some degreaser and it completely gets the oil stains out of clothes. (and car mats) it's sold at walmart in the auto section and the one i get is called purple power. i just put some right where the oil stain is and poof...gone

Tracy Huesso:

Forest Duttinger: I just put a scoop of oxy clean in everyload and it takes the stains out. My son spilled a bowl of spagetti sauce on a new burber carpet. You know how hard it is to get out of everything. Nothing was working. I made a small batch of oxy clean and hot water, poured it over the entire stain and the next morning it was completely gone. Oxy clean is magical.

Dan Seen: Haha- I have the same problem! I just store them in an old cubby hole sometimes or buy some new clothes when I have the time. But if they're really bothering you just hanging there empty, take stuff from your dresser drawers and hang those up too. By the way, I only have seventeen empty hangers now- I got ! rid of the ugly ones and colour code by clothing styles (long sleeve, short sleeve, etc) Hooray for OCD!!! XD

Donovan Stallons: I take them in the shower with me. The advantage is that I don't have to try to keep from splashing water.

Dalia Causby: Use full strength AWESOME to get grease out of clothing. It cost $1.00 a bottle at Dollar General.It works fabulously!!!

Giovanna Sherlin: do not put the whites in the colors or you well make the whites pink.

Jannie Ariola: you can do that or you can put some baking soda in it

Lashawnda Anteby: Vacuum suede with a mushy brush attachment or use a mushy outfits brush. Use in effortless words made-for-suede leather cleaners. Freshen and fix with suede brushes and soapstones (the typed used on suede shoes). eliminate small spots with artwork gum erasers.

Coleman Coscia: I would choose the Laundromat option.Take into account the cost of the dryer then the cost of running it.I think you would be muc! h better off financially to dry your clothes at the Laundromat! . Of course it might not be quite so convenient but it certainly would be cheaper.

Bruce Calise: Try a suede brush, you can buy at a shoe repair store or Wal Mart.

Matt Gerdeman: Get someone else to deal with it.

Ty Kirton: Wash before drying!

Damaris Weiler: Baking soda and hot water.

Clemente Schoeck: I don't have any♥ Wash-n-wear is what i'm about♥

Clifford Gombos: my best tip i learned from my grandmother is instead of putting fabric softner in the cup thing in the middle of the machine fill the machine like a third of the way with water and put the fabric fotner and soap in the water before putting the clothes in. :) works great to keep them spot free and smelling and looking clean -jazziejazz...Show more

Dewey Heersink: watch out how you use bleach...it can ruin the color stuff.

Jannette Kotz: I wash everything together in cold water on the normal cycle -- it all comes out good. I really only wear work clothes all ! the time, and using warm or hot water, as well as separating colors (I only buy color fast items), from whites is just a waste of time and money. If I have any "going out" or nice clothes, I wash them separately -- but that is rare. The one semi-formal suit, and one tuxedo I own are dry-cleaned.

Jacques Vaquera: idk..

Douglass Sarley: Don't use fabric softener sheets with nice towels and linens, it can cause areas of discoloration.

Marion Wieboldt: paying someone to do them for you, and when there done, say i got you dont worry bout it

Jestine Osumi: Don t use fabric softener, use a squirt of dishwasher rinse aid and a capful of cheap disinfectant in the softener compartment instead. The laundry will be softer and easier to iron because there is less detergent residue in the fibres. My cotton bedding stays looking good all week now, doesn t crease as much as before and feels thicker. The towels are great too. The machine never smells bad because t! he disinfectant keeps bacteria in check. Your laundry won t smell of di! sinfectant....Show more

Elli Esaw: bleach

Mitchel Demry: i have a few pairs of soiled hose and the box said you could wash them in a mesh bag in the washer but does anyone else know any easier tricks?

Cole Desher: Not wearing clothes.

Stephnie Patout: clean your washing machine once a month

Leisa Brodnex: Read the laundry details on the tag of your shirt or pants---CAREFULLY. Just detergenated a 70 dollar pair of pants when it can only be dry-cleaned. Now I have white spots wherever detergent touched.

Jefferson Sarson: Just wash them out in the bathroom sink as you take them off. Hang in shower, they are dry by morning and you never get a pile.

Bethanie Menden: Here's a thought. Figure out how much it costs to dry a load of laundry at the laundromat. Multiply that by the number of loads /week. Find out how much a dryer is. Divide that cost by the amount it costs to dry your clothes each week so you then know how many weeks/loads! it would take before you were losing money by using the laundromat. Then you can decide for yourself which way to go.

Dee Depung: When I have a stain, I put a combo of Dawn dish soap, Tide, and Shout all on the stain, and then I soak it in cold water and scrub with a toothbrush. Usually I can get the stains out.

Nelly Kikuchi: Mine is don't let my wife do the laundry. She always leaves stuff in the pockets and mixing light colored clothes with the dark and she uses fabric softener on the towels which makes the soft but less absorbent so they don't really work very well.

Bud Espenshade: Don't soil them to begin with!

Ollie Hamiel: I have a suede couch and four dogs....which ended up being probably the worst decision ever looking back. My suede couch has water stains everywhere from the dogs obsessively licking their paws, is my couch ruined? How do I get these stains out?

Chauncey Williama: I would purchase a dryer. Factor in the hassle, time! , gas, bad weather, and dealing with a public laundry... I think the ha! ppiness and convenience is worth it.

Mark Hovanes: i use baby powder on grease stains...

Arnoldo Budzynski: Dont wear underwear, it cuts down on the size of laundry loads, and if you are a clean person, underwear is irelevant anyways.

Nicolas Cooley: using dishwasher detergent on tough stains with arm and hammer + vinegar

Comment trouver le pourcentage d’augmentation

Comment trouver le pourcentage d’augmentation

p>Déterminer dans quelle mesure quelque chose a augmenté ou diminué vous permet de créer une statistique utile pour des articles scientifiques, des articles ou des réunions d’affaires. Vous devrez recueillir vos données et les insérer dans une formule pour calculer le pourcentage d’augmentation au cours d’une période de temps donnée. Utilisez la formule suivante pour trouver le pourcentage d’augmentation.

Inscrivez le plus grand nombre ou le nombre qui a augmenté. Soustrayez le nombre original du nombre augmenté.

Trouvez une calculatrice. Une simple calculatrice sur un téléphone ou un ordinateur suffit également.

Prenez votre réponse en décimales.

Multipliez le nombre décimal par 100. C’est ainsi que vous convertissez une décimale en pourcentage. Ce pourcentage est votre pourcentage d’augmentation.

Rassemblez le! s chiffres que vous allez utiliser, afin de pouvoir les intégrer à votre formule de calcul du pourcentage d’augmentation. Pour ce faire, il faudra deux chiffres qui indiquent la même statistique ou le même sujet, habituellement recueillis à deux dates différentes.

Asseyez-vous avec un stylo, du papier et une calculatrice pour écrire votre formule et la résoudre.

Divisez votre augmentation réelle par le montant initial. Vous pouvez utiliser votre calculatrice pour obtenir un chiffre exact.

