Tuesday, 30 June 2020

what is the difference between marriage know and marriage in the 1800's?

Arlene Maycumber: Okay, K.N.O.W. spells know, N.O.W. spells now. Learn how to spell before you ask a question. And I don't know the difference, it's pretty much the same.

Chet Nozick: Most people (unless they were wealthy socialites) didn't travel as much, so they had to make due with who they were around. I'd imagine that some marriages were good and some were bad, same as now. Women didn't have any rights, so if her husband beat her or had affairs, she was stuck with him. Birth control wasn't in practice, so people had children even when they couldn't afford them / didn't want them. Many, many, women died in childbirth. Marriage was often more about convenient factors than it is nowadays. People didn't tend to live as long, and much of their day was devoted to basic survival skills (once again, if they weren't wealthy). I don't believe that "knowing roles" made marriage better -- that's a rose colored glasses perception. I have read many biographies of wom! en who were miserable because they had intelligence or other skills they had no outlet to use. Some people had good marriages and some people did not - -same as today. Things like abuse, alcoholism and drug use, etc were around even back then. People didn't have access to information about how to improve communication, or physical intimacy, or relationship skills as they did today....Show more

Miguel Koczela: Are you indignant because adult adult males do not evaluate fantastically sexually energetic women good for marriage (interior the classic experience)? nicely, are you able to blame them? it is consumer-friendly good judgment. If she supplies away sex actual, they'll supply sex away actual interior the destiny. people do not substitute in one day only because they exchanged earrings or signed a contract. So in the adventure that they are waiting for a monogamous marriage, that lady, or guy if that is a guy, isn't good marriage textile. yet someone like me, wh! o would not assume monogamy besides, and may sleep round a lot! even as encouraging her to sleep round too, does no longer recommendations....Show more

Nikita Schroepfer: Financially speaking, this could work. Just imagine 3 people earning for a family. Better yet, just think if they make over 50K.

Arlen Hamper: You were just about guaranteed to pop out a kid, even if you didn't want one. Marriage also wasn't about "love" for women but duty and survival. You took the abuse, the cheating, to be treating like trash because society left you with little other option.

Alisa Kaleiwahea: I sometimes think about ex-crushes or ex- boyfriends ,but i don't do anything about it. I ran in to an ex-boyfriend of mine that i really cared for and I called it quits with him and now 4 years later i'm married with 2 kids from my marrage and i feel totally unhappy even though i know he loves me indefinately, so i don't believe it wrong it's just what your feeling!! It happens , that's life.

Roselee Mczeal: I know some women who ! would be...they'd love another woman to take on some of the "wifely burden"...LOL!!!

Tyrone Disanti: its human nature to have these feelings and because we are curious creatures we explore these feelings in our dreams,we cant help it. you love your wife thats for sure otherwise u wouldnt be so freaked. think of why u love her and know that being faithful will not only ensure her trust but put u at ease. those dreams are meaningless if they werent then u would be able to tell for yourself. u kno just because in ur dream it appeared to be another woman doesnt mean it was,in a dream of mine my best friend was portrayed as a man but in my mind the way i connected wit her i knew who she really was....Show more

Patricia Bolduc: Back then the marriage lasted till death do us part. Today couples Don't understand their vows. Marriage is a joke today.

Monroe Rainey: Women have a voice now, divorce IS an option, and personal happiness has become more important than ! duty. (i.e. fear of society's judgement)I think the changes are good, e! ven though so many people make mistakes, marry the wrong people, blah blah blah. At least now, there's a choice between a life of misery if you are unhappily married and the possibility of happiness by starting a new life. That's pretty dang important if you ask me....Show more

Rosella Figliola: well seeing as none of us were around back then we have to guess. life was physically harder, people died earlier so they matured and got married by 18. he had it tough at work, she had it tough doing her household duties, no clubs, no internet, no t.v. everything centered around family, there were less options, adultery was [and still is] a disgrace--so if he cheated he had to go out of his way to find a street walker in the bad section of town. even getting around was more difficult, no cars right?i think at night people were more tired and went to sleep. however there were probably always alcoholics here and there, and if a woman was deserted all she had were her relativ! es to depend on....Show more

Robin Marchione: Yes. It is completely healthy and normal. Even beneficial.Many women fantasize about men they could never have, movie stars, musicians, coworkers. Even strangers on the street. When you see a sexy man wander by, it gets your mind going. The mind is the most powerful sex organ there is.Now, because you love your husband, you take that emotion home with you and use it (whether you realise it or not) to stoke the home fires.So ladies - go ahead and look! Enjoy looking! There is nothing wrong with it and it may even rev up your love life with your mate.Mmmm, Sean Connery....dreamy... :)...Show more

Coy Tapley: Both the man and woman knew their role in the marriage and most respected their vows. Today, no one cares about that sh*t.

Rosalva Steinmann: All troubles start with this innocent crush... and it will slowly develop into something else than innocent crush.You may be able to stop it, but the other party! is beyond your control and may persistancely move in on you.The best, ! stay out of trouble...taking a poll does not mean anything. take care....Show more

Dorine Nurre: No way. I'm starting to think the whole idea of marriage is retarded no matter who's involved. Marriage is NOT something that benefits men at all. Been there done that.

Bell Pasco: YES!

Gwenda Micheals: I get crushes all the time, about 10 each day as I drive to and from work. Maybe an other 2 each weak while i'm at work.Each month I get new ones, but they all last about 2-3 days, maybe a week the longest.Look, there will always be people much better looking than your partner. You have to come to terms with the fact that you didn't get that lucky. But for as long as it's innocent, and you don't actively provoke the situation into something more complicated, then it's fine.Since when is fantasy sex considered adultry?...Show more

Cliff Tyre: commitment dont mean crap these days

Tyree Allenbrand: It's normal. A lot of married folks are attracted to o! ther people. As long as you don't act upon it then it's fine.

Leticia Laiben: yes its normal, but its just a dream, don't screw up your marriage over it.

Zelma Casebier: AS long as you keep it in your dreams your fine and nothing really wrong with that,but if you already know that you will be so tempted when you see this girl you may cheat my best advice if you love your wife just keep yourself away from her and i would try and find something else to fantasize about besides her since your will power with this women is so low...good luck and i hope you do your wife right think about her and her feelings before u act on a lusty thought

Filiberto Ranalli: if it were legal , it would not matter if I was in favor of it or notif you asked if I was in favor of it, I would tell you no

Benny Stehno: I would say the respect people had for marriage and its symbolic meaning has decreased greatly! People get married nowadays and cheat on each other the same way.! They commit adultery and don't even respect each other. Today marriage! is horrible. There are marriages that survive but I feel the majority of people just get married because they can or because they are feeling good at the moment but they don't realize the responsibilities that come with marriage nor do they realize how they are combining two lives for a family or any of that. So they get divorced after about 5 months....Show more

Ivan Velazquez: i think it is healthy and normal, as long as it's truly innocent. my friends and i are taking a poll.

Kate Baune: I think is normal. Just make sure you don't act on it or point it out to your spouse because then you may end up being unhappily married.

Wilbert Shellgren: Yes, it is normal. Go ahead and sleep with her if she wants you, too.

Brittanie Zakutney: Only a fool will dream about his own wife , for sex. With ur wife why to dream, you can do it any time , any where. Dreaming for sex for someone's else wife is normal.

Bruce Calise:

Bruno Galasso: it is ver! y normal

Germaine Tieken: You mean "now".

Oda Mauson: Normal, everyone wonders from time to time. Use that person as ummm... "personal time" material if need be. This may help cure your curiousity. Seems silly, but it is a therapy of a sort. Kind of like having an erotic dream about that person then not having the urge anymore to fantasize about that person anymore because in a way, you know what it would be like. Of course if you crush is even more innocent then that and you simply find the person attractive and that is it, then I wouldn't even call that a crush and it is more then innocent. :)...Show more

Renay Billiar: Mormons can seek to have Temple Marriages where we man and wife seal each-other for eternity. A non-LDS marriage ends a death. @Wicked Ways your fact are VERY wrong. I'm one for admitting faults within the Church, but you missed A LOT of points.

Frederic Engellant: I believe it is normal but never something to acted on!

! Lynn Mctier: There is nothing innocent about a crush and it could quick! ly lead to something more intimate and then you've got really big problems believe me so please leave it be

Pam Rampadarat: Why would I want to have two work-list generators. One keeps me plenty busy.

Delmer Pectol: The wife was basically a slave back then, man times were good.Tino you motherf*cker! I just sh*t myself in the battlefield...Show more

Rebeca Mckin: 1800's every one knew there roles and were happy.

Hai Biggart: Totally normal. I have silly crushes all the time. They fade pretty quick, and I never act on them.

Tricia Dossous: The girl in the dream is a very good friend. I havent seen her in 2 years and I'm worried that when I do, I'll be really tempted to sleep with her. I've had these dreams since I met here 7 years ago.

Marco Stolarz: I'm pro-choice.If anyone I know wants to have two wives or two men or a combination, I'll support them.However I have no desire to have a second wife.

Cómo obtener cabello de menta

Cómo obtener cabello de menta

Diferentes personas tienen diferentes interpretaciones del color menta. Para algunos, es más azul, mientras que para otros es más verde. Una cosa que parece ser consistente en todo momento es que es un tono muy pálido, lo que es difícil cuando se trata de teñir el cabello. Si quieres un tono claro de cabello, primero tienes que decolorarlo. Esto a menudo le deja con tonos cobrizos, que pueden opacar tonos fríos como el azul y el verde. Sin embargo, con los pasos preparatorios adecuados, puedes teñirte el cabello de un hermoso tono de verde menta.

Compra tu tinte. Diferentes personas tienen diferentes ideas de lo que es «menta». Para algunas personas, es más verde, para otras, es más azul. Si tienes mucho amarillo en tu cabello, compra un tinte azul; el amarillo de tu cabello se mezclará con el tinte y creará verde. Si tienes el pelo blanco o plateado, pue! des conseguir algo que sea más verde.

Proteja su ropa y su espacio de trabajo. Cubra su mostrador con un periódico o un mantel plástico barato. Póngase una camisa vieja o póngase una capa para teñirse el pelo alrededor de los hombros; también puede usar una toalla vieja. Por último, póngase un par de guantes desechables de plástico.

Deje reposar el tinte durante el tiempo recomendado en el paquete. Cada marca será diferente, así que revise el paquete. En general, la mayoría de los tintes premezclados se pueden dejar en el cabello hasta por 3 horas. Los tintes que se mezclan con un revelador por lo general sólo se pueden dejar durante unos 20 minutos.

Aplicar la lejía sobre el cabello seco, empezando por las puntas. Esto es muy importante, ya que sus raíces se blanquearán mucho más rápido. Si se aplica primero el blanqueador en las raíces, se corre el riesgo de irritar el cuero cabelludo.

Determine si su cabello necesita tonificaci! ón. El cabello de cada persona se decolora de manera diferent! e, así que mire su cabello ahora. Si notas algún tono de bronceado o naranja en él, necesitas tonificarlo. Si no lo haces, el naranja se mezclará con el verde y te dará un color pardusco en su lugar.

