Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Is indie a style or status?

answers1: neither.
answers2: I think its a style
answers3: It is my belief that "Indie" has been a misnomer since
sometime in the mid 80's....when the commercial music industry decided
that there was profit in rebellion and began to co-opt the outward
labels of the Indie scene....skinny black jeans, pointy toes boots,
black leather jackets....and dress the mass produced pop princes and
princesses from their music factories in the garb of the actual
rebellious youth. <br>
When people began to refer to U2 as an Indie band, I knew that the
real era of independent, different, original music was over. We have
been subsumed by the corporates. <br>
Indie exists now only in tiny enclaves...in suburban pubs and garages
where small crowds gather to listen to those without a recording deal
and a management company. <br>
And as soon as these kids get the opportunity to sell out, they do so.
Because there is no longer any way to eke out a living if you actually
ARE an Indie muso.#
answers4: style
answers5: def a style
answers6: Indie is a classification. <br>
Spoon is Spoon. I feel like to call them something trite like "indie"
cheapens them.
answers7: Indie is a culture. <br>
The music, the clothes, the style, etc
answers8: indie is what you make it <br>
people have been killing indie latley though..
answers9: status

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

What is the average square footage of a french style house?

answers1: They can have as few as 750 sq.ft. to over 6,000 sq.ft.
Predominant is probably about 3,000 sq.ft. Here are some sketches of
architectural plans for your review: <br>
<a href="http://www.architecturaldesigns.com/french-country-house-plans.asp"
<a href="http://architecture.about.com/od/periodsstyles/ss/frenchstyles.htm"
<a href="http://www.theplancollection.com/house-plan-styles/French"

Monday, 23 December 2019

Who has the better style: Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus?

answers1: Selena Gomez, but only because she isn't Miley Cyrus.
answers2: it depends what theyre wearing && when theyre wearing it <br>
but overall i like selena' s style better <br>
but miley has cute style sometimes 2 <br>
answers3: Selena Gomez! <br>
Deffinatly. <br>
answers4: selena Gomez.
answers5: Selena Gomez definetely, there's not even a way to describe
Miley's style, tacky perhaps? She just looks so piled on. Selena's
style is more clean, and beautiful. She has the same American Eagle
sweater that I have (yes I know American Eagle's popular, but still).
answers6: Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus Sort Of Dresses Like A 13 Year
Old, Whereas Selena Knows Her Stype Sense! <br>
+ Selena Has The Best Hats! <br>
answers7: Selena Gomez. <br>

answers8: Selena Gomez <br>
Selena has her own style <br>
Miley just wears clothes (other than the fact they are a lot of money) <br>
Miley has no particular "style" <br>
and Selena has her own thing
answers9: Selena Gomez.
answers10: If you prefer a slut Miley Cyrus <br>
non-slut Selena Gomez
answers11: Selena by far. She knows how to work her clothes in any
type of condition, and she doesn't have to always be fancy like Miley
thinks she does. GO SELENA!

Sunday, 22 December 2019

is "cat style" kung fu real?

answers1: Cat style is a village style similar to the lion style or
tiger style. Kung fu has over 1,000 different styles, there is even a
chicken style and even dog styles, and kung fu has all styles based on
all animals.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Who would win: aj styles or jeff hardy?

answers1: JEEF HARDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
answers2: Jeff hardy would destroy him
answers3: jeff hardy
answers4: Jeff Hardy!!!! <br>
A.J.Styles is a bad wrestler and when he comes with Tomko they only
cheer for Tomko and booh A.J.Styles.
answers5: aj styles is just an amazing talented athlete in the ring
and has gotten better on the mike, now jeff has jumped off ladders ill
give him that but is not in the same league as aj styles in my
opinion. <br>
edit: also when jeff was in roh for short while he was booed out of
the building. <br>
edit: you have no right to call aj styles a bad wrestler, watch his
matches before you say something like that. <br>
edit: the great bret hart called aj styles one of the best wrestlers
he has ever seen. if you asked bret hart this question without
hesistation he would say aj styles over jeff.
answers6: i dunno aj styles cause jeff hardy is to gay to function
answers7: AJ varieties have been given strikes for days. maybe it
relatively is the X-branch regulations. i don't watch TNA yet I heard
plenty approximately "the added special one "that I had to get his
DVD. it style of feels he has approximately 6 expert finishers, (pele
kick not blanketed). the extra constructive adventure could AJ vs
answers8: AJ Styles. He's more talented. He doesn't have to fall off a
ladder to have a MOTYC.