Sunday, 16 August 2020

how do you do laundry?? help me?

Otto Lingafelt: sort color out

Saran Stealy: Separate your dark from lights and from those two piles, within them, seperate your delicates...underwear and socks and tshirts and those things. Seperate your jeans also and wash those alone.

Myron Leftwich: If you are new to doing laundry, get a detergent that comes in liquid form with color-safe bleach or bleach alternative; it will not clump and you can use it on your darks and whites. If you have stains, use a gel stain remover with a brush-like applicator, like SHOUT, on the stains and let it sit for a few minutes before putting the garment in the washer. Sort your laundry out by color and type. I do 4 types of loads: whites, pastels, darks, and towels. Since you are new to laundry, don't worry about liquid fabric softener. Just use dryer sheets. Use two dryer sheets on a big load and only one a light load. Follow the directions on the washer and dryer and determine whether you have a heavy load, delicate it! ems, etc. Good luck. You will do fine....Show more

Best Free Registry Cleaner?

Voncile Slaubaugh: challenging aspect. look with google. this can help!

Joellen Zorrilla: CCleanerhttp://www.ccleaner.com

George Dingeldein: You should try CCleaner it is the best registry cleaner out there.Go to http://www.CCleaner.com/

Marna Liddie: These guys are true. It's Ccleaner...

Georgia Dees: hmm i think CCleaner

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Is this dance hurting my health?

Sheldon Lally: Your health comes first. If its hurting then you should stop it. :)

Cómo cuidar la piel grasa

Cómo cuidar la piel grasa

La piel grasa se produce cuando las glándulas sebáceas de la piel comienzan a producir exceso de grasa. Es un proceso natural que no se puede detener, pero se pueden tomar medidas para controlar y cuidar la piel grasa. La piel grasa puede ser incómoda y desagradable, pero al tener una buena rutina de cuidado de la piel y ser suave con su piel puede aliviar el problema.

Proteja su piel del sol. Los protectores solares gruesos pueden ser difíciles para las personas con piel grasosa, ya que el líquido pesado añadirá nueva grasa a su piel y bloqueará sus poros. Sin embargo, es absolutamente vital proteger su piel del sol. Cuando compre un protector solar, busque opciones «sin aceite» y productos diseñados especialmente para las personas con piel grasa.

Esté atento a lo que le toca a su cara. Aunque la grasa de su piel es en gran parte genéti! ca y el aceite se produce debajo de la superficie de la piel, es una buena idea ser consciente de lo que toca su piel. Si tienes el pelo grasiento y se te cae sobre la cara, algo de esta grasa se transferirá a tu piel.

Considere el uso de un astringente suave. Los tónicos astringentes se incluyen con bastante frecuencia en los regímenes de cuidado de la piel, pero debe tener cuidado de no usar uno que sea seco o duro para la piel. Secar la piel con un tónico fuerte no es la forma de tratar la piel grasa, y sólo empeorará la situación. Si desea utilizar un tóner, asegúrese de utilizar uno ligero sin alcohol y sin aceite.

Reduzca sus niveles de estrés. Si tienes piel grasa y acné, los niveles de estrés elevados pueden exacerbar el problema. Adopte un estilo de vida saludable y trate de encontrar maneras de relajarse. Para calmarse en un momento en particular, trate de hacer algo de respiración profunda, o incluso algo de yoga o meditación suave.

Reconocer las causas de las pieles grasas. La piel grasa es ! causada por el exceso de grasa de la piel (o sebo), que comienza a presentarse tanto en hombres como en mujeres durante la pubertad. La cantidad de aceite producido varía de persona a persona, pero para algunas personas habrá un exceso de aceite, dando a la piel un aspecto brillante y graso.

Pruebe con máscaras faciales. Las máscaras faciales y las arcillas pueden ser eficaces para extraer el aceite de la piel, pero también existe el peligro de que el uso excesivo provoque sequedad e irritación excesivas. Tenga cuidado con esto cuando use máscaras, y trate de concentrarse en las áreas de su piel que son más grasosas. No use máscaras o arcillas con demasiada frecuencia. En lugar de ello, úselas sólo antes de una ocasión especial, como una fiesta o una gran presentación en el trabajo.

Use almohadillas secas. Si su piel se engrasa a lo largo del día, puede ser molesta, y lavarse la cara constantemente probablemente sólo la empeorará. Sin embargo, p! uede utilizar unas simples almohadillas secantes para eliminar el exceso de grasa de la superficie de la piel. Esta es una buena manera de remover el brillo aceitoso durante el día, lo cual puede hacer sutil y rápidamente sin importar dónde se encuentre o qué esté haciendo.

Use las cremas hidratantes de manera selectiva. A menudo, las personas con piel grasa se mantienen alejadas de los humectantes, pensando que su piel no necesita lubricación adicional, pero esto no es cierto. Aquellos con piel grasa aún necesitan hidratarse. Ciertamente, se deben evitar las cremas hidratantes aceitosas, junto con cualquier cosa que pueda obstruir aún más su piel. Sin embargo, las cremas hidratantes sin aceite pueden ayudarle a lograr un equilibrio en su piel.

Lleve una dieta saludable. Es un mito que los alimentos grasos llevan directamente a la piel grasosa y el acné, pero es importante tener una dieta saludable para promover la buena salud y el bienestar general. A! lgunos alimentos, incluyendo aquellos ricos en carbohidratos, como el p! an, pueden desencadenar el acné. La grasa de tu piel no depende de lo que comas, pero si trabajas en una cocina, el aceite puede pegarse a tu piel y bloquear tus poros.

Lávate la cara dos veces al día. Tener una buena rutina de limpieza y cuidado de la piel es lo más importante que puedes hacer para cuidar la piel grasa. Limpie suavemente su cara dos veces al día, mañana y noche, con agua tibia y jabón, o con un limpiador facial sin agua. Utilice un limpiador suave al principio, ya que un limpiador más áspero puede aumentar la producción de aceite.

Use cosméticos sin aceite. Si tiene la piel grasa, es importante que elija cosméticos que no la exacerben. Compruebe cuidadosamente las etiquetas y opte siempre por cosméticos «sin aceite» o «a base de agua». Existe cierta incertidumbre sobre el efecto directo de los cosméticos en la producción de aceite, pero el maquillaje pesado puede bloquear los poros.

No te laves demasiado la cara. Si tie! ne la piel grasa, puede tener la tentación de seguir lavándola durante todo el día para hacer frente a la acumulación de grasa. Evite esta tentación, y trate de lavarse la cara sólo por la mañana y por la noche. Lavarse con más frecuencia puede resecar la piel y causar irritación.

Hable con un profesional médico. Solicite una cita para hablar con su médico o dermatólogo si está siguiendo una buena rutina de cuidado de la piel, pero se da cuenta de que la grasa no disminuye. Ellos podrán aconsejarle sobre los pasos a seguir, e incluso pueden recetarle algún medicamento.

Friday, 14 August 2020

how has health care changed?

