answers 0:My girlfriend and I have never been in a relationship before, so neither of us has had sex. If we're both new to sex, not having been exposed to STDs, do we still need to use protection?I did some research but I just got confused and worried. Some websites say to use protection at all times, some say only when you've both been tested and some just say have sex but be safe. I also found out that lesbian (although we're bisexual) protection is usually a plastic glove or dental dam (which i have never heard of or seen before). I also read that the old "spit or swallow" rule shouldn't be used. Just use protection. Do we still need protection even if we're first-timers?Thanks in advance!!...Show moreanswers 1:First, you can never be sure if someone isn't hiding a previous relationship.Second, ! a condom can also help prevent pregnancy.The short answer is YES.answers 2:Yes, most definitely. Use protection.answers 3:If you're both girls, then obviously there's no risk of pregnancy, and if neither of you have had sex or used drugs before then there's no chance of having any STDs or HIV (and besides, it's very hard to transmit HIV through lesbian sex anyway). I think, in this situation, that you'd be fine not to use protection (unless I've got it wrong and you're a male/female couple, in which case you still need to use protection to prevent pregnancy). Sex between two female virgins is extremely safe and I think it would be overly paranoid to use plastic gloves and such (and this is from someone who is generally very paranoid about STDs)....answers 4:I think using condoms would be wiseanswers 5:Yes, use protection. It doesn't matter that you've never had sex before, most STDs can be transmitted in other ways, too. It will still feel good and you won't regret it lat! er.answers 6:i think i should mention we're both girls...answe! rs 7:It would be wise to use protection.She may not have STD's but that doesn't means that she is safe, and neither are you.Think of it like handling an unknown vial of blood. You don't now if the blood contains and HIV virus, so it's better to wear a glove than not wear one and get infected.Once you and your girlfriend trust each other 100%, then you should move on to the 'no protection zone'.BTW: a dental dam is a a condom that was cut into a big square.You place it on the entrance of the vaginaIt is mainly used to protect the person giving oral from getting vaginal secretions in his/her mouth....answers 8:absolutely! it's equally (if not more) important, if you are first timers. unless you know for sure that none of you have any STD's you must use a condom. being your first time will give you NO protection what so ever above everybody else. condoms will also prevent unwanted pregnancies.edit: you're girls... oh. well use a latex glove then....answers 9:No have a babyansw! ers 10:Why do we have young children brush their teeth when they're just going to fall out? To promote healthy habits and choices down the road.Same idea with safer sex. It is entirely up to the two of you to decide your level of comfort. If you two are prepared to deal with any unforeseen consequences (bacterial infections, undetected sexual transmissions, magical same sex pregnancies, ect) together in a supportive manner then go for it. Be sure to have a very clear talk and plan about using or not using barriers during sex.Dental dams, fyi, are basically cling wrap pieces that people using when preforming oral acts on vaginas or anuses. They bring down the risk of skin to skin transmissions, protect from fecal to oral contamination, and sometimes taste like vanilla, strawberry, ectGloves are common when a partner's hands are either exposed to chemicals at work, nails are in rough shape (both of you should trim your nails to avoid damaging each other unless that is a discu! ssed scenario that you agree on), there are cuts or open sores on your ! hands, ect.In the end, it is a choice you two will make. Nobody here will be watching you to make sure there is latex/nitrile gloves on everything. Even if you choose not to use them this time, it would be a good idea to get comfortable with them in the future as you move forward in your sexuality. Some people will not have sex without them, and you may as well get your good fumbly times out early and have a laugh with someone close to you....
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