Preparar el tinte según las instrucciones del envase. Si está usando un tinte puro, considere mezclarlo con un acondicionador de color blanco. Use suficiente acondicionador para cubrir su cabello. La cantidad de tinte que utilice depende de usted; cuanto más tinte añada, más oscuro será el color.

Mezcle el blanqueador de acuerdo con las instrucciones del paquete. Mezcle el blanqueador en un recipiente de vidrio o plástico que no vaya a utilizar para comer de nuevo. Puedes conseguir un tazón especial para teñir en una tienda de belleza.

Compra un champú tonificante. Por lo general se etiquetan como «Champú Púrpura» o algo similar. Se pueden encontrar en salones de belleza y tiendas de artículos de belleza. Alternativamente, puede utilizar un! kit de tonificación a base de amoníaco. Tenga en cuenta que estos son mucho más duros en su cabello; lo mejor sería esperar de 2 a 3 días después de la decoloración. El Champú Púrpura es más suave y se puede usar de inmediato.

Proteja su superficie de trabajo y su ropa. Si usted está haciendo esto el mismo día que se tiñó el cabello, probablemente tenga todo listo. Si se tomó un descanso, tómese un momento para volver a cubrir sus mostradores y su ropa. ¡Recuerda los guantes de plástico desechables!

Aplica el tinte en el cabello, empezando por las raíces. Puede hacerlo con las manos o con un cepillo aplicador de tinte. Asegúrese de aplicar el tinte de manera uniforme en todo el cabello, incluyendo la nuca, alrededor de las orejas y la línea del cabello. Si tienes el cabello muy grueso, considera dividirlo en cuatro secciones antes de aplicar los tintes:

Compre un kit de blanqueamiento. Consigue al menos un kit de 20 volúmenes. En gen! eral, cuanto más oscuro sea tu cabello, más veces tendrás que teñir! lo. Sin embargo, debido a la cantidad de luz que se usará para teñir el cabello, también es necesario que lo decolores más claro. He aquí algunas sugerencias:

Enjuague el champú y seque el cabello. Tu cabello ya no debería tener nada de naranja, lo que es bueno. Idealmente, debería ser más plateado o gris, pero está bien si se ve un poco amarillo; el amarillo es uno de los tonos que componen la menta.

Aplica el champú tonificante en tu cabello. Métete en la ducha y métete en el pelo. Si acabas de terminar de teñirte el pelo, ya tienes esa parte cubierta. Aplica el champú tonificante en el cabello, como si fuera un champú normal.

Deje el champú tonificante puesto para la púa recomendada en la botella. Cada marca será un poco diferente, pero en la mayoría de los casos, es de 10 a 15 minutos. Durante este tiempo, el champú teñirá tu cabello y equilibrará los tonos cobrizos, dejándote un color más neutro.

Deje reposar la lejía ! durante el tiempo recomendado. Cada marca será diferente, así que lea las instrucciones que vienen con su blanqueador. En general, sin embargo, cuanto mayor sea el volumen de la lejía, más rápidamente funcionará. En la mayoría de los casos, serán de 25 a 35 minutos.

Enjuaga la decoloración y deja que el cabello se seque. Enjuague el blanqueador primero con agua y luego con champú.

Lave el tinte. Enjuague el tinte con agua fría hasta que el agua salga clara. Aplica un acondicionador hidratante de buena calidad que sea adecuado para el cabello teñido, déjalo reposar durante unos minutos y luego enjuágalo. No use champú.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Should society accept gay marriages?

Tommy Durrenberger: Gay marriages already exist in everything but official recognition by the governmental and religious authorities and the fringe benefits that accompany that recognition. It's simply adding just due to what already exists. Get real people. What do you have against monogamy anyway? If it's good for you, it must be equally good for others too. (Those last remarks not directed against this questioner. I do not know what your views are. Peace.)

Lindsey Zanardi: Against. You people will have alot to say when you meet your maker.

Wally Perrien: I don't care about society. I care about government.

Arlene Maycumber: For it.

Horace Escue: Yes, these are LEGAL contracts not Religious cerimonies!Just as Government cannot employ people based on their personal religion, those employees cannot force their personal beliefs upon their employer/ment

Alden Sabio: Probably female if we're also counting bisexuals.

Coleman Coscia: Even i! f it runs counter to their personal beliefs?

Rona Ising: Who cares if some one accepts it or not. They need to get over it. equality is equality regardless of someone accepting it. "blacks are not at the back of the bus and neither should openly gay couples."

Cortez Badolato: I believe people should marry who they want.I don't see gay marriage becoming legal soon, however.Not until people of my generation have died off (I'm nearly 50). (I have the impression that younger people are, on the whole, more tolerant.)What I'd really like to know, though, is why people's getting married (people that one never knows), ruins other people's marriages -- as so many claim.How shaky is your marriage that it would be destroyed by gay marriages?...Show more

Miguel Koczela: I'm Bisexual and transsexual. And Sexual orientation and Gender orientation are both developed prior to being born and are not choices. Its a stereotype that people turn gay or lesbian. Just like you! r stereotyping that your cousin is gay because he is feminine.! He could be transsexual, bi-gender, gender-queer and so on.

Jeannetta Gaffigan: Against it. Marriage is a religious insitution.Call them civil unions (gays or hetereos) and let the state regulate that. Marriage belongs to the area of religion.As far as whether "society" accepts it, society shouldn't be forced to accept gay marriage....Show more

Willa Holte: Yes, a civil union is a legal binding of two peoples of the same sex similar to that of a marriage between a man and a woman. If they preform civil marriage ceremonies, but do not preform civil union ceremonies, they are discriminating against homosexuals. There is no other way to put it, it is flat out discrimination if a homosexual couple is denied the same rights as a heterosexual.

Marylee Lucks: Yes, if they cannot perform their job duties due to a CONFLICT OF INTEREST then they should be fired and replaced.

Otto Lingafelt: This may sound stupid, but I think everyone's born bi, and than lat! er on in life they just discover who they really like. That's just how I see it, so yes, I was born gay.

Clemmie Burkleo: Do you mean Psychological? 'Coz i don't think physcological is a word.Anyway, it's a rather highly debated and controversial subject, so my views on it aren't entirely provable, however, this does not mean it doesn't have it's facts.I don't know if humans are born with a sexuality. Maybe they are, maybe they're not. It's a lot more explainable for gay guys, actually.For example: a boy with older brothers has a higher chance of being Gay than a boy with sisters (biologically, anyway). The mother's body thinks of the male fetus as a parasite (which it kind of is); this parasite is causing the mother's body to lose equilibrium due to the amounts of Testosterone coming the male fetus. With this, the mother's body fights back the Testosterone with Estrogen. It keeps doing this, and after that baby, it already knows what to do; multiply this by each time! the mother has a boy, and you get the next male fetus being attacked b! y Estrogen bombs. That's one point of view.There's also the view of kids being Gay due to environment -- i admit, is a convincing idea -- but one has to look at the person; How can one be Gay (due to environmental terms) if they're brought up in a Heterosexual environment (and that happens quite a bit, too)? In my opinion, it's not necessarily biological at all. They haven't really 'discovered' a gay gene, just a series of gay traits; While biology plays a great factor in the sexuality game, one has to remember it's all in their head.A sexuality is a preference, albeit an unchangeable one, no matter what any Religion offers, and a preference is strictly psychological.You weren't born to like apples, hate corn, and like the color blue, were you? Sure, something like a trait was passed down to you by your parents, but who you are is strictly up to you.

Ivan Velazquez: Yes and if they don’t want to do it they should get another job. We all have religious beliefs and ou! r own morals. I could say I don’t want to work in my local supermarket because I’m vegetarian and they sell meat. A person could say they don’t want to work with a Catholic because they’re protestant and feel the Catholic religion mocks their beliefs.

Kelly Bistodeau: Yes. If you don't agree with it why are you still working there? If same-sex civil unions are legal in your town and you don't agree with the policies set forth, then you are out of touch with the system that does. Why work for a system or, administration, you don't agree with?

Jacques Vaquera: How many times is this going to be asked today? This week? Doesn't anyone ever check past questions, using that helpful "search for questions" box? Arrgh!Having gotten that off my chest, YES, society must provide equal rights for all, or it will be discrimination. Marriage rights are given and regulated by the STATE, such as inheritance and taxation. Religion should have no say in such matters,! and the state should not be allowed to discriminate through gender or ! sexual orientation.It always kills me when some bigoted "christians" say out of one side of their mouth that 'LGBT people never have long-term relationships' and then go out and rail against same-sex marriage, you know, LGBT people having long-term relationships. What hypocrites!...Show more

Betsey Copp: Male has more.

Aron Ramu: I was born that way, I always was, I mean I went through a phase of trying to convince myself I fancied girls, but underneath it I was always gay.

Mayola Sylva: IM for it..all though personal im agaisnt marriage

Adrian Paraz: Government employees have to do things all the time which may run counter to their personal belief system--child welfare workers who don't believe in mixed-race adoption placing a child with different-race parents, for example. While working for the governement, it is the civil worker's job to enforce the rules of that government.

Danica Timperman: Society doesn't have to accept anything especia! lly since we live in a Democracy. So Hell no men were physically meant for women and women were physically meant for men. If it was natural to be gay then why can't two gay people have children? And why is there no natural entry opening on a man or no male genitals on females? Society should not have to accept people's sick twisted views when it doesn't agree with the morals of humanity.

Tracy Huesso: female, because it's more accepted by society for a girl to be gay. seeing as many people would rather see two women kissing than two men.

Sherita Gallati:

Donita Desjardin: About equal.

Bob Pucella: Female

Joie Kemmis: Against Against down with it down with it!!!!!! To be for it is also against repopulating the human race. disgraces those who work& support a family including the elderly parents. will allow sexual predators to move in next to kids!!!!


Miguel Densley: Yes, it is not about the word (MARRIAGE, most people has basta d the word....with divorce, adultery and etc...) (it is the social protection that comes with the word)(so I would be o.k. , just to lotted with the social protection of Marriage)

Lorelei Lilburn: 50/50 i would say

Flor Lizardi: Ive always wondered what made you all turn gay, lesbian, bisexual. NO offense or disrespect to you all if you are....i just always wondered. Where you born that way or did it happen later on in life. I hate when people say things about gays,lesbian like "you arent going to heaven" because if you look at the physcological side you'll see its more than just whats presented. I ask this because i have a younger cousin who is about 8, and from the day he was born he has always been femine. When we are born, we are all born with more female chromosones than males. So i just want to know your story or point of view!

Darwin Ecton: For it.

Mahalia Brindle: I'm all for it

Shane Getler: For it but I'm straight so I don't really care if a person is gay or not. I look on what's on the inside.

Brittney Inabnit: Female

Patrick Bitsui: Religious organizations have no onus to accept gay marriages.Still, I believe that gay people usually have no choice in the matter and are owed equal treatment under the law. Civil lawshould allow them the same protections that it provides to usheterosexuals.Under civil law, you can call it a marriage, or civil contract, orwhatever you wish, but they deserve the rights and privileges of other citizens....Show more

Randal Deyarmond: For it. Live and let live.