Cassidy Pangrazio: Health care has bifurcated into public health--health for the masses, and private health care--care for the employed. Public health has vaccinated people, improved water quality, improved air quality, reduced exposure to metallic lead, and eliminated smallpox from the earth. Private health care has improved survival for heart patients, some forms of cancer, has improved surgery and pain control.

Comment exfolier votre visage

Comment exfolier votre visage

Rincez le gommage du visage à l’eau tiède. Laver toute la pâte exfoliante avec de l’eau tiède et non chaude. Puis éclabousser votre visage avec de l’eau froide pour fermer vos pores. Assurez-vous d’avoir enlevé tout le gommage, sinon votre visage sera collant ou granuleux à partir des restes de gommage.

Tire tes cheveux en arrière. Si vous avez les cheveux longs, retirez tous vos cheveux de votre visage et fixez-les avec une cravate. Si vous avez une frange, vous aurez peut-être besoin d’un serre-tête pour la maintenir à distance de votre visage.

Combiner une huile saine avec du sucre. Il y a plusieurs options différentes que vous pouvez choisir quand il s’agit de choisir une huile à mélanger dans votre exfoliant exfoliant. Choisissez des huiles à base de noix riches en acides gras oméga-3 pour raffermir et rajeunir ! la peau. Mélangez environ deux cuillères à soupe d’huile dans une cuillère à soupe de sucre brun ou blanc et utilisez une débarbouillette pour appliquer sur votre visage, en frottant en petits cercles. Rincer à l’eau tiède. Certaines des huiles les plus couramment recommandées sont les suivantes :

Essayez un peeling chimique. Si vous n’avez pas la peau sèche ou sensible, vous pouvez être un candidat pour obtenir un peeling chimique d’un dermatologue toutes les 4-6 semaines. Les solutions de peeling chimiques contiennent de fortes concentrations d’acide salicylique et d’acide rétinoïque qui aident à accélérer la régénération cellulaire. Votre peau pèlera pendant quelques jours après un peeling chimique, puis elle commencera à se cicatriser d’elle-même et à produire une peau fraîche et lisse.

Préparez un masque à l’avocat, au miel et au sucre. Ecrasez un avocat et mélangez-le avec deux cuillères à soupe de miel et une ! cuillère à soupe de sucre. Le sucre procure une exfoliation ! douce tandis que le miel et l’avocat nourrissent votre peau.

Obtenez un traitement professionnel de microdermabrasion. Aussi appelée exfoliation mécanique ou microrevêtement, la microdermabrasion utilise un tube d’aspiration mécanique avec un embout exfoliant pour éliminer les couches mortes ou sèches de la peau. Il nettoie les pores et rajeunit la peau, bien que le processus doive être répété toutes les quelques semaines pour maintenir les effets positifs.

Appliquez votre exfoliant. Quel que soit l’exfoliant que vous utilisez, ayez-le prêt à l’emploi. Peut-être avez-vous décidé de faire un gommage à la maison, ou peut-être avez-vous acheté un produit au magasin. Quoi qu’il en soit, appliquez la pâte exfoliante sur votre peau propre et humide. Utilisez deux doigts ou une débarbouillette propre mouillée à l’eau tiède. Frotter doucement la pâte en mouvements circulaires sur tout le visage pour éliminer les peaux mortes.

A! paiser et nourrir avec un gommage à l’avoine. Particulièrement bénéfique pour les personnes à la peau sèche, le gommage à l’avoine peut exfolier tout en nourrissant votre peau.

Séchez votre visage en tapotant. Utilisez une serviette fraîche, douce et propre pour sécher délicatement votre visage. Ne frottez pas votre peau. Votre peau peut être un peu plus sensible après l’exfoliation et vous ne voulez pas l’irriter davantage en la frottant.

Utilisez votre nettoyant visage standard. Après avoir ouvert vos pores, lavez doucement votre visage avec votre nettoyant facial habituel. Vous n’avez pas besoin de frotter fort, vous voulez juste avoir un beau visage propre pour exfolier.

Essayez un exfoliant à base de farine de maïs ou de noix. Combiner deux à trois cuillères à soupe de semoule de maïs ou de farine d’arachide, comme de la farine d’amandes ou de noix, et une petite quantité d’eau. Vous voulez que le gommage soit une ! consistance pâteuse. Appliquer une couche généreuse sur le visage et! laisser reposer environ 15 minutes avant de rincer à l’eau tiède.

Mouiller une débarbouillette ou un chiffon propre avec de l’eau chaude. L’eau doit être chaude, mais pas au point de brûler votre peau. Placez la débarbouillette sur votre visage pendant une à deux minutes pour ouvrir vos pores. Sinon, prenez d’abord une douche chaude et faites tremper dans la vapeur pendant plusieurs minutes.

Chronométrez vos traitements. Si votre peau est grasse et dure, vous pourrez peut-être vous exfolier tous les jours sans aucun problème. D’autre part, ceux qui ont la peau sensible ou sèche devraient limiter l’exfoliation à domicile à 1-2 fois par semaine. Si votre peau devient rouge ou irritée, réduisez l’intensité de votre exfoliation et consultez votre médecin.

Choisissez des perles pour les peaux sensibles ou sèches. Si vous avez la peau sensible, recherchez des produits qui sont étiquetés comme convenant à la peau sensible. Choi! sissez un produit avec des perles exfoliantes synthétiques et lisses. Ces produits sont également bons pour les peaux sèches ou facilement irritables. Si votre peau est grasse, choisissez un produit avec des billes grossières et rugueuses qui exfolient de façon plus agressive.

Mélangez le bicarbonate de soude avec de l’eau et appliquez-le sur votre visage. Le bicarbonate de soude est un exfoliant doux. Laisser reposer pendant 10 minutes, puis rincer à l’eau tiède et à l’aide d’une débarbouillette.

Essayez une brosse électrique exfoliante. Des marques comme Clarisonic ont développé des outils qui peuvent être utilisés pour enlever la couche externe de peau morte ou sèche de votre visage. Ces brosses utilisent la fréquence sonore pour enlever la saleté et les débris de votre visage sans irriter votre peau. Bien qu’ils ne soient pas aussi efficaces qu’un traitement professionnel de microdermabrasion, ces outils sont beaucoup moins coÃ! »teux.

Testez d’abord le patch test. Avant d’utiliser un nouv! eau produit, vous devriez faire un test épicutané pour vous assurer que vous n’avez pas de réaction allergique. Choisissez un carré d’un pouce le long du visage ou du menton. Humidifiez la zone et appliquez l’exfoliant. Attendez environ cinq ou dix minutes. Si la zone commence à brûler, nettoyez-la rapidement et complètement. Ne continuez pas à utiliser ce produit. S’il n’y a pas de réaction, vous pouvez l’utiliser sur le reste de votre visage.

