Tommy Durrenberger: Gay marriages already exist in everything but official recognition by the governmental and religious authorities and the fringe benefits that accompany that recognition. It's simply adding just due to what already exists. Get real people. What do you have against monogamy anyway? If it's good for you, it must be equally good for others too. (Those last remarks not directed against this questioner. I do not know what your views are. Peace.)
Lindsey Zanardi: Against. You people will have alot to say when you meet your maker.
Wally Perrien: I don't care about society. I care about government.
Arlene Maycumber: For it.
Horace Escue: Yes, these are LEGAL contracts not Religious cerimonies!Just as Government cannot employ people based on their personal religion, those employees cannot force their personal beliefs upon their employer/ment
Alden Sabio: Probably female if we're also counting bisexuals.
Coleman Coscia: Even i! f it runs counter to their personal beliefs?
Rona Ising: Who cares if some one accepts it or not. They need to get over it. equality is equality regardless of someone accepting it. "blacks are not at the back of the bus and neither should openly gay couples."
Cortez Badolato: I believe people should marry who they want.I don't see gay marriage becoming legal soon, however.Not until people of my generation have died off (I'm nearly 50). (I have the impression that younger people are, on the whole, more tolerant.)What I'd really like to know, though, is why people's getting married (people that one never knows), ruins other people's marriages -- as so many claim.How shaky is your marriage that it would be destroyed by gay marriages?...Show more
Miguel Koczela: I'm Bisexual and transsexual. And Sexual orientation and Gender orientation are both developed prior to being born and are not choices. Its a stereotype that people turn gay or lesbian. Just like you! r stereotyping that your cousin is gay because he is feminine.! He could be transsexual, bi-gender, gender-queer and so on.
Jeannetta Gaffigan: Against it. Marriage is a religious insitution.Call them civil unions (gays or hetereos) and let the state regulate that. Marriage belongs to the area of religion.As far as whether "society" accepts it, society shouldn't be forced to accept gay marriage....Show more
Willa Holte: Yes, a civil union is a legal binding of two peoples of the same sex similar to that of a marriage between a man and a woman. If they preform civil marriage ceremonies, but do not preform civil union ceremonies, they are discriminating against homosexuals. There is no other way to put it, it is flat out discrimination if a homosexual couple is denied the same rights as a heterosexual.
Marylee Lucks: Yes, if they cannot perform their job duties due to a CONFLICT OF INTEREST then they should be fired and replaced.
Otto Lingafelt: This may sound stupid, but I think everyone's born bi, and than lat! er on in life they just discover who they really like. That's just how I see it, so yes, I was born gay.
Clemmie Burkleo: Do you mean Psychological? 'Coz i don't think physcological is a word.Anyway, it's a rather highly debated and controversial subject, so my views on it aren't entirely provable, however, this does not mean it doesn't have it's facts.I don't know if humans are born with a sexuality. Maybe they are, maybe they're not. It's a lot more explainable for gay guys, actually.For example: a boy with older brothers has a higher chance of being Gay than a boy with sisters (biologically, anyway). The mother's body thinks of the male fetus as a parasite (which it kind of is); this parasite is causing the mother's body to lose equilibrium due to the amounts of Testosterone coming the male fetus. With this, the mother's body fights back the Testosterone with Estrogen. It keeps doing this, and after that baby, it already knows what to do; multiply this by each time! the mother has a boy, and you get the next male fetus being attacked b! y Estrogen bombs. That's one point of view.There's also the view of kids being Gay due to environment -- i admit, is a convincing idea -- but one has to look at the person; How can one be Gay (due to environmental terms) if they're brought up in a Heterosexual environment (and that happens quite a bit, too)? In my opinion, it's not necessarily biological at all. They haven't really 'discovered' a gay gene, just a series of gay traits; While biology plays a great factor in the sexuality game, one has to remember it's all in their head.A sexuality is a preference, albeit an unchangeable one, no matter what any Religion offers, and a preference is strictly psychological.You weren't born to like apples, hate corn, and like the color blue, were you? Sure, something like a trait was passed down to you by your parents, but who you are is strictly up to you.
Ivan Velazquez: Yes and if they donât want to do it they should get another job. We all have religious beliefs and ou! r own morals. I could say I donât want to work in my local supermarket because Iâm vegetarian and they sell meat. A person could say they donât want to work with a Catholic because theyâre protestant and feel the Catholic religion mocks their beliefs.
Kelly Bistodeau: Yes. If you don't agree with it why are you still working there? If same-sex civil unions are legal in your town and you don't agree with the policies set forth, then you are out of touch with the system that does. Why work for a system or, administration, you don't agree with?