Friday, 20 December 2019

Should gay be banned in beauty contest?

answers1: No. We're people too, we need integration not segregation.
answers2: Hmm!!!...NO....Not everything is made for Heterosexuals only.
answers3: It used to be good here
answers4: What kind of question is that? <br>
By the way, I never heard of a gay beauty contest. Maybe Mr.Muscle,
Mr.Gay etc. <br>
Where do you live in your imaginary World?
answers5: It's a beauty contest not a sexuality one, how on earth
could anyone warrant that rule anyway?
answers6: No they are people too.
answers7: Pro: <br>
- It is a beauty contest, it is not about sexuality <br>
- Gay people are people too. They should be able to do everything a
straight person does.

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Poll------Beauty or Brain?

answers1: beauty
answers2: How about a beautiful brain.
answers3: Brain for myself, beauty for women.
answers4: Beauty ...........................................
answers5: I've already got brains. They haven't done me much good, but
I wouldn't trade them for the world.
answers6: Brains 
answers7: beauty
answers8: Beauty deffo
answers9: Brains
answers10: Brains last longer than beauty, and sex actually starts
with stimulating the brain ie. flirting, witty banter and
conversation. For me, if nothing's going on upstairs, nothing's going
to be gotten downstairs!
answers11: Brain, then you can use brain to get beautiful, its win win

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Is your hair your beauty?

answers1: styling your hair for you face shape and personality makes a
big difference.
answers2: I dont believe it is my beauty but it is a part of it i
guess. but my hair is a matt of dishwater blond so beautiful may be
the wrong word lol.
answers3: Well I couldnt say that since I have short hair
answers4: Absolutely not because my hair can picky and iI'll still look cute.
answers5: i tink dat ur hair is ur beauty coz...i had my hair cut off
once and i looked awful and wen my hair was long again..i looked
stunning...lol not really!!!
answers6: I change my hair constantly because I can. I think hair is
an accessory. It can be worn so many different ways (curly, wavy,
straight, up and down, different colors, different cuts) I never
understood people who wear that same hairstyle for years. It must be
just a personal decision. I think physical beauty is in the face the
hair just compliments it.
answers7: i agree with you, but it's not the only MAJOR thing beauty
depends on, though i can't skip the fact that hair holds alot of
meanings, and beauty keys....:)
answers8: My beauty is not solely depended on it, but it definitely
plays a role in how I look.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

What is beauty? To what extent does beauty depend on personality?

answers1: Beauty is defined different in each culture... the only
universally common theme when it comes to beauty is symmetry. <br>
Personality also can greatly play a role in personality. A confident
man or woman is more likely to be seen as attractive than a man or
woman who doesn't like themselves. A person who smiles more often is
also seen as more attractive....

Monday, 16 December 2019

Questions about beauty?

answers1: be yourself
answers2: None of the above, you are already beautiful :)
Everything/one has beauty within, just look deep enough to seek it
answers3: Beauty is subjective. I personally like to see something I
believe is of beauty that stands out. I often get staggered by
something I believe is of beauty. It can keep a person happy to know
such things are out there in this world. Then there are people that do
not see beauty as others do. Beauty can be having money in their hand.
A shallow way of seeing things.

Sunday, 15 December 2019

What is my body type? (PICTURE)?

answers1: your body is absolutely gorgeous. you are soooo beautiful and soo hot.