Appliquer une crème hydratante avec un écran solaire. Après l’exfoliation, utilisez un hydratant non comédogène avec un écran solaire pour préserver la douceur de votre peau, éviter les éruptions et la protéger des rayons UV nocifs. Il est facile pour la peau fraîche d’être endommagée par le soleil, alors assurez-vous de porter un écran solaire si vous passez du temps à l’extérieur.

Revitalisez votre visage avec un gommage au café. La texture rugueuse du café associée à l’a! cide caféique qu’il contient en fait un bon exfoliant. L’acide caféique a des propriétés anti-inflammatoires et aide à augmenter la production de collagène, laissant votre peau lisse et saine.

Choisissez les ingrédients adaptés à votre type de peau. Si votre peau est grasse ou normale, choisissez un produit qui contient du peroxyde de benzoyle ou de l’acide salicylique. Ces ingrédients peuvent aider à améliorer et à prévenir les éruptions cutanées. Vous pouvez également appliquer un nettoyant à base d’alpha-hydroxyacide, qui aide à éliminer les cellules mortes de la peau. Utilisez un produit à base d’acide rétinoïque pour équilibrer le teint et réduire les rides.

Offrez-vous un soin du visage au spa. Faites de l’exfoliation de votre visage une partie intégrante d’une journée de détente au spa. Les spas offrent de nombreux services dermatologiques pendant les soins du visage, de l’exfoliation aux traitements de nettoyag! e en profondeur. De temps à autre, profitez d’une journée de déten! te pour vous dorloter. Pendant que vous y êtes, offrez-vous aussi un massage !

Identifiez votre type de peau. Déterminez si votre peau est grasse, normale ou sèche avant d’acheter un produit exfoliant. La peau sèche est souvent floconneuse ou démangeante, tandis que la peau grasse peut être grasse ou brillante. Beaucoup de gens ont une combinaison des deux types dans des zones différentes, auquel cas utiliser des produits pour la peau normale ou des produits pour le type de peau que vous avez la plupart du temps.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

McCain belittled women's "health" in the debate? ?

Tyler Burkman: the helth of the mother in late term abortion is bull **** the baby is fully formed and can be deliverd as opposed to inducing labor when the crown of the head appears a sissor is used to clip the spinal cord the the chils brain is sucked out how sick is that how could any so called doctor do such a thing

Lupe Sancen: i think conservatives dont get it mocking women's health is no way to win an election

Warren Kotter: allright... the earthquake in Haiti that killed thousands, then the Earthquake in Chile, and NOW IN TURKEY!?!?! WTF is happening

Piedad Bassiti: Tell the truth in your rant.He was saying that this is used as a carte blanche excuse and it can be. Especially in the "late term" portion of the abortion debate.Only the most fringe radical people would say to not consider the health of the mother. Really, you should learn to tell the truth. It is rather unseemly to lie and mischaracterize the words of others in a published manne! r. Some might even call it libel.edit -- do you think you could be any more racist and sexist than to say, "since when do old white guys..."? Not to mention age discrimination. Well done!edit -- Mine may be lame but your "question" is a rant and possibly an illegal one. You published items about someone that you misrepresented (read the definition for libel)edit -- Hey Dan you are a bigot and an ignorant one at that. For your information, I am a republican no longer. GW cured me of that.Oh BTW if you want a good read from a Pro-Abortion voice about of one issue voting check out the followinghttp://www.salon.com/opinion/paglia/2008/09/10/pal...Camille Paglia has never been so brilliant....Show more

Libby Berkovitch: Green Eggs and Ham

Rachal Osaki: Like you, I've never known any women to use abortion as contraceptives (or rather instead of contraceptives). Although I'm sure that there are some few who do. I hope they are exception and not the rule. I am! personally against abortions, as the women who have undergone! the procedure are often haunted by it, even twenty-years later. However, I strongly believe that abortion needs to remain a safe legal option. The CDC (being currently managed by Bush appointees) has the following stats for 2004 (the most recent ready for publication), over 60% of abortions are performed before eight weeks, and a full 88% are performed within twelve weeks (the first trimester). Only two percent are performed after 20 weeks. The late term abortion business is a totally a straw man argument designed to appeal strictly to emotions, bypassing reason. 24 weeks is when a fetus is considered viable to live outside its mother. The other thing that has changed, according to the CDC stats, the numbers of teen pregnancies have been declining since they peaked in the 1950s (although this may be a slightly misleading stat, since there were still large portions of the US in the 1950s where if a gal was married and pregnant by age 18, she was an "old maid"). Also ! the number of abortions has also been declining. What has changed more radically over that time, the Christian Message of abstinence, or the availability of sex-ed and access to contraception?http://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/Data_Stats/#......Show more

Armando Somes: So you are looking for a non-religious bible that doesn't talk about God? Well, that would be an interesting find...Report back.

Collin Barter: Well clearly you dont follow the issue of partial birth abortion bans.Many activist groups and politicians have tried to hold up partial birth abortion bans by trying to include very very vague health of the mother exceptions that pretty much would allow a doctor to proclaim any partial birth abortion as a possible necessity for the health of the mother, rendering any such law passed as useless because it really wouldnt ban any partial birth abortions.That is what McCain was talking about.People do your research. Just because you dont like what I am ! saying doesnt mean it isnt true. That is why McCain made that comment.! He wasnt making fun of womens health. He was making fun of the fact that Obama, once again, was dancing around that issue and skewing the argument with partial birth abortion.Where again does Obama stand on abortion????? He still hasnt really answered that question!doverHUH????McCain answered very very clearly on his stand on abortion. He specifically stated that he wouldnt put a litmus test on judges and clearly stated that he feels abortion should be a state issue.Obama STILL has not stated what his exact position on abortion is. He dances around that question every single time it is asked giving both sides as answers.DanI would never vote as abortion as the main issue, but appointing judges is a HUGE issue and one people tend to overlook. It is one of the most important jobs as President and one that the President has an incredible amount of power over. It makes me very very very nervous thinking Obama would be appointing a couple of Supreme Court Justices....Show ! more

Margart Stimpert: Yup. Another billion years or so and we're all toast.

Charline Granes: Japan's tsunami was caused by the earthquake, which is just caused by plates under the ground moving. Its no big deal :-) Also, the only reason they say 2012 is the end of the world, is because all the planets are going to line up. they say that will make a gravitational difference. PSH. liars. Finally, the earth isn't spinning faster. everything will be okay. The world isnt coming to chaos- think about it! these natural disasters happen every year. in our lifetime, the world will NOT come to an end. Hope this helped! :-)

Jeannetta Gaffigan: Jesus never uttered a word about same-sex relationships, so he has nothing to do with it.The Old Testament said that eating shellfish, pork, and wearing clothes with different fabrics is also sinful. Yet they only follow not allowing same-sex marriage?The New Testament includes male prostitution, NO women's rights, and molest! ation. Yet people still use it as an excuse to not allow gays to marry.! And the Bible. Oooooh the good old Bible. It doesn't only define one-man-one-woman relationships, it also defines one-man-many-women, a rapist and its victim, and conquering soldier and its female prisoner. Yet people are still butt-hurt about gays marrying. Is there really a moral reason?...Show more