Jacques Vaquera: How many times is this going to be asked today? This week? Doesn't anyone ever check past questions, using that helpful "search for questions" box? Arrgh!Having gotten that off my chest, YES, society must provide equal rights for all, or it will be discrimination. Marriage rights are given and regulated by the STATE, such as inheritance and taxation. Religion should have no say in such matters,! and the state should not be allowed to discriminate through gender or ! sexual orientation.It always kills me when some bigoted "christians" say out of one side of their mouth that 'LGBT people never have long-term relationships' and then go out and rail against same-sex marriage, you know, LGBT people having long-term relationships. What hypocrites!...Show more
Betsey Copp: Male has more.
Aron Ramu: I was born that way, I always was, I mean I went through a phase of trying to convince myself I fancied girls, but underneath it I was always gay.
Mayola Sylva: IM for it..all though personal im agaisnt marriage
Adrian Paraz: Government employees have to do things all the time which may run counter to their personal belief system--child welfare workers who don't believe in mixed-race adoption placing a child with different-race parents, for example. While working for the governement, it is the civil worker's job to enforce the rules of that government.
Danica Timperman: Society doesn't have to accept anything especia! lly since we live in a Democracy. So Hell no men were physically meant for women and women were physically meant for men. If it was natural to be gay then why can't two gay people have children? And why is there no natural entry opening on a man or no male genitals on females? Society should not have to accept people's sick twisted views when it doesn't agree with the morals of humanity.
Tracy Huesso: female, because it's more accepted by society for a girl to be gay. seeing as many people would rather see two women kissing than two men.
Sherita Gallati:
Donita Desjardin: About equal.
Bob Pucella: Female
Joie Kemmis: Against Against down with it down with it!!!!!! To be for it is also against repopulating the human race. disgraces those who work& support a family including the elderly parents. will allow sexual predators to move in next to kids!!!!
Miguel Densley: Yes, it is not about the word (MARRIAGE, most people has basta d the word....with divorce, adultery and etc...) (it is the social protection that comes with the word)(so I would be o.k. , just to lotted with the social protection of Marriage)
Lorelei Lilburn: 50/50 i would say
Flor Lizardi: Ive always wondered what made you all turn gay, lesbian, bisexual. NO offense or disrespect to you all if you are....i just always wondered. Where you born that way or did it happen later on in life. I hate when people say things about gays,lesbian like "you arent going to heaven" because if you look at the physcological side you'll see its more than just whats presented. I ask this because i have a younger cousin who is about 8, and from the day he was born he has always been femine. When we are born, we are all born with more female chromosones than males. So i just want to know your story or point of view!
Darwin Ecton: For it.
Mahalia Brindle: I'm all for it
Shane Getler: For it but I'm straight so I don't really care if a person is gay or not. I look on what's on the inside.
Brittney Inabnit: Female
Patrick Bitsui: Religious organizations have no onus to accept gay marriages.Still, I believe that gay people usually have no choice in the matter and are owed equal treatment under the law. Civil lawshould allow them the same protections that it provides to usheterosexuals.Under civil law, you can call it a marriage, or civil contract, orwhatever you wish, but they deserve the rights and privileges of other citizens....Show more
Randal Deyarmond: For it. Live and let live.
Marita Stadick: No.
Esteban Faggett: If it contradicts their religious beliefs, I don't believe the government can make them do it... and if it is illegal in the state they are working, no they wouldnt perform them either.
Clementina Collelo: completely for it. i find it ridiculous tha! t those who believe so strongly in god to judge other people can hate so! strongly. it's so hypocritical that i can barely stand the thought of it. now, i am not a religious person, but that has nothing to do with the fact that marriage is love. marriage is the joining of TWO PEOPLE WHO LOVE EACH OTHER, who want to support each other and show a lifelong commitment. in some book "sent from good", sure, you can find words that tell you two men lying together is wrong, but you can also find things about sinning by eating shellfish. or by touching your wife while she's on her period. don't get me wrong, i support those who believe in god also, but things have changed. we are a modernized world in many ways, and it's time that people see that there is no reason not to let people of any sexuality be married. no one is saying that once gay people can get married any man will be FORCED to marry a man. it is a privilege of choice for those two people and those two people only. you don't support it? fine, don't look. but get over your ******* self and l! et people live....Show more
Teodoro Lamond: I was born that way, I just realized it kinda later then some people. I always thought girls were way more attractive then boys.