Saturday, 14 December 2019

Body wash or bar soap???

answers1: Body Wash
answers2: Body wash all the way.
answers3: body wash!! the normal bar of soap makes my skin feel al weird...lol
answers4: body wash
answers5: Body wash
answers6: Body wash.
answers7: Body wash <br>
smells better
answers8: Body Wash
answers9: Body wash. Exquisite fragrances.
answers10: body wash

Friday, 13 December 2019

compare these two body and surface waves?

answers1: surface wave - mechanical wave that propagates along the
interface between differing media, usually two fluids with different
densities. <br>
body wave - waves of force that travel through the Earth or other
elastic body, for example as the result of an earthquake

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Suave Natural Oatmeal Body Lotion?

answers1: Suave Oatmeal Lotion
answers2: Yves rocher Organic Oats Body lotion is good <br>
The body shop Shea butter body lotion is nice <br>
very hydrating and lightweight. <br>
also St Ives Oatmeal and shea butter is good <br>
Aveeno Oatmeal body lotion
answers3: suave natural oatmeal body lotion

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

The Male Body.......?

answers1: The body won't always give you a wet dream. Sometimes it
just breaks it down. <br>
Sperm typically starts to break down after 5 days.
answers2: Nocturnal emissions are only one of the ways the male body
may release sperm though not every male experiences it. It is,
however, perfectly normal. Masturbation, intercourse and other manual
exercises that result in a release usually reduces the frequency of
nocturnal emissions, however. <br>
Having said that, the body can easily reabsorb unused sperm and reuse
their constituent components.It is not, therefore, a biological
necessity to have sperm exit the body.
answers3: It's different fro everyone. <br>
Few days to never.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Monday, 9 December 2019


answers1: It lightens your skin.. White skin? Try fresh milk baths
answers2: Yes, for more details type vicco products on the Google.
answers3: These vitamins you have chosen to take are good for your
health in general. If you want to remove sun blemish spots there are a
number of creams you can find at your druggist or HMO like Kaiser in
the Dermatology department. Drinking a lot of carrot juice, I mean
like a quart a day, will cause your skin to get a gold tone to it. It
did for me.

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Skins or Cowgirls which one u linke in teh best rivalry in football?

answers1: Its the Cowboys my friend!!!!
answers2: Well if by cowgirls you mean the dallas cowboy cheerleaders.
Yeah the redskins might be able to beat our cheerleaders. However, our
team will slaughter you.
answers3: Dude the Skins suck! If your a Redskins fan, you should call
them Cowmen because they are offensively and defensively better than
the Skins.
answers4: BAHAHAHA...is this a serious question? <br>
Washingotn is an average (at best) team. Their lack of depth is
sorely showing now, with injuries to Jansen, Thomas, Taylor, and
Rogers. <br>
Meanwhile, Dallas is elite. This game won't even be close.
answers5: Do you mean Cowboys? If you do they are definitely my team
and I just KNOW they will win the Redskins this week! Also, our
cheerleaders are the best of the American Team.
answers6: cowboys
answers7: Patriots Colts is the best rivary right now.

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

What are some great day moisturizers for oily skin?

answers1: st ives with collagen in a jar
answers2: cetaphil
answers3: My sister has oily skin and she uses Cetaphil. There are
really good reviews about it online. It can be found at most drug
stores and major retailers.
answers4: It may sounds odd using oils on your skin, but always choose
those with sebum regulating actions. I use deodorized Argan oil on my
skin, and it works great. It contains the sebum regulating action
which makes it ideal for oily skin, absorbs in fast, and gives your
skin the beneficial natural elements it needs.

Monday, 25 November 2019

skin products?

answers1: The Mary Kay TimeWise line is gentle and good for skin
problems. The cleanser and moisturizer come in two formulas for
normal/dry skin or combination/oily skin. <br>
A good cleansing and moisturizing routine is the best thing for skin
blemishes. There are also many additional products from Mary Kay that
will help with specific skin conditions.
answers2: Try mineral makeup. It is natural so won't cause spots. <br>
puritycosmetics.co.uk is a good brand.
answers3: Yeah, Arbonne has great products for problem skin. There is
a Clear Advantage set that includes a nutritional supplement to help
you get better skin from the inside out and cleansers to clear up
blemishes already present. It's like a one, two punch KO for problem
skin! My sister uses it and LOVES it. <br>
I use the NutriminC RE9 line. It's an anti-aging line.
answers4: use an AHA cream like Ponds Time Rewind every night. It
sloughs off old dead cells. after 30 min. apply a retinol cream, wait
10 min. and use moisturizer.Your skin will not only look and feel
better but you'll be delaying the effects of aging and wear on the
skin. fruits and vegetables in your diet, however, will be the best
cure for your problem.
answers5: olay
answers6: Use this it will help you, <br>
True Pore-Fection Skin Clearing Gel Cleanser, <br>
True Pore-Fection Skin Refining Toner, <br>
True Pore-Fection Oil-Free Skin-Clearing Lotion <br>
True Pore-Fection Skin Refining Mask <br>
It work for me, an your skin condition sounds like mines...
answers7: Get Philosphy Makeup Optional Skincare kit. It has a good
face wash, peel and moisturizer.
answers8: Try the creams antiblemish and antiageing (even if don't
have wrinkles) from Neutrogena! Very good!
answers9: MeetMark's Misbehavin Skincare line sounds right for you.
Email me or join my group and I'll create a skincare package just for
you. <br>
You are invited to meet mark because you know the value of good
cosmetics and I have the Hook Up on the latest looks and trends. Join
this group and have access to the freshest make-up and tips to
application and skincare. Not to mention great priced accessories and
fragrances! Discounts or free merchandise for all who join! <br>
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Kristi-meetmarkrep <br>
answers10: some tips here: <br>
Shiny and Beautiful Skin Tips <br>