Marty Tichnell: Mad magazine is a good ,Start then there is the one on nature of the man called.Play boy or Play girl.Those two or all three are top of the list....Show more

Lu Tiner: Sounds like you may be talking about the Jefferson Bible (by Thomas Jefferson). He took out all the supernatural magic and voodoo, and stuff that had been mistranslated into the Bible.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_BibleOf course, the Bible was NOT the original source of morality. Societies existed and people had morals long before the Bible was written or read. Even after it did exist, it was centuries before it was widely available or read by common people, yet they had m! orals, with and without a belief in gods. Jesus' alleged teachings were not original - it had all been covered before by earlier gods and philosophers. Jefferson understood, though, that most Christians of the time were educated by the church and therefore unaware of much of the history outside the church. Look up Ethic of Reciprocity.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethic_of_reciprocity...Show more

Silvia Stclair: the bible is happening- just getting started. repent and accept jesus

Estrella Northway: McCain needs the christian vote.He wasn't going to agree on any part of abortion.I don't know. It seemed McCain had that stupid smile, like he knows better too much of the time.Oh, now I get it, he knows the doctors are up to no good.It has to be like a witch trial. If the woman dies, we know that she really needed an abortion....Show more

Coleman Deliberato: So does that mean their both heathens or Samaritans?

Andra Oger: The Jefferson Bible.http://www! .angelfire.com/co/JeffersonBible/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson! _bible

Toshia Metzker: it's called tectonic plates moving...there are thousand of earthquakes every day but you don't notice them because they are too small...there are some places that are very vulnerable to repeated big earthquakes:Turkey,Japan,California etc

Wally Perrien: What ppl aren't getting in their heads is that women have the right to decide for their own bodies and along with that choice should come with an education on that matter, abstinence is not working and the gov't obviously do not want their citizens to be informed especially women. In most cases it is necessary to abort rape, incest, and health risks for the mother and if you have the baby how do you explain to your child that the father was a rapist or that it was your cousin or own father and that it's father is also his grandfather and so on I mean ppl think about it in the present time when it's a baby but when that baby grows up and wants to know the truth what do you have to say to t! hat? whining about some other persons child and then they have the baby and is put into the system of welfare, you ppl have no idea about reality mccain is too old fashioned to even enlighten his mind to the present day and for goodness sake is so tactless choosing a women as vice president to haul in women voters and she's not even ready and is as in the dark as mccain is, he surely did not fool me no one is pro abortion and those ppl pro life have no respect for another persons PERSONAL decisions and it's all about pro choice we women have the right to decide what we are going to with our bodies and aren't little children to be told what to do by the gov't...Show more

Antonia Boomershine: I shall explain. I've been told that there is a printing or translation of the Bible that essentially has had all of the God-ness and religiosity stripped out of it, but still contains all of the theories, ideas, and concepts about morality, right versus wrong, etc. So far though, ! I've failed in my search, since I'm not really sure what I'm looking fo! r, and searches containing "Bible" and "Morality" turn up a LOT (I mean.... A LOT....LOOOOT), so any help would be great.Thanks...Show more

Otto Lingafelt: Banning anything in this country because of a Christian book is utterly absurd. Separation of church and state. Pilgrims flocked to the Americas so they wouldn't be persecuted for their religious beliefs and The United States was founded on freedom of speech and religion. So banning something and claiming that it isn't Christian in America is very Un-American. So there are immoral reasons behind it not any moral reason. Just the fact that people love to judge and hate others who are different than they are. The people you see holding signs screaming about no same sex marriage and God hates queers, would have been holding signs saying saying sit at the back of the bus ni**er if they had been around 50-60 years ago. Always gonna be shallow narrow minded judgmental people who love to hate others....Show more

Ali! sia Sutphen: Mark 13:32 32"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.Acts 13:41 41'Look, you scoffers, wonder and perish, for I am going to do something in your days that you would never believe, even if someone told you.'Isaiah 42:9"Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them." John 13:19“Now I tell you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am He."Matthew 24:37-3937 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.Matthew 24:6-76You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen,! but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and ki! ngdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.many still refuse to believe, but make no mistake the end of the world is coming. note that i say the end of the world and not the earth, Jesus is coming back to us in the clouds. many of the signs are all around us, many of the prophecies have been fulfilled. sill so many refuse to believe and refuse to see the truth in God's book. so many refuse to see that there is a loving God above who would not let us die for betraying him but instead took that punishment on his son Jesus. there is still time to repent and you will be justified by the blood of Jesus and by his suffering. you must repent of your sins, ask for forgiveness and then try to live your life in accordance with God's word, there may not be much time left for each of us...Show more

Rheba Cockman: Jefferson's Bible does a fair job. He basically nitpicks the New Testament to try and get rid of the silly supernatural stuff he thou! ght did the moral teachings a disservice.

Delora Struzzi: This whole screwed War and economy I lay at the feet of you Pro Life single issue voting morons! You salute anyone that says they are pro life - even when they are responsible for policies that kill thousands of BORN people. you would vote for someone that wants to attack the MOON if they merely said they were pro life.Not once did this Republican Congress try to eliminate abortion or overturn Roe vs Wade. They had the big trifecta - court, congress, and president. You've been sold - know it. You are the republican cash cow....Show more

Ronnie Barcus: The world seemed a lot more stable before we saw the world on a global scale. Now it seems everything is going to **** but it's just the same as before.

Aubrey Tirri: The world is always coming to an end for Christians; it's a religious marketing tactic. (Think infomercials, "This offer is only good for the next ten minutes, so call NOW!) No, the worl! d isn't coming to an end.

Luis Mellon: I watched the debate too. ! And in no way did McCain mock or belittle anything regarding women's health. No wonder Democrats are so mixed up about the issues!Doesn't this question belong on the political board?D1...Show more

Cornelius Thornborrow: The all is relative bible.

Jamika Gregorio: Well sorry ...I do actually no someone that has used abortion as "birth control" 2 abortions because the girl was really irresponsible.I promise people like that are out there.They just don't make it "well known".Anyway speaking of women's health I Do Not Speak for McCain but,I will also tell you the same girl was warned about the abortions she was having leading to health problems down the road.Not My life Her choice....Show more

Joesph Smithmyer: If you mean to know something decent about prophecies, visit these sites...http://www.middletownbiblechurch.org/dis…http://www.pre-trib.org/articlesBUT... I can already tell you something you'll find in those sites... these are not [necessarily] sig! ns of the end. These are just God's callings to humanity that men repent from their increasing evil doings. The rapture is the event the start the beginning of the end and since no sign was given about the rapture, it's an any moment event. Therefore, you must be ready for it every second. Visit the sites and you'll be largely clarified.

Tommy Durrenberger: The Constitution of the United States of America and all its subsequent Amendments. Loaded with morality without the figment of imagination called the Christian God.