Marita Stadick: No.

Esteban Faggett: If it contradicts their religious beliefs, I don't believe the government can make them do it... and if it is illegal in the state they are working, no they wouldnt perform them either.

Clementina Collelo: completely for it. i find it ridiculous tha! t those who believe so strongly in god to judge other people can hate so! strongly. it's so hypocritical that i can barely stand the thought of it. now, i am not a religious person, but that has nothing to do with the fact that marriage is love. marriage is the joining of TWO PEOPLE WHO LOVE EACH OTHER, who want to support each other and show a lifelong commitment. in some book "sent from good", sure, you can find words that tell you two men lying together is wrong, but you can also find things about sinning by eating shellfish. or by touching your wife while she's on her period. don't get me wrong, i support those who believe in god also, but things have changed. we are a modernized world in many ways, and it's time that people see that there is no reason not to let people of any sexuality be married. no one is saying that once gay people can get married any man will be FORCED to marry a man. it is a privilege of choice for those two people and those two people only. you don't support it? fine, don't look. but get over your ******* self and l! et people live....Show more

Teodoro Lamond: I was born that way, I just realized it kinda later then some people. I always thought girls were way more attractive then boys.

Brittanie Zakutney: Im bisexual.Pleasure is the answer.I find pleasure in bot females and males.I always liked girls when young and guys were fun to play with but until puberty it got sexual.Its pleasure when it comes to sex aswell.It feels good than obviously ur attracted to it.

Vernon Martorana: I am for it. Marriage is between people who love each other and are willing to make a life-long commitment to love, honor, respect, care for, and remain with that individual.

Joel Feagler: For it all the way & I'm a Christian

Rick Duchane: Should government employees have to perform cross race, or religion marriages if it's against their personal beliefs? Suppose the employee was gay and found same sex marriages distasteful?The government is not for a some of the people or the pe! ople who believe the same or even most of the people, it is for ALL the! people, and all civil servants need to remember that. Actually we all need to remember it as well.

Stanton Degregorio: all in favor

Arlen Lopiccalo: hell to the friggin No

Joie Kemmis: I have a moral objection to our government being run by Bush and his bunch of crooks, liars and warmongers, but I still pay my taxes. And, my family and I get less in return for it than a straight person/household does.I can't help but notice that the civil servant who refuses to marry gay people and the pharmacist who refuses to fill prescriptions for contraceptives, both on moral grounds, but follow all the other laws of the land, are of the same camp as the religious right, most of whom pick and choose certain parts of the Bible to shout about, and ignore parts that they don't care for.The name of that camp? Camp Hypocrite.

Katheryn Skrobacki: Noone turns Gay, Les, or Bi. You are correct that we are all born hard-wired for sexual preference. Scientists have even! observed a part of the brain more/less developed in gays than in straight. I'm 75, and I've been a crossdresser since about 5..at least thats as far back as I can remember. I've been married 49 years and still xdress. Re heaven/hell..thats religious hocus pocus and a way for bigots to cover their hatred for anything they don't understand.

Cristopher Gavalis: If it's part of their job description...... Yes..... I don't always agree with my management and their decisions, but I don't make the rules..... If they don't agree or feel morally opposed, they can always get a different job..... Nobodies making them work there.

Leora Klingelhoets: no its grose and it shouldnt happen especially if theres kids involved............its just weird

Emeline Albracht: I see there are a lot of strong opinions here, like hard-wired from birth. I hated girls until I was 8. I never got anywhere until I was 17. When I was 19 I started drinking and partying and wanted to d! o anything with everybody. A handsome foreign athlete introduced me to! gourmet fellatio when I was 20. A few years later I started to want to like and do it with other guys, even more women and couples. I don't think I was born this way, but I did get sucked into it!

Geraldo Mccalla: why should any one group have the power to deny equal rights to others?Conservative Christians (or any religious group) do not have a monopoly on marriage.

Karey Dunken: There should be nothing to debate here. It should be legal regardless of how anyone feels about it. Live and let live!If someone doesn't like it, they should mind their own business. Afterall, the fact that gay marriage is not legal does not stop gay people from being gay... but it does oppress them and deny them rights that all americans should have!!

Marya Fehn: I'm for it, and I could care less if society accepts it or not, it should still be legal.

Freeman Rutkin: I'm still a bit confused on what I am but I'm pretty sure I'm Bi so I'd be happy to answer. People who a! re Gay/Bi/Trans don't choose to be that way, it's the way we are born just like you are straight. We can't help it it's just the way we think and feel like you, there's nothing that "turned" us this way. I heard an interesting story and message a few years ago it was about a gay teenager who was bullied for years and years in school savagely everyday. Years later people still asked him why he choose to be gay and he told that story then said "If I could stop being gay wouldn't I have?". It's true all the cra* these people have to put up with if they could change they would wouldn't they in that logic but we can't and most of us wouldn't anyway because that's just the way we were born. Hope this helps you.

Octavio Roylance: a huge NO I'M AGAINST IT TIL DEATH

Roland Stampley: Nothing really happened to me "later on" in life.I'm not sure which side of the story I agree with...the "born" thing, or the developmental thing. Either way, I didn't choose it.I stand on t! he alternative hormones opinion; that may or may not be affected by how! one was born. Chromosomes do not have anything to do with it, just so you know. If one had messed-up chromosomes, that would create unfortunate deformities such as Down's Syndrome; nothing to do with sexuality.Nevertheless, I am a female, and ever since I was a tiny girl, I've liked females.

Luana Carothers: I have a covenant with my g0y mate and could care less if society recognizes it or not. The legal documents exist to protect my rights and if I want the states involvement I will ask for it. I think also that homosexuals deserve the right to love who they love and live with who they wish. The government has no right to deny anyone the right to be married.

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Sunday, 28 June 2020

Friends Over Family ?


An Cardine: both are important to me but my family is my fist priority

Daria Verfaillie: sometimes yes. coz sometimes i'll fight wid my sis n tat time all my family members will support 2 my sis. they'll tell tat i'm annoying n my sis is innocent. i really don't like if my family members do like tat 2 me. friends will stand by me tat moment. so i choose frenz more than family.

Ty Kirton: Not over my immediate family, no, but in some cases of extended family yes.

Cómo estimar su tarifa Uber

Cómo estimar su tarifa Uber

La tarifa que deberá por el servicio de automóvil Uber dependerá de varios factores diferentes, como la ciudad, la distancia y el tipo de vehículo. Si la ubicación de la recolección está ocupada, también puede verse afectado por el aumento de precios. En algunas ciudades y con algunos tipos de viajes, usted puede obtener un precio exacto por adelantado cuando solicite su auto. De lo contrario, podrá ver las tarifas estimadas.

Deslice hacia la izquierda y hacia la derecha para ver las opciones de viaje disponibles.

Vea la tarifa inicial o la estimación de la tarifa por debajo del tipo de viaje. En algunas ciudades, usted verá la tarifa exacta que pagará si solicita un viaje. En otras áreas, verá un rango estimado de tarifas que le dará una idea de cuál será el total.

Introduzca su destino.

Puntee en la aplicación Uber. Inicie sesión si no lo ha hecho automáticamente.

Escriba uber.com/cities en su navegador. Puede hacerlo en su ordenador o desde el navegador de su móvil.

Arrastre el pasador a la ubicación de recogida deseada. Si su ubicación actual está experimentando un aumento de precios, puede intentar cambiar su ubicación de recolección.

Haga clic en la ciudad para la que desea consultar las tarifas.

Ingrese las ubicaciones de recolección y destino.

Toque «¿Hacia dónde?»

Haga clic en el botón «? Esto le indicará cómo se calcula la tarifa para ese tipo de vehículo en la ciudad que seleccionó.

Tenga en cuenta el precio de la sobrecarga. La estimación de la tarifa no tendrá en cuenta ningún aumento de precios que pueda estar en vigor en su lugar de recogida.

1. Toque el botón «Posición actual».

Vea las tarifas estimadas para los diferentes tipos de viajes.

Saturday, 27 June 2020

how technology is destroying the environment?

Maurice Breuning: Household appliances and computers have not done significant damage to the environment while in operation. They have been a problem once their useful life ends, because of the difficulties of disposing of them and converting their components to useful materials again. In short, their environmental impact has been on design and operation of dumps.Progress in reducing this impact is slow, but if effectively directed towards recycling it will (must) improve.....Show more

Can i still get flippers?  

Can i still get flippers?  

answers 0:i know that flippers are usually used for patients with missing teeth, but i really hate my off-centered, crowded front teeth i have, not to mention my impacted canines that are stuck up under my lip like fangs and don't contribute at all to my smile...so in that sense i guess i do have "missing" teeth, or at least teeth that you can't see! anyway my question is, would it be sensible for me to get flippers anyway?we don't have great dental insurance so braces are out of the question for now, but my mom's working on the insurance so basically i want to use flippers until something permanent can be done with my teeth! i hate my smile :(...Show moreanswers 1:Possibly. You mentioned you have "crowding" but open spots where the missing canines are. If there is crowding to the point you can't fit a canine in there, you probably can't fit a flipper tooth in either. You would have t! o have little skinny teeth in these spot that may not look any better than an open gap.You'd really need to post at least a picture to get a reliable answer on this one. A couple pictures with a measuring ruler up next to the gaps would be even better....

Friday, 26 June 2020

MY green card is expired. help!!!!!!?

Jose Bouliouris: no .. you leave the USA ...go see an aila lawyer first

Lita Thammorongsa: As a Green Card holder, you are required to notify the USCIS about where you live. You do that via form AR-11. Had you done that when moving out, you'd have received the mail at the correct address and would not have to deal with this crap now. So mail out an AR-11 tomorrow.Assuming you already had a 10-year Green Card when renewing, your residency is unconditional, so your status as a lawful permanent resident doesn't expire. I don't know if you'd have to start with a new I-90, but if you have no income and can prove it, also submit an I-912 Application for a Fee Waiver with the I-90, so that the fee of $450 (not $600) can be waived. If you can't prove that you have no income because you failed to file a federal income tax return last year or can't get your hands on the one of your parents where you are listed as a dependent, your sponsor, the person who submitted the Affidav! it of Support in your behalf, will have to jump in and do what they promised to do....Show more

Cómo obtener el respeto de tu novio o novio

Cómo obtener el respeto de tu novio o novio

El respeto es vital para una relación feliz y saludable, ya sea romántica o sólo como amigos. Si quieres que tu relación dure, asegúrate de exigir respeto a tu novio y a tus amigos. Obtenga respeto básico identificando y defendiendo sus necesidades. Establezca los límites hablando de las cosas de una manera firme y asertiva. También deberías apoyar a tu novio y a tu novio a cambio. El respeto es una calle de dos sentidos.