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Are there any face makeups you guys use that help acne?

answers1: Birth Control Pill to regulate hormones. Salicylic Acid /
Benzoyl Peroxide / Retin A tropically. Clean up your diet, drink more
water, and if you have to use make up use more higher end brands like
MAC, Estee Lauder, Loreal and not what-its-name-for-2bucks from Rite
answers2: There are two types of foundation that have a chemical in
them to help and treat/prevent acne breakouts. They are Neutrogena and
answers3: BB cream!
answers4: Neutragena just released a new foundation that has acne
fighting solution mixed in with the makeup.
answers5: I have very sensitive skin, and have found that Merle
Norman's Luxiva Lasting Foundation cream and Ultra Powder Foundation
are about the only things that will not break my skin out. But
everyone is different, and I know people who break out with Merle
Norman but not with some of the cheaper drugstore makeups. You really
just have to experiment, and find what works best with your skin type.
answers6: You can buy a foundation with sulfur that willl help with your acne

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Any Scene makeup tips/products?

answers1: You need to start at the base with foundation and cover your
whole face with this, making sure you blend it well at the sides so
you dont look like your wearing a mask. <br>
Dream matte mousse from maybelline is a good starting point as its
easy to sue and gives good coverage, and almost certain to find one
your color :] <br>
Then using bright eye shadows blend together colors along the top lid,
darkest to lightest. But don't use ones that clash to much or you
could look a bit strange (BarryM eyeshadow range is a good choice to
go for.) <br>
Then use liquid eyeliner along the top and bottom lid of you eye and
flick it out gently at each corner to give a kind of 'cat' effect. Be
careful to not let it smudge before it dries. <br>
Finally finish off with either foundation on yours lip to give a nude
effect, pale pastel lip gloss or bright red lipstick depending on your
skin tone :]
answers2: use a blue or green eye pencil..it depends upon your skin
tone on which lipgloss you use...and face painting needed!
answers3: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=scene+makeup+and+hair&aq=2&oq=scene+makeup"
answers4: basically your popular commencing place will do, you do no
longer would desire to white and pastey to be scene/emo. to your eyes,
attempt some bright colors (black isn't all you are able to positioned
on). Jewel tones are super, bright purple, reds, vegetables, and
specific, even pinks! creams artwork maximum suitable. basically
observe them out of your lash line to the crease of your eye. And
specific of direction the eyeliner! to your suitable liquid or pencil
is super, attempt the two the classic black or a metalic liquid that
fits your jewel tones, mixing and matching is inspired! basically
carry the out area corner of your eye and pull your lash line right
into a immediately line, preserving your liner as on the brink of your
lashes as achievable, observe a thick line. additionally observe a
thick line of black liner to your backside lash line. to your cheeks,
mild purple is maximum suitable, in spite of the undeniable fact that
it relatively is relatively no super deal. Smile and observe to the
apple of your cheek and pull in the direction of your temple in an
upward sweeping action. your lips, deep colors of purple or a sheer
purple gloss are super! reliable luck! wish this helps!
answers5: There's a girl on Youtube who does makeup tutorials. It
isn't really scene, but I'm sure you could use some of her advice to
make it what you want. Here's one, and check the related videos for
more. <br>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l15At-3qJIg"