Gwenda Micheals: First let me say I dislike McCain and I distrust Obama, because he has already been proven to be a liar, but then, he IS a politician...It might surprise you to know that most women who get an abortion get another abortion.The phrase "the health of the mother" has never been defined, and no one has the guts to define it.While some abortions might be necessary, according to statistics, less than 2% of them are being performed to s! ave a mother's life or because of rape and incest. That means that abo! ut 98 % of them are done for convenience of the mother. Not for her health. Women DO have the right to make choices about their health and their reproductive processes -- I have to wonder, though, why so damn many of them aren't choosing wisely to use birth control when it is available and cheap? Even free, when needed?You are being intellectually dishonest, or perhaps you just don't know the facts. I suggest you learn them -- the number of abortions being performed is staggering, there is a high percentage of repeat abortions, and the number of abortions done for convenience far outweigh those done for health reasons or because of rape....Show more

Shaunta Paap: many use it as contraception, don't act so naive."obama said he agrees with the ban as long as it had an "exception for the health of the mother"." and obama is lying through his teeth right there! he said, he has two daughters and if they make "mistakes", he's not going to punish them with a baby. what d! oes that imply?...Show more

Adelle Weight: well there is the buddhist bible, buddhists are non-theistic and they have all the same morality as the bible. . they may say God in it, but it is not reffering to the same concept of God as in the Christian sense. .i think the buddhist bible is just a collection of the buddhas teachings. . .i don't know what your talking about exactly but it sounds pretty interesting fo' sho'

Moira Woodrow: "and since when do old white guys in government get to decide women's reproductive issues?"It seems that the answer to that lies in the 'respect' we give our rulers in this patriarchal society.IF men could become pregnant abortion would NOT be an issue.~...Show more

Foster Koopmann: We are suppose to be a civilized society, yet I can not understand why anyone would kill an unborn baby in the mother's womb and even fight so they can do so. They would never consider doing this to a whale or another animal, why human beings.If th! e argument is for the purpose or rape or incest, then why don't they ma! ke a law for that only and not kill all the other babies along with them. The real reason is that abortion is one sin covering another sin....Show more

Inell Riesgo: i'll repeat..i've never met anyone who thinks abortion is a contraceptioninstead of reducing the instances of unwanted pregnancies, should government make a law forcing woman to carry a fetus to term?

Tyrone Disanti: conservatives in R&S have accused pro-choice people of "using abortion as a contraceptive" ...but WHO DOES THAT?... no one, that ive ever metApparently you are lucky. There are women out there who do use abortion as birth control, or used to until the morning after pill became so accessible. As for being upset with McCain for not liking the health of the mother part, while I don't agree that thisexpception is wrong, I can see how he could. If you are old enough to get pregnant you are old enough for ALL the consequences, including harm to your own body caused by the pregnancy....Show! more

Clemmie Burkleo: Uh, why should the mother get an exception but the innocent baby doesn't. Mccain was right. Any abortion is murder and then to say, wait, what about the mother, as if she wasn't just part of murdering her own child, should really matter. And yes, it should be a law. Why should it be about pro choice when it's really pro murder?

Rena Pepe: McCain avoided the question, and pointed fingers at Obama, as usual

Hugo Pittari: δοῦλος Χριστοῦ Ἰησοῦ. your answer is just lame

Galen Gowers: I met someone who admitted to three. I'd say she was using it as contraception.If you aren't pro-abortion I take it that means that deep down you KNOW something is wrong with it.

Robin Tommie: Try "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.I must admit that I've not heard about the book you're looking for, but I would be interested in the answer.

Kim Gerbino: Bad things, like good things, tend to come in bunches. That's j! ust the way probabilities work. Think about it in your own family--in ! your extended family, is there a birth, marriage, or death once a year, or do you tend to have a bunch of them now, a bunch more a few years later, etc., with none in between?The world isn't ending--while big earthquakes are a big deal for us (because we like to build our cities on fault lines for some reason), they're insignificant events as far as the planet itself is concerned. And think about it, you wouldn't be affected by them at all if you didn't have access to modern news channels.

Hyman Coren: Devoted1: fundamentalists made abortion a religious issue.. not me

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Laptop terminology question - Optical Drive?

Arleen Bussing: "pupils oftentimes require low fees and portability particularly. a computing device that is carried from classification to classification is fundamental, one in all those super style of pupils turn to low-cost Netbooks, that are small, low-capacity structures that frequently cost decrease than $500. the draw back is that those have small monitors and greater often than no longer use underpowered single-middle CPUs. yet another selection is a 13-inch skinny-and-gentle computing device, this is quite much less portable, yet makes for a miles better journey whilst sitting right down to place in writing papers and do study. those have twin-middle CPUs and in many situations comprise optical drives. Apple's 13-inch MacBook is a amazing occasion. What to seek for: a minimum of 1GB of RAM; 160GB or greater HDD; 13-inch or smaller exhibit." on a similar time as I believe this computing device procuring handbook (link in source), once you're finding to additionall! y do greater suitable than only college stuff on your computing device i might propose 200GB with 2GB of ram. i wish this facilitates....Show more

Pasty Cobbett: an optical drive is so called because it uses a laser to read or write disks so as you've guessed an optical drive is a CD/DVD or Blueray drivethe feed system (such as on the PS3) is just a different way of loading an optical drive

Josefine Weekey: Laptop Terminology

Rodolfo Merel: Yes an optical drive is a DVD / CD player.

If you could start any business, what would it be?  

If you could start any business, what would it be?  

