Friday, 26 June 2020

MY green card is expired. help!!!!!!?

Jose Bouliouris: no .. you leave the USA ...go see an aila lawyer first

Lita Thammorongsa: As a Green Card holder, you are required to notify the USCIS about where you live. You do that via form AR-11. Had you done that when moving out, you'd have received the mail at the correct address and would not have to deal with this crap now. So mail out an AR-11 tomorrow.Assuming you already had a 10-year Green Card when renewing, your residency is unconditional, so your status as a lawful permanent resident doesn't expire. I don't know if you'd have to start with a new I-90, but if you have no income and can prove it, also submit an I-912 Application for a Fee Waiver with the I-90, so that the fee of $450 (not $600) can be waived. If you can't prove that you have no income because you failed to file a federal income tax return last year or can't get your hands on the one of your parents where you are listed as a dependent, your sponsor, the person who submitted the Affidav! it of Support in your behalf, will have to jump in and do what they promised to do....Show more

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