Reconozca su derecho a tener límites saludables. El hecho de que usted sea capaz de hacer algo no significa que tenga que hacerlo. Antes de establecer límites, reconozca que tiene derecho a ellos. Todo el mundo tiene derecho a establecer límites personales en una relación para sentirse seguro y respetado. Recuérdate de esto antes de hablar sobre los límites con tu novio. No entre en la conversación sintiéndose culpable por pedir lím! ites.

Muestra respeto a cambio. Recuerde, el respeto es una calle de dos sentidos. Si quieres que tu novio o novio te respete, muéstrale respeto también.

Trabajar en equipo. Piensa en ti y en tu novio como dos individuos únicos e interesantes. Su relación debe ser de trabajo en equipo. Tu novio y tú traéis vuestras propias habilidades al equipo y trabajáis juntos para resolver problemas y superar obstáculos.

Practique el abecedario del respeto. El ABC del respeto representa la conciencia, el equilibrio y las opciones. Recordar el ABC puede ayudarle a asegurarse de que su relación sea respetuosa con el tiempo.

Maneje las diferencias con respeto. Nunca debes dejar que el resentimiento hierva a fuego lento en una relación. Si hay diferencias o desacuerdos, háblelos con respeto a medida que surjan.

Evalúe sus límites y sentimientos. Cada uno tiene sus límites personales. Puede haber comportamientos y acciones que lo hagan sentir incó! modo, irrespetuoso o de alguna otra manera negativo. Antes de ! tratar de establecer límites saludables, identifique dónde están sus límites. ¿Qué estás dispuesta a hacer por tu novio y qué es demasiado?

Tener una clara sensación de privacidad. Cada persona tiene un sentido diferente de la privacidad. Puede que no te importe que tu novio mire tu teléfono o tu ordenador, por ejemplo, pero puede que quiera mantener sus dispositivos electrónicos en privado. Asegúrese de que ambos entiendan y respeten la necesidad de privacidad del otro.

Identifique sus propias necesidades personales. En una relación, tienes que dar a conocer tus necesidades. Si tu novio o novio se está metiendo en el camino de tus necesidades, este es un tema para discutir. Sin embargo, primero debe saber cuáles son sus necesidades. ¿Qué necesitas para sentirte emocionalmente estable y feliz? ¿Cómo puede tu novio o novio ayudarte a satisfacer estas necesidades?

Reflexione sobre su pasado y su presente. Una vez que haya establecido los l! ímites, una reflexión personal puede ser útil. Usted quiere asegurarse de que sus relaciones sean saludables y recíprocas. Algunas personas tienen un historial de dejar que otros violen sus límites, así que piensa en tu propia historia personal para asegurarte de que sabes cómo priorizarte a ti mismo.

Tenga su propio sentido de sí mismo. Una manera importante de obtener respeto es ser uno mismo. Si dependes de tu novio o novio para que tome decisiones por ti, es posible que te dejes vulnerable por la falta de respeto. No dudes en ser tú mismo en una relación y no dejes que un amigo o novio masculino dicte tus gustos, pasatiempos, amistades y otros aspectos de tu vida.

Sea directo durante la conversación. Es importante que tu novio o novio entienda tus límites en términos inequívocos. Los límites son un derecho personal importante, así que sea lo más claro y directo posible cuando hable de sus propios límites personales.

Sea asertivo. A ve! ces, las personas no entenderán tus límites de inmediato. Tu novio pu! ede violar tus límites en el futuro, incluso después de que te hayas explicado claramente. En este caso, sea asertivo y reafirme sus límites de nuevo.

Habla cuando algo te moleste. Recuerde, usted tiene derecho a sentirse respetado en todo momento. Si tu novio o novio viola un límite o necesidad, habla inmediatamente. Cuanto antes se aborde el tema, mejor.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

what is the link between living green and energy?

Branden Roddick: Living green, in general, uses less energy. Local food takes less energy to transport than food from thousands of miles away. Insulation and weatherstripping saves heating and cooling energy. Riding a bike to work save the energy used in running a car.For example...DK...Show more

Shandi Wedge: As DK said to live a green life means conserving energy in many ways. Reduction of food miles, home energy efficiency, fuel efficient cars etc. I also buy fewer things, and when I can I buy used. There is another benefit of living green, I eat a lot more local, organic and in season foods, I have more energy. I am more alert since I've taken many preservatives out of my life. I am still an omnivore, but I eat less meat and my produce was picked the day of or the day before I bought it, except onions and potatoes, apparently they can be stored for the better part of a year. Food taste better and I get more nutrition from it....Show more

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Five main things that global warming is causing?

Verdie Wollen: Global warming is causing many things. One needs to make the distinction between global warming, a natural event occurring many times in the past, with the concept that man causes global warming, Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW).For your paper I would stick with things like these. The claims of mass extinction can not be validated. Glaciers are melting. Growing seasons are being modified.Weather patterns are changing (Not necessarily increasing but changing)The oceans get warmer.Certain areas that were not livable do to extreme cold become warm enough that people can live there and plant crops now.The ocean currents will change as sources of fresh water grow and change....Show more

Darwin Ecton: 1) Alarmism - Fear 2) Suppression of Human Freedom3) Governmental empowerment 4) Free market weakening 5) Socialism...Show more

Delmer Pectol: 1. Arctic melting --> polar bear extinct2. Oceans warming --> coral reefs destroyed, animal extinction3. Se! a level rising -->island nations underwater --> million refugees --> food shortage --> famine4. Extreme weather events --> Increased earthquakes, tsunamis5. Earth will be hotter up to 5 degrees...Show more

Clay Lipira: it's causing people's brains to melt(mainly the believers)causing food to grow in the north(Where its cold)it's causing an uprising of hippies and *snicker* environmental movements!it helps spread lies and propoganda!it helps governments get into powerenough for you?...Show more

Simona Bulwinkle: The difference in "greenhouse gases" amounts to about 3.14 W/m^2 increase in "forcing" since 1750 (see CDIAC link). The total amount of the sun's warming totals 1353 W/m^2, so that's about 0.23 percent, up from 1750, the Little Ice Age. It was nice to have things warm up a fraction of a degree since that time, and those (14 percent human; see cdiac link: FAQ #7) greenhouse gases (that are largely a result of the natural warm-up) have a minimal effect, and! normal climate changes have been exaggerated in the downstrea! m media according to their own self-serving tendency towards sensationalism....Show more

Rayford Latz: Excess CO2 emissions and hot air from media and political pundits.

Bryan Avinger: Some of the more obvious ones like:The ice caps melting therefore rising water levelsTemps are starting to rise screwing up the weather and suchPolar bears are starting to disappear therefore becoming an endangered speciesIt’s messing with animal migratory patternsSorry that’s all iv'e got good luck...Show more

Douglass Sarley: Many things cause global warming. One thing that causes global warming is electrical pollution. Electricity causes pollution in many ways, some worse than others. In most cases, fossil fuels are burned to create electricity. Fossil fuels are made of dead plants and animals. Some examples of fossil fuels are oil and petroleum. Many pollutants (chemicals that pollute the air, water, and land) are sent into the air when fossil fuels are burned.! Some of these chemicals are called greenhouse gasses.We use these sources of energy much more than the sources that give off less pollution. Petroleum, one of the sources of energy, is used a lot. It is used for transportation, making electricity, and making many other things. Although this source of energy gives off a lot of pollution, it is used for 38% of the United States’ energy....Show more

Jinny Dronen: 1: more, more powerful wind storms,2:More water vapor above the oceans as a result of 1:3: More rain, snow, hail as a result of 1:4: Ocean surface temperatures rise5: extra snow lands on top of Antarctic glaciers a result of 3.6: more Antarctic glaciers pushed off into the ocean as result of 57: more intense flooding As a result of 3:8: precipitation is falls in highly repetitive pattern causing both 7 and widespread drought in areas rain does not fall. with this desertification.No way in hell does global warming cause increase of earthquakes or tsunami! s. There are no island nations flooded out recently.Ocean levels have n! ot yet begun to rise in recent years because Antarctic glaciers are still increasing. Way back when the last great ice age was weakening, the ocean levels did rise many meters as the glaciers melted off. but we have not had that scale of melt off in millennia....Show more

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

First time sex for both of us, do we still need to use protection?  

First time sex for both of us, do we still need to use protection?  

answers 0:My girlfriend and I have never been in a relationship before, so neither of us has had sex. If we're both new to sex, not having been exposed to STDs, do we still need to use protection?I did some research but I just got confused and worried. Some websites say to use protection at all times, some say only when you've both been tested and some just say have sex but be safe. I also found out that lesbian (although we're bisexual) protection is usually a plastic glove or dental dam (which i have never heard of or seen before). I also read that the old "spit or swallow" rule shouldn't be used. Just use protection. Do we still need protection even if we're first-timers?Thanks in advance!!...Show moreanswers 1:First, you can never be sure if someone isn't hiding a previous relationship.Second, ! a condom can also help prevent pregnancy.The short answer is YES.answers 2:Yes, most definitely. Use protection.answers 3:If you're both girls, then obviously there's no risk of pregnancy, and if neither of you have had sex or used drugs before then there's no chance of having any STDs or HIV (and besides, it's very hard to transmit HIV through lesbian sex anyway). I think, in this situation, that you'd be fine not to use protection (unless I've got it wrong and you're a male/female couple, in which case you still need to use protection to prevent pregnancy). Sex between two female virgins is extremely safe and I think it would be overly paranoid to use plastic gloves and such (and this is from someone who is generally very paranoid about STDs)....answers 4:I think using condoms would be wiseanswers 5:Yes, use protection. It doesn't matter that you've never had sex before, most STDs can be transmitted in other ways, too. It will still feel good and you won't regret it lat! er.answers 6:i think i should mention we're both girls...answe! rs 7:It would be wise to use protection.She may not have STD's but that doesn't means that she is safe, and neither are you.Think of it like handling an unknown vial of blood. You don't now if the blood contains and HIV virus, so it's better to wear a glove than not wear one and get infected.Once you and your girlfriend trust each other 100%, then you should move on to the 'no protection zone'.BTW: a dental dam is a a condom that was cut into a big square.You place it on the entrance of the vaginaIt is mainly used to protect the person giving oral from getting vaginal secretions in his/her mouth....answers 8:absolutely! it's equally (if not more) important, if you are first timers. unless you know for sure that none of you have any STD's you must use a condom. being your first time will give you NO protection what so ever above everybody else. condoms will also prevent unwanted pregnancies.edit: you're girls... oh. well use a latex glove then....answers 9:No have a babyansw! ers 10:Why do we have young children brush their teeth when they're just going to fall out? To promote healthy habits and choices down the road.Same idea with safer sex. It is entirely up to the two of you to decide your level of comfort. If you two are prepared to deal with any unforeseen consequences (bacterial infections, undetected sexual transmissions, magical same sex pregnancies, ect) together in a supportive manner then go for it. Be sure to have a very clear talk and plan about using or not using barriers during sex.Dental dams, fyi, are basically cling wrap pieces that people using when preforming oral acts on vaginas or anuses. They bring down the risk of skin to skin transmissions, protect from fecal to oral contamination, and sometimes taste like vanilla, strawberry, ectGloves are common when a partner's hands are either exposed to chemicals at work, nails are in rough shape (both of you should trim your nails to avoid damaging each other unless that is a discu! ssed scenario that you agree on), there are cuts or open sores on your ! hands, ect.In the end, it is a choice you two will make. Nobody here will be watching you to make sure there is latex/nitrile gloves on everything. Even if you choose not to use them this time, it would be a good idea to get comfortable with them in the future as you move forward in your sexuality. Some people will not have sex without them, and you may as well get your good fumbly times out early and have a laugh with someone close to you....

