Arlene Maycumber: Okay, K.N.O.W. spells know, N.O.W. spells now. Learn how to spell before you ask a question. And I don't know the difference, it's pretty much the same.
Chet Nozick: Most people (unless they were wealthy socialites) didn't travel as much, so they had to make due with who they were around. I'd imagine that some marriages were good and some were bad, same as now. Women didn't have any rights, so if her husband beat her or had affairs, she was stuck with him. Birth control wasn't in practice, so people had children even when they couldn't afford them / didn't want them. Many, many, women died in childbirth. Marriage was often more about convenient factors than it is nowadays. People didn't tend to live as long, and much of their day was devoted to basic survival skills (once again, if they weren't wealthy). I don't believe that "knowing roles" made marriage better -- that's a rose colored glasses perception. I have read many biographies of wom! en who were miserable because they had intelligence or other skills they had no outlet to use. Some people had good marriages and some people did not - -same as today. Things like abuse, alcoholism and drug use, etc were around even back then. People didn't have access to information about how to improve communication, or physical intimacy, or relationship skills as they did today....Show more
Miguel Koczela: Are you indignant because adult adult males do not evaluate fantastically sexually energetic women good for marriage (interior the classic experience)? nicely, are you able to blame them? it is consumer-friendly good judgment. If she supplies away sex actual, they'll supply sex away actual interior the destiny. people do not substitute in one day only because they exchanged earrings or signed a contract. So in the adventure that they are waiting for a monogamous marriage, that lady, or guy if that is a guy, isn't good marriage textile. yet someone like me, wh! o would not assume monogamy besides, and may sleep round a lot! even as encouraging her to sleep round too, does no longer recommendations....Show more
Nikita Schroepfer: Financially speaking, this could work. Just imagine 3 people earning for a family. Better yet, just think if they make over 50K.
Arlen Hamper: You were just about guaranteed to pop out a kid, even if you didn't want one. Marriage also wasn't about "love" for women but duty and survival. You took the abuse, the cheating, to be treating like trash because society left you with little other option.
Alisa Kaleiwahea: I sometimes think about ex-crushes or ex- boyfriends ,but i don't do anything about it. I ran in to an ex-boyfriend of mine that i really cared for and I called it quits with him and now 4 years later i'm married with 2 kids from my marrage and i feel totally unhappy even though i know he loves me indefinately, so i don't believe it wrong it's just what your feeling!! It happens , that's life.
Roselee Mczeal: I know some women who ! would be...they'd love another woman to take on some of the "wifely burden"...LOL!!!
Tyrone Disanti: its human nature to have these feelings and because we are curious creatures we explore these feelings in our dreams,we cant help it. you love your wife thats for sure otherwise u wouldnt be so freaked. think of why u love her and know that being faithful will not only ensure her trust but put u at ease. those dreams are meaningless if they werent then u would be able to tell for yourself. u kno just because in ur dream it appeared to be another woman doesnt mean it was,in a dream of mine my best friend was portrayed as a man but in my mind the way i connected wit her i knew who she really was....Show more
Patricia Bolduc: Back then the marriage lasted till death do us part. Today couples Don't understand their vows. Marriage is a joke today.
Monroe Rainey: Women have a voice now, divorce IS an option, and personal happiness has become more important than ! duty. (i.e. fear of society's judgement)I think the changes are good, e! ven though so many people make mistakes, marry the wrong people, blah blah blah. At least now, there's a choice between a life of misery if you are unhappily married and the possibility of happiness by starting a new life. That's pretty dang important if you ask me....Show more
Rosella Figliola: well seeing as none of us were around back then we have to guess. life was physically harder, people died earlier so they matured and got married by 18. he had it tough at work, she had it tough doing her household duties, no clubs, no internet, no t.v. everything centered around family, there were less options, adultery was [and still is] a disgrace--so if he cheated he had to go out of his way to find a street walker in the bad section of town. even getting around was more difficult, no cars right?i think at night people were more tired and went to sleep. however there were probably always alcoholics here and there, and if a woman was deserted all she had were her relativ! es to depend on....Show more
Robin Marchione: Yes. It is completely healthy and normal. Even beneficial.Many women fantasize about men they could never have, movie stars, musicians, coworkers. Even strangers on the street. When you see a sexy man wander by, it gets your mind going. The mind is the most powerful sex organ there is.Now, because you love your husband, you take that emotion home with you and use it (whether you realise it or not) to stoke the home fires.So ladies - go ahead and look! Enjoy looking! There is nothing wrong with it and it may even rev up your love life with your mate.Mmmm, Sean Connery....dreamy... :)...Show more
Coy Tapley: Both the man and woman knew their role in the marriage and most respected their vows. Today, no one cares about that sh*t.