Friday, 22 November 2019

What is a gentle eye makeup remover?

answers1: Have you tried cold cream? That stuff is great for removing
makeup! Of course, as with any type of remover be careful not to get
it in your eyes. Pond's Cold Cream is probably the most popular, but
they all have the same active ingredients so a less expensive brand
works just as well!! Hope this helps.
answers2: Mederma Skin Care for Scars works, and works well. I have
purchased four tubes for my wife who was scarred when she was dragged
during a motorbike robbery. My complaint is that the last time I
ordered I received a product called "Mederma Advanced Scar Gel" that
stipulated both on the box and on the 50g tube: "only 1X daily". It
worked fine and only needed to be used once a day. NOW, I can't find
it on Amazon. In a live chat with a rep named Stephanie I was directed
to the product that needs to be applied two or three times a day.
answers3: I have the same problem, but this eye makeup remover is awesome! <br>
: Try putting milk on a cotton pad and using it like a make-up
remover. It might not have the most luxurious smell but it works well!

Mark makeup to start out as a makeup artist?

answers1: I've used mark, and I even sold it for a short period a few
years ago. While for personal use I thought they were good for the
price, I wouldn't use them as a make up artist. <br>
In my opinion, if I am going to pay someone to do my makeup, say $35
for a makeover which is a very reasonable price as salons charge 50+,
I would not want to have the makeover cost the same price as all the
makeup used on my face, if that makes sense. <br>
If I'm going to pay someone top dollar for a makeover I expect them to
use the top dollar brands. If you're just doing this for friends and
just for fun and don't intend to charge any one or make money, then go
for it. But you can't build a clientele on products that will cost
less than the actual makeover. It's one thing to use one or two
products that you really believe in from them, OR do makeovers AND
sell the mark products so that when they love what you've done you can
sell them product, but that is it. (and that wouldn't be such a bad
idea, maybe $10 to do their makeup as long as they buy one product or
what not) <br>
Hope that made sense and helped :)
answers2: For cat eye, you have to have a steady hand, and have to
realize there's tons of different kinds of cat eye, so experiment with
what you like best. For the smokey eye look, remember that it's
darkest where your liner is, and gradually fades out. You'll need
about 3 to 4 different eye shadows, one dark, one a little bit
lighter, and then a highlight color for underneath your brow. My
favorite technique is putting your liner on your top eyelid, black
eyeliner per say, put it on and then take your makeup brush (use a
relatively small one) dab it in your darkest shadow, and smudge it.
Take your middle color (in between dark and light) and put it on your
eye lid to about a slight (I mean slight) bit over your eye crease.
Now in the inner corner of your eye, put some of the dark color, and
also on the outer corner. Now very very lightly take your brush and
blend it in the with other color. Put your lightest color underneath
your brow. Also, when applying eye liner on the bottom, smudge it with
your shadow. Also, alllwayys dark lashes. I hope that made sense! I'm
out of it today.
answers3: as long as your clients don't mind it there should be no
problem. As a makeup artist you should definitly be open to trying new
brands and techniques as well!
answers4: Hmmm, I love their eyeshadows, but since most of their
foundation is liquid to powder it doesn't do well on everyone's skin.
I tried seriously like 4 and they didn't help very much. You could try
Palladio, I use them and their stuff is really great and not really
expensive. A lot of it is also natural.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

is it better to wear makeup in high school?

answers1: why do u have a guy as ur avatar
answers2: if you want to wear makeup, wear makeup. if you don't then
don't. at the end of the day what people think about your style means
less than whats in your toilet bowl.
answers3: Guys aren't supposed to wear makeup
answers4: not if you're a guy.. trust me it prob won't be good.
answers5: Are you a guy??
answers6: you're a guy named sarah? ;) <br>
I don't really understand your question anyway.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Hair extensions for very short hair?

answers1: Get want ever you want . if iwus you iwould get straight
because curly hardd to caree of sumtimes
answers2: It is really difficult to cover the joins of extensions with
hair this short, better wait till you have more hair to work with.