Monday, 22 June 2020

Why use conservation of momentum when you could use conservation of energy?

Filiberto Amauty: The reason is that this problem involves a rolling object.When you learn about rotation, you will understand that rolling objects involve a "rotational' kinetic energy. Therefore it is much simpler to deal with momentum(mass x velocity).Momentum is conserved regardless of changes in energy.I hope this helps....Show more

Ambrose Mumma: Intially, the cart has mass 250kg. After 2 hours, it has mass 270 kg. Using the conservation of momentum.(250 kg)(3.00 m/s)=(270 kg)(vf)and vf=2.78.Initial KE = ½ * 250 * 3^2 = 1125 JFinal KE = ½ * 270 * 2.78^2 = 1043.334 JDecrease of KE = 81.666 JSome force is causing the kinetic energy of the wagon to decrease.If you drop a marble into a moving wagon, the marble will roll to the back of the wagon. When the marble collides with the back wall of the wagon, the back wall of the wagon will exert a forward force on the marble. During the collision, this force will cause the marble to accelerate in the horizontal direc! tion. According to Newton’s third law, the marble will exert a force of the same magnitude on the back wall of the wagon. During the collision, this force will cause wagon to decelerate. The rain drops are like small marbles. The wagon is moving horizontally and the rain is moving horizontally. As rain drops fall into the wagon, they slide toward the rear of the wagon. . When the rain drops collide with the back wall of the wagon, the back wall of the wagon will exert a forward force on the rain drops. During the collision, this force will cause the rain drops to accelerate in the horizontal direction. According to Newton’s third law, the rain drops will exert a force of the same magnitude on the back wall of the wagon. During the collision, this force will cause wagon to decelerate. During the collision, this force caused velocity of the wagon to decrease from 3.00 m/s to 2.78 m/s.During the collision, this force caused horizontal velocity of the rain drops to increase! from 0 m/s to 2.78 m/s....Show more

Sunday, 21 June 2020

fuel cell car engine project?

Manual Burtis: Can anybody tell me why they want to waste their time on assembling under-performing stock components in a car chassis? What is the gain? To show that you can work the catalog once someone gives you the money to go shopping? I am highly skeptical of these kinds of "alternative" energy/transportation projects. They have been done at universities and colleges for decades (I have seen fuel cell concept cars twenty odd years ago). What is the result? Fuel cell efficiencies are still below what can be done with a well designed diesel hybrid and the one and only hybrid that sells is the Prius. We got one. It is a well designed car and works great. Yours, OTOH, won't be. And honestly, don't you find it weird to go scrounging for ideas on Yahoo answers? Don't you have a university library full with papers on this stuff? Did you ever do an honest literature search? Doesn't look like it....Show more

Charlotte Bryar: You will have an interesting time finding som! e of the parts, as well as integrating them into a manageable vehicle -- the form factors will be a problem. But the real problem with fuel cell vehicles is that hydrogen is a lousy fuel:- It is not a primary energy source; it has to be made using energy from coal, oil, or (usually) natural gas.- It is difficult to transport. Existing pipelines cannot carry it; the stuff creeps into the boundaries between metal crystals, embrittling them and weakening them.- It is difficult to store. The energy density is very low; a standard 220 cu ft welding cylinder of the stuff has about as much energy as half a gallon of gasoline.- It is difficult to deliver. Because of the low density, vehicle fuel tanks usually run at pressures of 5000 psi or more. This is not the sort of thing where your Aunt Hattie can drive her Buick up to the pump and fill it up herself.Fuel cells will make sense if they can be made to burn hydrocarbons such as gasoline, methane, or alcohol. That would alle! viate all of the above problems, and make them a viable altern! ative....Show more

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Good Japanese entertainment gossip blog?

Arlen Lopiccalo: Japanese Entertainment Gossip

Connie Dickirson: My favorite is http://www.japan-zone.com/news/index.shtml. It's updated pretty much every weekday with the day's top entertainment news. If you want Johnny's news, then I suggest looking up communities on Livejournal.

Fermin Tara: dance

Cómo comer su camino hacia una piel hermosa

Cómo comer su camino hacia una piel hermosa

¿Estás harto de contar dólares en cremas de belleza muy caras? Bueno, si es así, entonces por favor acepte que para obtener una piel hermosa y saludable, es importante alimentar su cara. Las revistas femeninas o las compañías de cosméticos, e incluso muchos médicos no podrán hacerlo tan bien como alimentar su piel. No importa qué tipo de problema tienes; acné, envejecimiento, manchas oscuras y arrugas, etc; hay varios suplementos alimenticios por ahí con el remedio perfecto para todos. Las lociones y las pociones son estupendas y huelen muy bien, pero la mejor manera de conseguir una piel bonita es de adentro hacia afuera, lo que significa consumir una dieta que no dañe la piel.

Pruebe los alimentos «antienvejecimiento». La mejor fuente de vitaminas que su piel puede obtener es de los melocotones, zanahorias y también de los! albaricoques. Si está buscando una fuente rica y abundante de betacaroteno, vaya por verduras y naranjas. El betacaroteno es un compuesto que es responsable de la prevención de la piel escamosa y seca. También puede aplicar la mezcla en la cara y masajear suavemente para eliminar la piel muerta.

Beba mucha agua durante todo el día para mantener su piel clara y brillante. Trate de tomar unos seis vasos al día para mantener los niveles altos. Evite las bebidas azucaradas.

Tome las advertencias sobre el chocolate con un grano de sal. Los expertos no pueden encontrar ninguna evidencia que vincule el comer chocolate con tener problemas en la piel, así que usted todavía puede permitirse un ataque de choque ocasional. El chocolate negro tiene un alto contenido de antioxidantes que previenen las arrugas.

No se salte las comidas. Una dieta saludable y regular puede hacer maravillas en su piel y darle mucha energía.

Trate de comer por lo menos 5 porci! ones de frutas y verduras frescas todos los días. Los súper ! alimentos que no dañan la piel incluyen zanahorias, brócoli, albaricoques, fresas, berros y naranjas. Son excelentes para el resto de tu cuerpo también.

Comer aceitunas. La dieta básica del Mediterráneo está repleta de antioxidantes de la vitamina E que ofrecen a su piel protección contra los radicales libres y también cuidan de aumentar la hidratación. También el masaje diario de aceite de oliva a su piel le ofrecerá el resplandor como nunca antes, haciendo que su sensación se vea flexible y hermosa.

Pruebe las granadas, los arándanos y las cerezas. Según la investigación, estas frutas contienen una cantidad de antioxidantes que previenen la destrucción del colágeno y ofrecen una protección completa contra las arrugas. Aparte de esto, también son las fuentes ricas de vitamina C. Son la solución asociada para la sequedad de la piel y los problemas de arrugas.

Coma algunos tomates. Los tomates son una rica fuente de licopeno antioxidante! que es muy poderoso.    Ayudará a prevenir que su piel sea dañada por los dañinos rayos UV emitidos por el sol en casi un 30 por ciento.

Friday, 19 June 2020

SM Entertainment Audition Questions?

Joel Feagler: one million. They aren't protecting Global Auditions but however you'll ship to your audition every time. Email/mail auditions are constantly opened for every body :) two. There are not any 'bigger' possibilities or 'scale back' possibilities. The judges will appear by way of each audition clip. three. The casting supervisor will touch you and speak it out together with your moms and dads. Most most probably you'll be able to cross to Korea and audition once more. four. Ethnicity does not topic however preserve in brain that SM ambitions for Koreans/Chinese. BUT regardless, you'll nonetheless audition. five. It relies on the judges. Most importantly you want POTENTIAL. They have to simply NATURALLY see it in you. Even although you are saying,"I can be taught with ease and I have capabilities" the judges won't see it. For SM, it is not "appears are first" "skillability is moment". #one million is capabilities and trust. They will without doubt opt for a lady ! that's 'ok' at making a song however has capabilities than anyone that has NO trust and that are not able to sing. 6. They won't drive you to do surgical procedure. If you insist NO, it relies what they are saying. They would wish you to do it for debut functions. 7. If you do not reside in Korea, you are going to be residing in a dorm with different trainees. eight. Like I stated above, it is not appears or skillability. It's approximately the boldness you could have and the capabilities the judges see in you. nine. Hm, permit's transfer the phrases round.. rather of dangerous, use difficult. Yes, it's enormously problematic. Most trainees are trainees seeing that they're DETERMINED and they are capable for ANY limitations that come to them. Of path many trainees consider of giving up.. it is a average concept. Some trainees DO depart within the center seeing that they are not able to manage it. It's all as much as you and the way most important you're inclined to head to ! arrive your ambitions. If you simply wish to satisfy your favo! urite idol, be popular, be peers with popular folks, then it is first-rate simply to quit this making a song lifestyles. Being within the amusement enterprise is not an convenient factor. 10. Yes they'll. They can pay for each bills: coaching, dorm, and so on eleven. Just just like the program. Basic data approximately your self. 12. Yes whilst you turn out to be a trainee. thirteen. There are as a rule two-three rounds relying how the pass judgement on sees you. Judges will also be harsh and imply. But that is average. Like I stated above, what is the factor of having it the convenient approach if those folks are treating you harsh to get you capable for the truly global on degree? 14. A lot of folks would say,"Yeah when you've got an enormously wonderful face." Honestly, the reply is NO. Even if you are PRETTY however they do not see capabilities in you, then NO. *Instead of discovering a track, YOU must appear for a track that matches YOUR voice. Don't attempt to reprodu! ction like different singers' voice. The judges wish to listen to YOUR voice and YOUR colour. Don't sing convenient-idol songs like SNSD, Wonder Girls, 2PM, Super Junior, and so on. Why? seeing that it is not displaying YOUR skillability....Show more

Minh Lefrancois: 1 . You have to work your butt off, but in the end when you debut its worth it (;I2 . 'm not a trainee but like the first question its harder then you expect . these are a list of somethings you train on : singing, dancing, acting, hangul etc. but they most focus on what you auditioned for .3 . Lollipop the famous Taiwanese boy band is apart of Gold Typhoon . their official website link :Gold-Typhoon.com.tw 4 . If you've been a trainee for many years & no improvments then i GUESS they might send you to a lower entertainment industry ?5 . I heard that SM Entertainment USE to force people to get plastic surgery if their not pretty, BUT recently I heard that they stopped forcing people to do things they d! on't want to do . 6 . You either record a video of you singing or you c! an record your voice & send them your voice clip by e - mail . Attaching at least up to 3 pictures of your face, waist up & body would help them narrow it down . more info @ http://audition.smtown.com/SmAuditionArs.asp?lang=...7 . Your odds in getting in ? If so then SM is even harder to get in because you HAVE to have the looks over talent .8 . Intimidating as in being rude ? Well they speak the truth of what they see or feel about you example : if your not the thinnest they would ask you straight forwardly "You should lose some weight" but they don't mean to rude . because the better your body & skills are the faster you get to debut (;9 . They only release / reveal your audition tape to the public if you become famous & debut .auditioning by e - mail . hope to see you in the futureGOODLUCK^^...Show more

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Weather warnings and advisories on television?