answers 0:Please only honest answers. This is not partisan.Maybe your answers will give someone else who has an entrepreneurial spirit a good idea, and Lord knows we need to rekindle that spirit in this country like never before.Thanks.Some of my ideas would be consignment stores. For very little money out of pocket you could start a used furniture store, used children's clothing and furniture, used household goods, used tools, used teen clothing, etc......Lawn care is very big here in the South. I pay $325 per month for a lawn care company to take care of mine. It takes them around 15 minutes per week with the machines they use. I have heard that banks are looking for people to take care of the millions of homes that are currently abandoned and in foreclosure. School fundraisers. Since state and federal funds have been cut, school! s are turning to fundraisers like never before. At my daughters school, someone with a small silk screening business put together a brochure of just 10 different designs, with prices ranging from $15 to $25 for a sweat shirt. The cost of these shirts, wholesale, is around $3 to $5 dollars depending on the quality. For sweatshirts it runs around $7 to $10. The school got half of the purchase cost, so the small tee shirt company made a decent profit. Our school alone ordered more than 800 shirts, so the company made a decent profit. With the machines they have today, you can produce around 20 per hour for a machine that cost as little as $500. And many companies will finance. Everyone owns a tee shirt.You could do so many different items with school fundraisers. Candles, jewelery, gift wrap, etc......all of which can be order wholesale with just a tax ID number, and that takes minutes to get online.Do you have any ideas?Thanks....Show moreanswers 1:Show me a war, and I'll sh! ow you a repo pres.answers 2:Because they think libertarians a! re just "pot smoking Republicans"answers 3:I used to flip houses. Until Obama told America people like me are what is wrong with America.He was wrong.How does this hurt anyone?If I buy a home worth $120,000, I repair everything that needs fixed and I sell this home for $90,000.I sold for less than the value so it will sell faster and I can flip another.Yes less than value does hurt full priced sales in the neighborhood BUT a family was able to afford a better home than they could have qualified for. AND now they have a $30,000 equity in their home....answers 4:Union Buster, She was VERY pro-choice. If your believe that if the views of the people who are pro-choice are immoral then you must say that Ayn Rand's views on Abortion rights are immoral.answers 5:Are your lawn mowers illegals? I would not consider paying that much per month, are you crippled? I exercise more as I age, not less and if I can't mow the lawn, bury me in it, please. I see hundreds of guys mowing lawn! s in my area, lots of competition that can't produce much profit unless you use illegal labor.I sell items to the filthy rich at an insane profit and will continue, the more I charge it seems the more they want. Want to buy a hand cast bronze door handle for $2,000? If you can afford to pay $325 every month for an idiot to mow your lawn for you, you likely are filthy rich....answers 6:I've had a couple of ideas. The first would be a 3-4 person operation making a certian specialty ceramic fiber and selling it to aerospce companies. (I have attempted to talk management at my company into this but they are not interested.)The second would be an online business selling custom made tailored suits. I have the contacts overseas who can make them for $150 each and can expect to sell them for roughly the same cost of a good 'off the rack' suit. The biggest issue I have yet to resolve is how to get accurate measurements from the customers.Another business idea that I have been ! toying aroind with would be a one to two person operation machining cro! wns for dental work. The idea would be to have the dentists within a few miles of the location send digital scans of the tooth being worked on and we make the crown while the dentist is preparing the tooth. We then drive it over to thier office and the patient gets a new crown in one office visit. (This means more cnvenience for the patient and more money for the dentist because he can do the work in half the time.)...answers 7:I am starting a business serving clients as a Communications Consultant. I am specializing in helping people who speak English as a Second Language. My foreign born professionals find themselves training people and then they need help in making their presentations. I will video record my clients and help them improve their presentation skills.I taught public speaking at two colleges as well as served as an instructor in Continuing Adult Education programs.I am currently working part time in retail sales. I am looking for full time work but as I am! over 40 I find that most companies will no longer hire me because they see me as too old. Most of them prefer to hire recent college graduates and most of the jobs posted are entry level....answers 8:In today's marketplace, entrepreneurs aren't just marketing to their local community, but to a whole world out there connected through the internet. Online presence is a must no matter what you do. Additionally, I wouldn't just ask what "business", but what "businesses"-- or at least find ways to create multiple streams of income, so that you're not dependent on just one when the bottom falls out. One way to supplement would be to check out companies like Moolala which provide you commission on sales through a market base you create by word of mouth (and internet) for subscribers to their daily deals which are 50-90% off savings on products. Very much like Groupon, except you receive commission on any purchases made by anyone in your referral base five levels deep. There ! is no cost, no selling, no purchase requirements. It comes down to if ! someone you refer buys something, you get a two percent royalty. If someone they refer, or their referral refers, and so on to five "generations", you receive a 2% royalty on those purchases too. I really like the clean model, and some of the deals they've offered are amazing. Since there is no cost associated and no selling, to me it's a no-brainer, and I'm looking for other companies that follow this model. I have yet to find one, so if you come across one, please let me know. http://share.moolala.com/r/VWQMNQVBest of Luck!...answers 9:Hello,I would like to open a consulting firm. It would be situated in UK wholesale market where i could provide the best solutions to people. It is really a good work. If you have experience about it than you can earn more in a limited time.Best Regards,Peter...answers 10:An animation studio. I love cartoons and plan to use lottery winnings to start my own studio if I ever won the jackpot. I'd hire graduates from the local art and de! sign school and start out making commercials for area businesses. Eventually, I'd like to make cartoon series in the Japanese anime style, targeting young adults and with grand story lines that reach their conclusion after a season or two. I figure I could sign some of the web cartoonists to use their online comics to make my cartoon series. Revenue would be generated from DVD sales and selling to broadcasters, such as the Adult Swim block of programming on Cartoon Network....answers 11:It's difficult to generalize such things. The matter is wholly contingent on the social conservative's views concerning foriegn policy and economic regulation. I would say I dislike libertarians more then progressivesanswers 12:Get rid of the criminals that run the UN. Then maybe it will have some teeth.answers 13:libertarians (like myself) align more with conservatives than liberals (especially progressives) because progressives are more for regulations and mandates on everyday lives of ! citizens than any other group.answers 14:Ayn Rand is an @sshole. She ap! parently does not understand the fact that people thrive off from acceptance and love. The every man for himself philosophy does not fly with me because it takes more than just yourself to succeed. Her views are very selfish and full of ignorance about human nature. People thrive off from love and helping others, love is not something money can buy. It might buy you people you can't trust, but that could never replace love. Love is human nature, just as well as arrogance and hate are, it is your choice to decide what side of the fence you want to be on. I have little tolerance for arrogant people though. I'm just saying. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ukJiBZ8_4k

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Mental Health system in the U.S?

Leif Andreason: No I haven't tried gluten free yet! Thanks for the response :)

Russell Mckinzie: Well isnt Canada soooooo great. Hows it goin, eh? Well wats ur tax percent. Its like 70% rite. Screw u!!!USAUSAUSA

Antonia Mogg: Some counties in the state do provide some mental health services, but its based on your income, and the waiting period to get in to see a councelor is months. And when you do get in to see someone, its in and out because there are so many people trying to get in. When you do see a county councelor, you are limited to 3-4 sessions. They try to set you up with a regular therapist, which unfortunately costs quite a bit of money. I am lucky enough to have insurance. Very good insurance in fact. I get unlimited benefits at no cost to me. I think its ridiculous that insurance companies limit you to a certain amount of benefits a year. Some or most mental illnesses are just as or are more serious than other conditions. If I had a heart conditio! n, would they only let me see my cardiologist 6 times a year? I find that the US healthcare system is ridiculous. My psychiatrist charges my ins company $190 for a 15 minute visit, and my outpatient therapist charges $320 for a 50 minute appointment. Its just horrible to think of all the people out there who really need help but can't afford it. It makes me sick!!...Show more

Sunshine Holets: Edit: To aholes like here comes the sun....I don't mean anything bad by it, like I'm not insulting the U.S or anything. And tax rates are just fine. its a small price to pay for everyones health. if anything people over here complain that we should have better health care.