Rosalva Steinmann: All troubles start with this innocent crush... and it will slowly develop into something else than innocent crush.You may be able to stop it, but the other party! is beyond your control and may persistancely move in on you.The best, ! stay out of trouble...taking a poll does not mean anything. take care....Show more
Dorine Nurre: No way. I'm starting to think the whole idea of marriage is retarded no matter who's involved. Marriage is NOT something that benefits men at all. Been there done that.
Bell Pasco: YES!
Gwenda Micheals: I get crushes all the time, about 10 each day as I drive to and from work. Maybe an other 2 each weak while i'm at work.Each month I get new ones, but they all last about 2-3 days, maybe a week the longest.Look, there will always be people much better looking than your partner. You have to come to terms with the fact that you didn't get that lucky. But for as long as it's innocent, and you don't actively provoke the situation into something more complicated, then it's fine.Since when is fantasy sex considered adultry?...Show more
Cliff Tyre: commitment dont mean crap these days
Tyree Allenbrand: It's normal. A lot of married folks are attracted to o! ther people. As long as you don't act upon it then it's fine.
Leticia Laiben: yes its normal, but its just a dream, don't screw up your marriage over it.
Zelma Casebier: AS long as you keep it in your dreams your fine and nothing really wrong with that,but if you already know that you will be so tempted when you see this girl you may cheat my best advice if you love your wife just keep yourself away from her and i would try and find something else to fantasize about besides her since your will power with this women is so low...good luck and i hope you do your wife right think about her and her feelings before u act on a lusty thought
Filiberto Ranalli: if it were legal , it would not matter if I was in favor of it or notif you asked if I was in favor of it, I would tell you no
Benny Stehno: I would say the respect people had for marriage and its symbolic meaning has decreased greatly! People get married nowadays and cheat on each other the same way.! They commit adultery and don't even respect each other. Today marriage! is horrible. There are marriages that survive but I feel the majority of people just get married because they can or because they are feeling good at the moment but they don't realize the responsibilities that come with marriage nor do they realize how they are combining two lives for a family or any of that. So they get divorced after about 5 months....Show more
Ivan Velazquez: i think it is healthy and normal, as long as it's truly innocent. my friends and i are taking a poll.
Kate Baune: I think is normal. Just make sure you don't act on it or point it out to your spouse because then you may end up being unhappily married.
Wilbert Shellgren: Yes, it is normal. Go ahead and sleep with her if she wants you, too.
Brittanie Zakutney: Only a fool will dream about his own wife , for sex. With ur wife why to dream, you can do it any time , any where. Dreaming for sex for someone's else wife is normal.
Bruce Calise:
Bruno Galasso: it is ver! y normal
Germaine Tieken: You mean "now".
Oda Mauson: Normal, everyone wonders from time to time. Use that person as ummm... "personal time" material if need be. This may help cure your curiousity. Seems silly, but it is a therapy of a sort. Kind of like having an erotic dream about that person then not having the urge anymore to fantasize about that person anymore because in a way, you know what it would be like. Of course if you crush is even more innocent then that and you simply find the person attractive and that is it, then I wouldn't even call that a crush and it is more then innocent. :)...Show more
Renay Billiar: Mormons can seek to have Temple Marriages where we man and wife seal each-other for eternity. A non-LDS marriage ends a death. @Wicked Ways your fact are VERY wrong. I'm one for admitting faults within the Church, but you missed A LOT of points.
Frederic Engellant: I believe it is normal but never something to acted on!
! Lynn Mctier: There is nothing innocent about a crush and it could quick! ly lead to something more intimate and then you've got really big problems believe me so please leave it be
Pam Rampadarat: Why would I want to have two work-list generators. One keeps me plenty busy.
Delmer Pectol: The wife was basically a slave back then, man times were good.Tino you motherf*cker! I just sh*t myself in the battlefield...Show more
Rebeca Mckin: 1800's every one knew there roles and were happy.
Hai Biggart: Totally normal. I have silly crushes all the time. They fade pretty quick, and I never act on them.
Tricia Dossous: The girl in the dream is a very good friend. I havent seen her in 2 years and I'm worried that when I do, I'll be really tempted to sleep with her. I've had these dreams since I met here 7 years ago.
Marco Stolarz: I'm pro-choice.If anyone I know wants to have two wives or two men or a combination, I'll support them.However I have no desire to have a second wife.