Aldo Decurtis: I'm looking for answers to my question. Not for an inexperienced individual to try to diagnose something they have no idea about. I'm a sound engineer, I set up audio equipment for concerts and events. I'm pretttttttttty sure I can handle a lil home theatre system. And yes, when the national weather service advisory interrupts normal broadcast at 20-30 decibels higher than normal listening volume, it most certainly CAN and WILL overpower a speaker and cause it to blow. Sooooo anyone wanna answer THE question or just give your amateur two worthless cents?...Show more

Zulema Baccam: if you are upset with how the EAS (emergency alert system) works, you should complain to the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). They are the lead agency for implementing and setting technical standards as well as regulating television and cable systems. it doesn't matter whether your cable is digital or analog, the audio levels have a specific maximum. for example in! digital, there is no sound louder than 1111111111111111. for this to be 20-30 dB louder then program audio does not exceed 0000000001111111. That is an exceptionally low level, the fidelity of such a low range of working digits would be sub-telephone quality. The same is even more true for analog modulated audio because it would be near the noise floor of reception....Show more

Lynn Hollars: My daughter who is quite knowledgeable about electronics, says this:My advice would be to talk to the company you purchased the stereo from because a $6,000 stereo set up would not do that just because it had a warning come on. I would expect that possibly from a $100 speaker. If anything, the manufacturer of the speaker should be responsible for repairing it, if you can prove that you were not misusing the speaker by having it set higher than what would be normal usage and did not have it plugged into components that were incompatible with the speaker system.Wishing you well! ....Show more

Comment boire Soju Soju

Comment boire Soju Soju

Écartez le majeur et l’index et piquez le goulot de la bouteille. Tenez la partie inférieure de la bouteille d’une main pour la maintenir stable, et utilisez la zone palmée entre le majeur et l’index de l’autre main pour frapper fortement le goulot de la bouteille. Ceci devrait être fait avec assez de force pour faire un peu de l’éclaboussure de soju hors de la bouteille.

Buvez ensemble en signe de solidarité. Dans la tradition coréenne, personne ne devrait boire seul. Si vous versez un autre verre pour quelqu’un, ils devraient en verser un pour vous aussi. Si quelqu’un te propose de te verser un verre d’abord, accepte-le toujours.

Jouez à une partie du Titanic si vous voulez passer le temps. Remplissez un verre à moitié plein de bière. Placez soigneusement le verre à shot dans la bière pour qu’il flotte. Faites le tour de la table en versant à tour de r! ôle du soju dans le verre à shot. Le but est de maintenir le verre à shot flottant.

Jouez à un jeu simple de « Flick the Cap » après avoir ouvert une nouvelle bouteille. C’est l’un des jeux de boisson les plus populaires. Après avoir retiré le bouchon de la bouteille de soju, tournez l’embout du joint qui est relié au bouchon pour le rendre plus rigide. Chaque personne secoue ensuite l’embout à tour de rôle avec ses doigts.

Tenez le verre avec les deux mains tout en recevant la boisson. C’est aussi un symbole de respect. Soulevez votre tasse dans l’air et tenez-la vers le serveur pour faciliter le versement. Certaines personnes peuvent aussi choisir de baisser la tête lorsqu’elles reçoivent la coulée.

Servez le soju froid et propre pour une saveur optimale. Réfrigérez la bouteille de soju au réfrigérateur pendant quelques heures si vous buvez à la maison. N’ajoutez pas de glace à la boisson parce qu’elle est génér! alement servie sous forme d’un petit verre et prise comme un! verre.

Jouez une partie de « Noonchi » si vous avez un groupe d’au moins 4 personnes. Plus vous avez de joueurs, mieux c’est ! A n’importe quel moment de la visite, criez « noonchi game 1 ! » pour commencer la partie. Ensuite, les membres aléatoires comptent à tour de rôle dans l’ordre séquentiel jusqu’à ce que vous obteniez le nombre qui correspond au nombre de personnes que vous avez dans votre groupe. Par exemple, si vous avez 5 personnes dans votre groupe, vous pouvez en compter jusqu’à 5.

Demandez à la personne la plus âgée du groupe de verser le premier verre de soju. Ils verseront une dose dans le verre de chaque membre du groupe. Une fois que tout le monde a reçu son verre versé, un autre membre du groupe utilisera ses deux mains pour verser un verre pour le serveur.

Offrez de remplir les verres vides au besoin. Selon la tradition, aucun verre ne doit rester vide et personne ne doit boire seul. Si vous remarquez que ! le verre de quelqu’un est vide, demandez-lui s’il veut un autre verre. Après la première tournée de boissons, n’importe qui peut proposer de remplir des verres.

Buvez ou tirez à petites gorgées les boissons prises après le premier tour. Traditionnellement, seule la première tournée de boissons doit être prise comme une piqûre. Après cela, vous pouvez choisir de tirer ou de siroter vos boissons.

Frappez le fond de la bouteille avec la paume de la main avant de retirer le bouchon. En tenant la bouteille vers le bas du goulot d’une main, utilisez votre autre main pour frapper fermement l’extrémité de la bouteille. Après quelques gifles fermes, retirez le capuchon.

Tournez la tête pour éviter tout contact visuel lorsque vous buvez le premier verre. Assurez-vous de toujours tenir le verre avec les deux mains pendant que vous prenez votre boisson. La première tournée de boissons doit être prise comme une piqûre et non comme une gorg! ée.

Faites tourbillonner la bouteille pour créer un tourbillon ! à l’intérieur. Tenez le soju d’une main près du fond de la bouteille et remuez vigoureusement le tout dans un mouvement circulaire. Cela ne devrait prendre que 2 à 3 secondes de tourbillonnement pour créer un effet tourbillon à l’intérieur de la bouteille.

Utilisez vos deux mains pour tenir la bouteille pendant que vous versez les shots. Pendant que les membres du groupe se relaient pour verser des séries de tirs les uns pour les autres, chacun devrait toujours tenir la bouteille avec ses deux mains. C’est une autre façon de montrer du respect, surtout lorsque vous servez vos aînés.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

are radio Radio Waves a form of matter ?

Boris Hadsall: actually radio waves can be a form of matter and energy because it has wavelike and particlelike characteristicsI think the term would be wave duality or something like not quite sure but i do believe it can

Cómo añadir amigos en Pokémon X

Cómo añadir amigos en Pokémon X

Cada Nintendo 3DS o 2DS tiene su propio código único de 12 dígitos llamado código de amigo. Esta nueva función, que también estaba disponible en Wii, te permite conectarte con otros jugadores de cualquier parte del mundo siempre y cuando tengan conexión a Internet. Tener una lista de amigos en tu juego Pokémon X e Y te permite realizar diferentes actividades con tus amigos, como intercambios, batallas, charlas de voz, juegos cooperativos e incluso tenerlos en tu safari de amigos Pokémon.

Abre la lista de amigos. Después de abrir tu dispositivo Nintendo, verás la pantalla del menú de inicio. En la parte superior, toque el icono de la cara sonriente naranja para abrir la Lista de amigos.

Consigue el código de amigo de tu amigo. Necesitará esto para agregarlo a su lista de amigos.

Ve a Pokémon Friend Safari. Elige un! Pokémon que pueda usar mosca y usa esa mosca para ir a la ciudad de Kiloude.

Registre a un amigo. Toque el botón «Registrar amigo» situado en la parte superior para añadir un amigo.

Abre tu juego Pokémon X. Después de añadir el código de tu amigo, vuelve al menú de inicio tocando «Cerrar» y, a continuación, «Menú de inicio». Asegúrate de que tu juego Pokémon X esté insertado en tu consola Nintendo. Si es así, aparecerá un botón de juego «Pokémon X» en el centro del menú principal.

Elige un safari. La lista de tus amigos aparecerá en la pantalla inferior. Elige a un amigo para poder ir a su safari. Después de elegir un amigo, haz clic en «Sí» y podrás entrar en el safari de tu amigo.

Elija si desea registrar a un amigo localmente o desde Internet. Aparecerá un mensaje preguntando si registrará a un amigo a través de «Local» o de «Internet».

Escribe el código de tu amigo. Toque «Aceptar» cuando haya term! inado.

Enciende tu Nintendo 3DS o 2DS. Para encender su ! dispositivo, presione el botón de encendido en la parte frontal del dispositivo una vez. Espera unos segundos y tu consola Nintendo se abrirá.

Please take this 2min survey on furniture for me for class. Thank you?

Esmeralda Pigram: I did the survey!I have gave very honest opinions and really thought about my answers and did research on money spent as i recently bought a new sofa :)Best answer ?

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

paid surveys website? and are they really trustworthy ?

Carli Watterson: I was bored one weekend and played with those for two days straight and didn't find one that was worthwhile. Most of them want to send you promo items or free subscriptions that you have to cancel in return for answering LENGTHY surveys. Also, your in-box will be immediately flooded so use a throw-away email addy if you do try them.

Susan Rambo:

Donte Schoenhals: 2

Nikita Schroepfer: Online Surveys For Cash - http://OnlineSurveys.uzaev.com/?yjqa

Veta Slicker: Some of them are really trustworthy. I've had fun doing online surveys. I've done surveys for some time now and I created a whole blog about free surveys. I posted tutorial videos, proof of payment (checks), legit survey sites, and contact info if you want more guidance or have questions. ;) http://lefty13.tk/...Show more

Hwa Waterford: Does Ebay share information about your profile and your purchases with other Ebay users?

Shena Etulain: In 3 years, I have only! found 1 that pays............

Lissette Semon: Pinecone research, Surveysavvy, Greenfieldonline, Yahoo are some of the larger survey companies, who pay regularly . A list of companies you can join for free , with details of payments, is available at http://www.pcworkathome.net/onlinepaidsurveys.html

Jannette Kotz: ok well this site i have found pays good and always on time it has to be one of the best ones on the web. i trust this site over all the other survey sites out there!http://www.nxtf.comgl...Show more

Melina Minneweather: If you need extra money you should try working from home part time. Theres literally hundreds of different ways to do it online.I got a free kit about how to make money using Google for free, only had to pay like a dollar for the shipping. I make more money online than I do with my crap day job.Here's the site I got mine from if you want to check it out: http://tr.im/hwF3...Show more

Connie Dickirson: You can make income fi! lling up internet surveys. I'm generating $1800/month by using! this service: http://is.gd/myeasycash This can be a bit monotonous work nevertheless a lot better than working at KFC.

