Antonia Quinnett: The economy can grow, and the standard of living can increase, only by increasing the amount of resources available, and using them efficiently. This means things like technological advances, making business decisions that give consumers what they want, knowing how to increase business profits, finding new products to meet untapped demand, avoiding liability that could lead to bankruptcy, and many other things that a market economy provides for in order to achieve economic growth.All of the things mentioned require education. An education gives workers skills to handle such things, which means that educated workers tend to be more marketable than "unskilled" workers. Unskilled is defined as not having specialized knowledge above the general workforce.This is why many people think that the future of the economy depends on a proper investment in education....Show more
Russel Gajate: If you're not educated, you won't understand economics -- or many! other things, for that matter.
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