Barton Sease: I have mental health problems and the state pays for my needs. I had to be accessed as disabled in order to get the help that I get.My meds and doctors are paid for. I will be on another insurance program from the government that covers most of everything else, it's called Medicare. I'm als! o am on SSDI(money) from the government. It's not enough to li! ve on but it helps.There is free mental and medical health where I live but the programs are over whelmed with people. Budget cuts have made it hard for everyone. I'm not permanently disabled and hope to get back to some what of a normal life.If your working and you don't have insurance and say you want to see a therapist, you can see one who charges on a sliding scale of how much money you earn. But mental health is there for people. I just don't know if they all pay for meds. Not all cases are as extreme as others and meds are so costly.I also believe each state does things a little different, but believe me if you want and need help it's out there.Cella...Show more

Giovanna Sherlin: there are free mental health providers, but the system is over flowing with indigent people. Most people work in the medical profession to make money, so the free providers are usually operated by people with second rate educations. Some of the free providers have a waiting list for t! reatment ( your suicidal, take a number ). I worked in a state mental hospital, it was quite similar to a prison, except the food is better in prison. In America you get what you pay for....Show more

Arlen Decorte: Also thanks to those who answer my question respectfully! :)

Cliff Tyre: I agree with here comes the sun......Have a nice day.

Cristopher Gavalis: There are. It's actually not too difficult to get some form of insurance if you are low income. Many people don't know where to look and others choose to go without insurance. In my opinion, it's really the people in the middle class who really have problems paying for health care. by the way, have you ever tried gluten free as a way to control your anxiety? I've had great results with a gluten free diet. I used to have terrible anxiety....Show more

Comment désinstaller Norton 360 2013 (Beta)

Comment désinstaller Norton 360 2013 (Beta)

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Monday, 10 August 2020

What are some good things about marriage?

Nell Dipiero: 7 ways marriage benefits men:1. Married Men Have More SexIn a comprehensive study of sexual behaviors across the globe, British researchers surveyed more than a million people in 59 countries and found that those who were married had the most sex of any group. Other data from the National Health and Social Life Survey suggest that happily wed men also feel more emotionally fulfilled by each sexual encounter.2. Married Men Are Less Likely to Die of CancerFor a recent long-term study published in the journal BMC Public Health, Norwegian researchers reviewed more than 440,000 cases of 13 common cancers and found that married men were less likely to die of their disease than any other population, including never-wed, divorced, and widowed patients of both sexes. Single guys, on the other hand, fared the worst of all groups: Between 2005 and 2007, they were 35% more likely to die of cancer than their coupled-up cohorts. Researchers believe the disparity could ! be at least partly attributed to the emotional support men get from their spouses during and after cancer treatment. Married folks may also be more likely to get diagnosed at an earlier stage, thanks to gentle nudging from their significant others about keeping up with regular doctors’ visits.3. Married Men Are More Likely to Survive a Heart ProblemIn a recent study of 225 people who underwent coronary artery bypass, happily married men were more than 3 times as likely to be alive 15 years after the surgery than their unwed counterparts. Even not-so-happily married men fared better than bachelors: Among the former, the survival rate was 60%, compared with 36% among the latter. One reason may be that husbands are likely to seek treatment faster than their single friends, possibly thanks to their wives’ reminders or advice. According to a recent Canadian study of 4,500 heart attack patients, 75% of married men reported to the hospital within 6 hours of experiencing sy! mptoms, compared with about 68% of men who were single, 69% of! men who were divorced, and 71% of men who were widowed. 4. Married Men Have Lower Levels of PTSDAccording to the Journal of Traumatic Stress, frequent communication with a spouse may improve men’s health by preventing post-traumatic stress disorder in married active-duty military members. Researchers looked at nearly 200 male Army soldiers and found that those in satisfying marriages had lower levels of PTSD than their unmarried colleagues.5. Married Men Live LongerMultiple studies have shown that marriage boosts longevity. The American Journal of Epidemiology reports scientists at the U. of Louisville analyzed data on 500 million people from 90 previous studies and found that the overall risk of death was 32% lower for married men than for single men, equivalent to 8-17 extra years of life. Other data show similar trends. In a study of almost 75,000 women and more than 61,000 men in China, those who were married lived longer than their single, divorced, or widowed co! unterparts regardless of other health conditions.6. Married Men Behave BetterAccording to a recent study by MI State, married men are more responsible, less aggressive and antisocial, and less likely to get caught up in illegal or delinquent undertakings than their single peers. Researchers looked at 289 pairs of male twins and found that among those in which one brother married and one remained single, the coupled-up twin engaged in less antisocial behavior than his sibling. Overall, marriage reduced aggression and criminal activity by as much as 30%.7. Married Men Drink LessOne reason that married men may behave better, have more sex, live longer, and feel healthier: they drink less. According to a European study of several countries, while husbands tended to imbibe as frequently as their single friends, they consumed significantly less on each occasion (and overall)....Show more

Armando Somes: There is no 50% divorce rate in my family. My brother and sister hav! e been married 54 and 52 years respectfully. My other brother was marr! ied for 40 years before he lost his wife to breast cancer. My sons have been married 15 and 23 years. My nieces and nephews have been married 18 years or longer. There is no divorce in our family just solid family values. As for the high cost of living; have you ever heard the expression two can live cheaper than one. Personnally I am so happy to have one woman to share my life. As far as weddings being expensive; just go to the courthouse and get married....Show more

Jerald Florence: I didn't have a big and expensive wedding. But when you find someone who loves and excepts you, embraces you for who you are there is nothing more precious. I've been married for 5 years (Been with him for nearly 10 years) and its the best decision that I have ever made in my life. Someone to talk 2 and support you through the bad and good. Someone that can make you smile when you are at your lowest will bring you up. And it goes both ways you are there rock and they are yours. Whe! n you meet the right person, you will see the good in marriage! :)...Show more

Bell Pasco: CompanionshipFriendshipSex with someone you know and are used to being withSomeone you can trust when you are afraidSomeone you can share joy with when you are happySomeone to talk to on road tripsSomeone to run 5K's with or to cheer you on at the finish lineSomeone to holdSomeone to loveSomeone to call 911 if necessarySomeone to grocery shop withSomeone to laugh withSomeone who will reassure you that everything will be just fine....Show more

Dorinda Metzer: "All Knowing" should know everything.....the good and the bad.....why won't you find something to say good about it?

Ninfa Asby: Marriage can help to keep cancer related mortality at bay. This shows that emotional support and care can play a major role in patients’ treatment procedure.

Ricardo Rozelle: All you're doing is focusing on the negative, so OF COURSE you think lowly of marriage.I get to be with ! the man I love and my best friend every single day, and it's wonderful.! I get to laugh with him (and AT him, LOL) share things with him, and build a life with him that's OURS. Sure, we have our ups and downs, but we don't STAY focused on the downs.

Nancy Mansell: I can't come up with anything...sorry...OH Wait!! I do have something, someone to scratch your back.

Stormy Beliard: A mutual trust. I've determined that when you are not able to trust your accomplice, that you would be able to not ever develop together. I do not just imply trust that they will not cheat, either -- you must be capable to trust that they are going to always be in your corner, that they will take your feelings seriously despite the fact that they don't necessarily agree, that they will not use the matters you might have confessed to them as ammunition in a fight down the street. When you do not believe them, i do not feel which you can ever truly be happy as a couple....Show more

Ulrike Hert: Gimme a minute. I'll think of something...Oh, and if you th! ink a wedding is expensive, try a divorce. They cost MANY times more and leave you with decades of debt.