Idell Mulliniks: Try your own : )Honest Online Income, everyone should know about this!http://www.hoincome.blogspot.com

Sheron Perrez: eBay shares ranking and comments people left about you. If your thinkinng about buying something and the seller has a 100 % satisfaction rating.Even buyers are rated, if they dont pay or other problems. Not personal info. Click below-

Joeann Hoyt: I make some extra money taking surveys. I found a site that doesn't try to charge you anything or ask for a credit card. I have posted pictures of the payments I received, as proof.http://thebestfreepaidsurveys.blogspot.com/

Danyell Rowback: Make sure that when you are looking for them you never have to pay to sigh up. Also they sould be asking for you opinion not for you to pay more money to sign up for more stuff.that said the one that I have found that ! pays is survey savyTo sign up, click on the following link: https://www.surveysavvy.com/ss/ss_index.php?id=303... If that doesn't work, copy and paste the link into your browser....Show more

Elden Dedon: Having so many paid surveys available all the time lets you live the kind of life you want.I travel with my family 3 or 4 months every year! While I'm on vacation, I love to take paid surveys while relaxing on the beach. I can pay for my entire stay in just a few hours of taking surveys!REAL Paid Online Surveys......Show more

Ronnie Barcus: #1 Online Paid Surveys : http://OnlineSurveys.uzaev.com/?biuU

Debora Soliani: 2

Avis Brantner: i have personally tried and have been really happy with http://www.surveyjob.net i have been a member for over 2 years and have got paid realy good

Nell Dipiero: Online surveys are a good way to make extra cash. You just have to find the RIGHT sites where you can make money easier. This site will show you some of t! he best survey sites.http://online-survey-sites.tk/

Abby Herwood:! Hi there. I have tried loads and 99% dont pay or they make you wait to reach a limit which can not be done. I joined one a few months ago its not actually a survey they send products and ask you to test them and write an evaluation. Its normally hair care products. (shampoos and anti dandruff)Go to http://www.theopportunityseeker.co.uk its a big advert on the home page. Free to join too my first payment was only £26.78 but last month I got £454.09 for testing a website...Show more

Lillie Yarde: Most online survey sites are scams. Never ever ever pay to join a survey site.There are legitimate survey sites out there, however you will usually only be able to make around 10-30 dollars a month per site.Below is a partial list of legitimate online survey companies with no sign up fees and that will never make you pay a dime:Survey SavvyHaris Poll OnlineGreenfield OnlineOpinion OutpostSurvey SpotBuzzbackNPD OnlineLightspeed PanelYour2CentsFeel free to use a search engine ! to visit their websites and sign up, or you can visit my website at:http://www.earnontheside.com/?page_id=13I am personally a member of all of these sites and many more and have received payment or rewards from all of them.I have reviews for over 15 sites with detailed information including:Rating (1-5 Stars)Survey Participation MethodPayment TypePayment MethodMinimum PayoutAverage $ Per SurveySurvey Invitation FrequencyReferral ProgramMinimum AgeI don't charge you anything for this information, but I have worked very hard compiling it, so hopefully you will bookmark it and share with your friends....Show more

Cody Shimko: Although many of the survey sites are scams, their are still plenty of them that are legit.Never join any sites that require a sign up fee as they are almost always scams.I have been taking paid surveys for nearly a year now, it takes me around 10 minutes every second day, and I make about $80 - $100 a month which isn't bad for the amount of time it! takes me.My favourite sites are: Nielson Net Ratings, NPD, Ipsos and C! ashcrate..Check out this site I found which have reviews for each of the sites and more info on them:http://topsurveysites.org/...Show more

Charis Deguzman:

Damaris Weiler: 1

Frederic Engellant: I remember those days when i almost get mad to find one free survey site that really pay us without charging a fee. The fact is that there are so many survey sites in internet who actually charges a registration fee. I tell you what, run as far as you can, if they ask you money to join their survey site. Any legimate survey site, will not ask you money to join themhttp://freepaidsurveys.awardspace.com/http://surveyadventure.awardspace.com/The best part is that, after you register and confirm the email sent, you will have a chance to win a car. The fun part is that they pay you money for playing games. And you get sometimes $50 for completing offers. Check out the offers area when you log in, you earn more. I personally get paid and you could trust them-->since the! y dont ask you any money, you could give a try, there is nothing to lose. I am sure you will be happy at the end of the week seeing money in your account. Have a great day ahead...!...Show more

Ismael Sixon: I too wanted to believe I could make money doing surveys. If I calculated what I made against the time I spent... let's see, at least 4 hours a day, made $0.00 - not a pretty picture.I even signed up for Greenfield, and some other 'higher' class sites.... but what i earned there has already been calculated above.Some are legit, some are not, but just because it may be legit doesn't mean you will ever earn enough to get paid. However it IS VERY fruitfull for the survey company as they are getting paid by the advertisers to get your opinion.~good luck~jennifer...Show more

Hans Sachetti: I trust Yahoo sites and services. There is Yahoo!Research that you can check on http://promo.yahoo.com/user_research/You Will not make millions but it is fully legal.

D! arcie Peraha: Well there are so many scams but there is a site that has ! great reviews on surveys that work and a scam list to check programs that you may be interested in. Anyway aside from that like with any online program you have to put in time and effort to get it going. Good luck. http://www.squidoo.com/legitpaidsurveys is the site

Eli Trapeni: There are many legitimate paid survey sites, there are also many scams too. I have done surveys for a while, I recommend you take a look at http://www.mysurvey123.com - it has free lists of legit paid survey sites with reviews and ratings, and articles of guide and advice.

Monday, 15 June 2020

Polls this, poll that. Do you think they are fair?

Perry Deshazior: Agree...I don't believe these polls. Supposedly they poll so many of each party...but I don't think these polls merit discussion!

Kara Tabian: depends on youself

King Bringle: NO

Silvia Stclair: i think the polls are B.S.i've never been polled and neither has anybody i know.. they only use people in big cities, so it is obvious that they are not getting a true sampling of Americans.a simple example is Fox News.. their polls are always different than everybody else's. during the Presidential Election, Fox News had SEVERAL polls that put John McCain in the lead.. no other station EVER had polls that put McCain ahead of Obama... it was an obvious ploy by Faux News....Show more

Benny Stehno: you can get a pole to say whatever you want , they had one on fox the other day that was 100 percent to zero , real scientific.

Inez Relihan: I have taken many polls, online ,also on the phone. One thing ,you like the results if it agrees wi! th your line of thinking and hate the results when they do not.

Giovanni Malool: YEAH

Toby Women: You get a far better one by taking the pulse at local bar, listening to whats being said at mail or grocery store, talking with friends and neighbors. You can hire a pollster to get any result you want.

Hugo Pittari: both sides have them and both sides poll in such a way as to support their point of view. Until I have some clue as to who is and is not full of it, I don't listen to them. Besides, I don't make my opinions based on what other people think. Especially when you figure that where all have conclusions, very very few actually think.

Gabriel Realmuto: Who gives a sh*t, take the info given to you and assess it for yourself instead of letting media do it for you.Statistics are the easiest things to spin if you know how.

Cómo responder a un punto de información en un debate

Cómo responder a un punto de información en un debate

Diríjase a la audiencia y a los jueces. Cuando se le pregunte un PDI, recuerde que todavía está hablando con la audiencia. No dirija su atención al oponente que le pregunta al PDI. No estás teniendo una conversación privada con el oponente. Mantenga la postura de su cuerpo y el nivel de voz consistentes con la entrega del cuerpo principal de su argumento.

No camines hacia tu oponente mientras éste entrega su PDI. Acercarse a su oponente mientras habla puede ser percibido como un acto agresivo, y la audiencia puede creer que usted está tratando de intimidar a su oponente. En su lugar, mantenga su posición y concéntrese en el contenido del PDI.

Termine su frase o pensamiento antes de dirigirse al PDI del oponente. Incluso cuando se detecta un PDI, recuerde que usted sigue siend! o el que tiene el control. No permita que el oponente desbarate su argumento planteando un PDI. Diríjase al PDI una vez que haya completado su frase o idea.

Anote dónde se encuentra en su discurso cuando acepte un PDI. Si tiene un bolígrafo en la mano, marque el punto de su discurso en el que se detuvo para dirigirse al PDI. Si no tiene un bolígrafo a mano, coloque el dedo en el lugar apropiado de sus notas o tome nota mentalmente del lugar donde lo dejó. Esto le ayudará a reanudar rápidamente su argumento, y no tendrá que apañárselas con sus notas tratando de encontrar dónde las dejó.

Acepte el PDI diciendo «Aceptado», «Sí, por favor» o «Adelante». Después de aceptar el PDI, su oponente normalmente no tiene más de 15 segundos para plantear su objeción o pregunta. Si su oponente habla durante más tiempo que el tiempo asignado, pídale que se siente. Los PDI pueden plantearse como una pregunta directa, una pregunta retórica o una declaraci! ón concisa. Los PDI suelen cuestionar un argumento de una de ! estas tres maneras:

Manténgase seguro incluso si no sabe cómo responder a un PDI. Es probable que se enfrente a un momento en el que no pueda responder a un PDI porque no conoce la respuesta a la pregunta o no puede pensar en una refutación adecuada. Cuando sea posible, reitere los aspectos positivos de su argumento. Alternativamente, señale las deficiencias de la pregunta.

Rechazar el PDI si cree que una interrupción socavará la eficacia de su argumento. Si está en medio de una sección fuerte y apasionada de su argumento, no deje que un PDI arruine su impulso. Además, no acepte un PDI durante una sección particularmente débil de su argumento, que podría ser fácilmente atacada por sus oponentes.

Responder al PDI de forma concisa. Tienes un tiempo fijo para argumentar durante un debate. No permita que el oponente le quite el ritmo dando una respuesta larga a un PDI. Aborde el punto con claridad, pero brevemente para que pueda volver a su argume! nto preparado.

Transición desde el PDI a su argumento sin problemas. Recuerde a la audiencia y a los jueces cómo se conecta el PDI con el argumento que tiene a mano. Use frases de transición como: «Esto se conecta con lo que estaba diciendo antes» o «Voy a volver a esta idea en un momento». La transición hacia sus ideas pone el énfasis en su propio argumento a medida que avanza en sus ideas.

Anticipe el contraargumento de su oponente. Cuando responda a contradicciones potencialmente cebadas, mantenga su respuesta dentro de los parámetros de su argumento y espere que el contraargumento de su oponente aborde este asunto. Podrías decir algo como esto: «Sí, el embargo contra Cuba debe ser levantado, pero sólo cuando el régimen cubano acepte nuestras condiciones.»

Cuestionar la credibilidad de los hechos del PDI. Si el PDI cuestiona la credibilidad de sus hechos, puede optar por responder cuestionando las propias fuentes del oponente. Una respue! sta a este tipo de PDI podría ser: «El estudio de Smith sobre los ing! resos fiscales fue descontado por muchos economistas importantes, incluyendo a Wilson, Lee y Jones».