Brittanie Zakutney: Im bisexual.Pleasure is the answer.I find pleasure in bot females and males.I always liked girls when young and guys were fun to play with but until puberty it got sexual.Its pleasure when it comes to sex aswell.It feels good than obviously ur attracted to it.
Vernon Martorana: I am for it. Marriage is between people who love each other and are willing to make a life-long commitment to love, honor, respect, care for, and remain with that individual.
Joel Feagler: For it all the way & I'm a Christian
Rick Duchane: Should government employees have to perform cross race, or religion marriages if it's against their personal beliefs? Suppose the employee was gay and found same sex marriages distasteful?The government is not for a some of the people or the pe! ople who believe the same or even most of the people, it is for ALL the! people, and all civil servants need to remember that. Actually we all need to remember it as well.
Stanton Degregorio: all in favor
Arlen Lopiccalo: hell to the friggin No
Joie Kemmis: I have a moral objection to our government being run by Bush and his bunch of crooks, liars and warmongers, but I still pay my taxes. And, my family and I get less in return for it than a straight person/household does.I can't help but notice that the civil servant who refuses to marry gay people and the pharmacist who refuses to fill prescriptions for contraceptives, both on moral grounds, but follow all the other laws of the land, are of the same camp as the religious right, most of whom pick and choose certain parts of the Bible to shout about, and ignore parts that they don't care for.The name of that camp? Camp Hypocrite.
Katheryn Skrobacki: Noone turns Gay, Les, or Bi. You are correct that we are all born hard-wired for sexual preference. Scientists have even! observed a part of the brain more/less developed in gays than in straight. I'm 75, and I've been a crossdresser since about least thats as far back as I can remember. I've been married 49 years and still xdress. Re heaven/hell..thats religious hocus pocus and a way for bigots to cover their hatred for anything they don't understand.
Cristopher Gavalis: If it's part of their job description...... Yes..... I don't always agree with my management and their decisions, but I don't make the rules..... If they don't agree or feel morally opposed, they can always get a different job..... Nobodies making them work there.
Leora Klingelhoets: no its grose and it shouldnt happen especially if theres kids involved............its just weird
Emeline Albracht: I see there are a lot of strong opinions here, like hard-wired from birth. I hated girls until I was 8. I never got anywhere until I was 17. When I was 19 I started drinking and partying and wanted to d! o anything with everybody. A handsome foreign athlete introduced me to! gourmet fellatio when I was 20. A few years later I started to want to like and do it with other guys, even more women and couples. I don't think I was born this way, but I did get sucked into it!
Geraldo Mccalla: why should any one group have the power to deny equal rights to others?Conservative Christians (or any religious group) do not have a monopoly on marriage.
Karey Dunken: There should be nothing to debate here. It should be legal regardless of how anyone feels about it. Live and let live!If someone doesn't like it, they should mind their own business. Afterall, the fact that gay marriage is not legal does not stop gay people from being gay... but it does oppress them and deny them rights that all americans should have!!
Marya Fehn: I'm for it, and I could care less if society accepts it or not, it should still be legal.
Freeman Rutkin: I'm still a bit confused on what I am but I'm pretty sure I'm Bi so I'd be happy to answer. People who a! re Gay/Bi/Trans don't choose to be that way, it's the way we are born just like you are straight. We can't help it it's just the way we think and feel like you, there's nothing that "turned" us this way. I heard an interesting story and message a few years ago it was about a gay teenager who was bullied for years and years in school savagely everyday. Years later people still asked him why he choose to be gay and he told that story then said "If I could stop being gay wouldn't I have?". It's true all the cra* these people have to put up with if they could change they would wouldn't they in that logic but we can't and most of us wouldn't anyway because that's just the way we were born. Hope this helps you.
Octavio Roylance: a huge NO I'M AGAINST IT TIL DEATH
Roland Stampley: Nothing really happened to me "later on" in life.I'm not sure which side of the story I agree with...the "born" thing, or the developmental thing. Either way, I didn't choose it.I stand on t! he alternative hormones opinion; that may or may not be affected by how! one was born. Chromosomes do not have anything to do with it, just so you know. If one had messed-up chromosomes, that would create unfortunate deformities such as Down's Syndrome; nothing to do with sexuality.Nevertheless, I am a female, and ever since I was a tiny girl, I've liked females.
Luana Carothers: I have a covenant with my g0y mate and could care less if society recognizes it or not. The legal documents exist to protect my rights and if I want the states involvement I will ask for it. I think also that homosexuals deserve the right to love who they love and live with who they wish. The government has no right to deny anyone the right to be married.
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