Reconozca a su oponente cuando levante un PDI. La forma en que su oponente planteará un PDI dependerá del estilo de debate que esté utilizando. Hay muchos estilos diferentes de debate; sin embargo, tienen muchos puntos en común. La mayoría de las veces, el oponente levantará un PDI levantándose, levantando la mano y/o diciendo «Punto de información», «PDI», «Sobre ese punto» u otra frase aceptada.

Mantenga su respuesta dentro del alcance de su argumento original. Si el PDI empuja la premisa de su argumento a su extensión lógica, recuerde a su audiencia que el escenario propuesto está más allá del alcance de su argumento. Usted podría responder: «No estamos hablando de formas extremas de tortura. Las horas de interrogatorio prolongadas son aceptables dentro de las normas de los interrogatorios humanos».

Planee cuándo aceptar los PDI d! urante su argumento. Antes de dar su argumento, determine en qué momento de su discurso será el mejor momento para dirigirse a los PDI y sólo aceptarlos durante esos momentos. El mejor momento para aceptar PDI es durante las partes de su discurso en las que tiene más confianza y conocimientos. La mayoría de los formatos de debate requerirán que usted tome al menos dos PDIs durante su argumento. Hay ventajas y desventajas en tomar ambos PDI al principio, al final, o en repartirlos.

Responde al PDI. Una vez que haya decidido aceptar un PDI, debe responder a él, incluso si su discurso abordará el tema más adelante en su tiempo. No descarte el punto de interés diciendo: «Ya hablaremos de eso más tarde». Es posible que el argumento que ha planeado no responda directamente al PDI, o que lo olvide por completo. En su lugar, diríjase al PDI de manera sucinta y diga que ampliará esas ideas más adelante en su charla. La forma en que responda al PDI debe depender! de la estrategia que su oponente utilizó al plantearlo.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

Could you live without music?

Emerita Sciandra: Of course I could "live" without it but who would wanna do that? I would be miserable because I listen to it all the time! ♫♪♫♪♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♥

Hubert Jestes: Music is awesome. It makes the day go great! It can make moments really special and even more memorable because when you hear that certain song again you will think of that certain special moment each time you hear the song.

Donny Bankson: I would not last to long without it...I need it like water..like food...like breath. lol

Cornelius Thornborrow: U have nothing better 2 do with your time then ask that question? U probally like top 40

Dalia Causby: Music is a part of my very soul! Even I couldn't physically hear music, I'd always have it inside!

Morris Cuomo: i love musicbut if suddenly went, i would still have it all in my headif we had never had music, we wouldnt know to miss it

Toby Caswell: Could live without if forced to but would be ! hard..I'd have to start singing...

Davida Gisriel: I watch maybe 1 hour of television per day, My sterio is on the rest of the time. I can NOT live without music, especially the 70's era.

Magda Vandergriend: Actually, i can't live without music. I play violin and listens to them. i love music so much that my mom almost take my radio and violin away. but I think she is mad because i listen to music while studiying for my big examinations.

Silvia Stclair: Yeah I think I would be "alive"But I wouldn't be "ALIVE" if you know what I mean.If you dont here's a better explanation:I would be physically alive but my life wouldn't be as fun as it is....Show more

Emile Midgley: I think not. I'm not crazy over it but still couldn't live without it. If that makes sense.

Delmer Pectol: Never in a million years could I live without music. It is written on my soul...

Dick Ovdenk: It would be a less that full life with out music

Buster Buchko: It is! totally office. I couldn't live without it.

Mel Crapo: ! It would be very sad to live without it. I LOVE it.

Randall Twehous: short answer: no. music isn't quite my life, but pretty darned close. i'd have to drop out of 3 choirs, sell my record collection and CDs, and stop the tunes that run through my head almost constantly. so, no, i couldn't live without music.(and ms. fi, thanks for the email answering the question i had about one of your earlier posts. it was appreciated.)...Show more

Joellen Zorrilla: i really like it, but could live without it

Isreal Kochheiser: Music can give peace like the morning larks song.Music can get me movin like a beefed up 68 Mustang.Music can soothe me like a long hot bath.Music touches the pain deep inside.Music is a smile in my heart.Music is like the moons enchantment on the earth, I could live without it but I would never want to....Show more

Damaris Weiler: No way not this lady I love music and sometimes it gets pretty loud around here.

Rocio Karvis: WHAAA! AT???? hell no!!!i looooooooooooooooove my music so much..i've even got my daughter hooked also.. i remember when she was a baby she wouldnt sleep if the room was too quiet coz she'd got used to noise when she was in my tummy.. lol...Show more

Raye Tredennick: No way! I love it too much.

Marhta Teahan: i cant live without music,music is all for me!

Riley Migl: no because music is everywhere..... all sounds is considered as music.... think of a world full of silence........ how lonely it feels

Autumn Vacio: I think that it would be a very sad world with out music.

Jeff Frizzell: I couldn't possibly live without music. Music is what I live for. Everyday I'm doing something with music. Whether it is playing music, singing to it, or creating music.-DramaQueen

Darcie Peraha: It would be hard to because I mean it is a huge part of my life and gives me emotion like livens me up

Lenard Ginyard: Yes, but it would be a life without passion !

Oscar Waddups: I love music. Thank god Rap / Hip Hop are FINALLY ! dying out; society will now heal without these "music" genres. I can also live without "alternative" garbage "rock music" too....and we all can do away nicely with this "new country"---something I feel is akin to "New Coca-Cola". Hey.....anybody remember THAT farce????

Toney Flaten: No! Music gives a feeling like no other. Heightens the senses, makes you want to move. it can bring you tears, makes you want to fight for something, and countless other feelings. Music can bring us all together if we just let go and let it happen.

Raleigh Lufkin: Music is a big part of my life..

Cómo divertirse en el campamento de verano

Cómo divertirse en el campamento de verano

Así que te vas a un campamento de verano, y si es tu primera vez en el campamento o tu cincuentena, divertirte debería ser una de tus principales prioridades (dentro de lo razonable, por supuesto). Si te preocupa que la diversión sea más fácil de decir que de hacer, hay algunas cosas que puedes hacer para hacerlo más fácil.

Sepa cuál es el tema de su sesión de campamento. Esto le ayudará a saber qué debe empacar y le dará una idea de lo que puede esperar. Por supuesto, sus actividades variarán de un día para otro, pero saber cuál es el tema de su sesión de campamento, si lo hay, le ayudará a tener una idea general de lo que va a hacer todos los días.

Cuando te duermas anoche, piensa en todos los fantásticos recuerdos que has hecho. ¿Así que hiciste un nuevo amigo fantástico, le disparaste a un b! lanco perfecto haciendo tiro con arco, o trotaste a caballo por primera vez? ¡Genial! Piensa en eso. ¿Así que estropeaste lo que iba a ser un brazalete de amistad perfecto pero aún así te divertiste? ¡Eso también es genial! Reflexione sobre sus mejores (y ocasionalmente peores pero aún así divertidos) momentos.

Hable con algunas de las personas en su cabaña/tienda. Hacerse amigo de su compañero de litera (la persona que duerme por debajo o por encima de usted, dependiendo de si está o no en la litera de arriba o en la de abajo) es más fácil, pero hable con algunos de sus otros compañeros de litera/tent-mates también. Lo más probable es que usted y sus compañeros de cabina o de tienda de campaña tengan al menos una cosa en común.

Trata de dormir bien esta noche! No va a ser fácil (a menos que seas muy, muy bueno para dormir en lugares nuevos), pero trata de dormir lo más que puedas esa primera noche. Aunque sólo tenga 10 a 20 minutos de des! canso, cada pedacito cuenta y estará menos cansado al día si! guiente.

Acepte que este es el último día que estará en el campamento por un tiempo. Es una triste verdad para muchos, y algunas personas lloran por este hecho. Especialmente si te has divertido mucho durante tu estancia, prepárate para muchas emociones fuertes.

Aborde cualquier inquietud. Habla con tus padres o con alguien que tenga experiencia en el campamento sobre cualquier preocupación que puedas tener. Lo más probable es que tengan algunos consejos útiles para usted y tal vez algunas historias que contar!

Preséntese. Sus consejeros probablemente jugarán algunos juegos de nombres el primer día para conocer a todos. Si este es el caso, no se sienta avergonzado o sienta que estos son juegos que usted jugó en el kindergarten (incluso si lo son). Levántate y preséntate.

Acepte que el primer día es siempre el más difícil. El primer día, estás conociendo a todos y adaptándote a un nuevo lugar. Este es probablemente el día en que us! ted se sentirá más nostálgico y más cansado también, así que si usted siente algo de esto, ¡es completamente normal!

Juega unos cuantos juegos más cuando tengas tiempo libre! Por lo general, hay mucho tiempo de inactividad mientras se espera un lugar en las duchas, así que juega unos cuantos juegos con tus amigos del campamento para pasar el tiempo.

No olvides almorzar y cenar! Es probable que estés haciendo mucha más actividad física de lo normal en el campamento, por lo que es imprescindible que comas tres comidas al día.

Asegúrate de dormir un poco cada noche. Naturalmente, usted y sus compañeros de cabaña querrán permanecer despiertos hablando (esto es especialmente común entre las niñas), pero intente, una vez más, dormir por lo menos un poco cada noche para que pueda estar despierto para las actividades del día siguiente.

Reúne las direcciones de correo electrónico, los números de teléfono y las direcciones de los amigo! s del campamento con los que te gustaría estar en contacto. Escríbala! s en algún lugar donde pueda guardarlas y hacer un seguimiento de ellas.

Siempre sea positivo, y no sea un aguafiestas. Habla y sé amable con todos. Cuantos más amigos tengas, mejor te lo pasarás. Incluso si no tienes muchos amigos, sé positivo y abierto de mente. Siempre sigue las reglas para no meterte en problemas. Nadie quiere ser amigo de alguien que pueda meterlo en problemas.

Empaque la ropa apropiada. Si vas a hacer un campamento de equitación, no querrás saber que en cinco días trajiste sólo un par de pantalones y tu guitarra. Si estás haciendo un campamento de música o de bandas, no querrás tener cinco pares de botas de montar y un casco de montar contigo. Asegúrate de que las cosas que vas a hacer y las que traes coincidan.

Asegúrate de desayunar todos los días para seguir adelante. Dicen que el desayuno es la comida más importante del día, y es cierto â€" si tomas un buen desayuno, tendrás más energía para hacer las activida! des que quieres hacer.

Echa un vistazo a algunas de las actividades. La mayoría de los campamentos tienen actividades como tiro con arco, piragüismo, artesanías y caminatas por la naturaleza, pero muchos también tienen otras actividades no tradicionales. Algunos incluso pueden tener una actividad con computadoras! Asegúrate de inscribirte en algo en cada oportunidad que tengas.

El día antes de que te vayas, haz tu maleta. Asegúrese de tener todo lo que trajo en su maleta, y si no puede encontrar algo, intente rastrearlo antes de salir.

Si no estás haciendo ninguna actividad ese primer día, juega unos cuantos juegos con algunos de tus compañeros de cabaña. Esta es una gran manera de desestresarse y de conocer a algunos de sus compañeros de campamento, y es una gran manera de pasar el tiempo.