Monday, 18 November 2019

Hair or no hair?

answers1: a little
answers2: As little as possible.
answers3: little or no hair
answers4: little or none at all
answers5: I like a little hair on my woman not a vagfro but a neatly
trimmed patch.
answers6: Leave the hair.Some girls have really sloppy vaginas like
lindsy lohan but don't know it.The pubes hide the hanging roast beef
look that some girls have when they shave it all off.
answers7: Little to none. Not a bush. A landing strip is sexy, so is none.
answers8: I like it when my wife trims her pubic hair.
answers9: none <br>
or a small landing strip with very short hair
answers10: No hair!!! I can floss my own teeth later ...

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Organix hair care for natural Black hair.?

answers1: If u want; <br>
Light weightless hair-coconut milk <br>
Shiny hair-Moraccan argon oil <br>
Healthy hair- keratin or macadamia oil
answers2: Make sure you use sulfate and paraben free products, I
especially recommend argan oil. There is a brand called Pro naturals
and it has great products for natural hair.

Saturday, 16 November 2019

shampoo and conditioner for coloured hair?

answers1: I have found some good tips in following link, It may be
good for you too <br>
http://www.beautytipsforall.com/ <br>
answers2: yes the tresseme mask for dry and damaged hair works for
coloured hair or highlighted hair

Thursday, 14 November 2019

does hair wax work better for longer hair or shorter hair?

answers1: definitely shorter hair!
answers2: Longer
answers3: Hair wax does work better on shorter hair - but everything
does. You can still use hair wax but maybe you could get some hair
putty. Kind of the same but for longer hair.
answers4: Hair wax works best on short hair.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Is it weird I have more accessories than clothes?

answers1: not really but i think you should stop buying accessories (u
have a lot right?) and focus a little more on hoodies and pants.
answers2: oh my gosh! i have the exact same problem, every time i go
shopping i NEED clothes, but end up spending all my money on
accessories! and i dont think its weird, i think its just what we like
best about our outfits, like some people enjoy jeans more and they
will have like 20 pair with 4 shirts. dont sweat about it, atleast you
know that you will always be able to accessorize(:

Monday, 11 November 2019

cheap accessory online shopping? ?

answers1: etsy.com <br>
inspiredsilver.com <br>
answers2: Go to any site you like, and check out: <br>
clearance <br>
sale, and <br>
answers3: You can buy them from <br>
Hope this helps <br>
Good luck! <br>

answers4: gojane.com <br>
amiclubwear.com <br>
greatglam.com <br>
answers5: gojane.com has really cute accessories that are affordable.
try forever21 too. or any of the other sites listed in the video
answers6: http://lvejewellery.bigcartel.com <br>

Sunday, 10 November 2019

what's your favorite accessory & favorite shoe color?

answers1: accessory: purses, bangles <br>
shoe color: silver, cognac
answers2: accesories, has to be those big hobo bags! <3 <br>
and shoe color red .
answers3: favorite accessory: dear god, definitely shoes. <br>
color: I love blue and white together! I just love nautical themes.
But I like deep pink too. I have no idea why. And red.... Haha I just
LOVE shoes!!
answers4: Accessories : Headbands <br>
Shoe Color : Black (sorry!)
answers5: Accesories- SHOES!! <br>
Shoe color- Red (almost any color that 'pops' against the outfit)
answers6: just be sudden here,your words are so interesting. i like
ugg boots ,color like the shoes on
answers7: i LOVE bags!!and bracelets....wearing 34 at the mo!!! <br>
shoe color?purple lue i suppose....most of my shoes are multi colored
converse!!! <br>
answer mine?<a href="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090830164525AApLxh4&r=w"class=Clr-b>http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?...</a>
answers8: pink!!!!! i think of Aerosmith pronounced it ultimate! pink
by utilising Aerosmith pink, it quite is my new obsession pink, it
quite is not any longer even a question, pink, on the lips of your
lover (oh) 'reason pink is the affection you hit upon pink, by way of
fact the bing on your cherry pink, 'reason you're so very pink, it
quite is the colour of pastime Ah, 'reason today it in basic terms is
going with the type pink, it replaced into love on the beginning up
sight Yeah, pink when I prove the sunshine And pink gets me intense as
a kite and that i think of each and everything is going to be all
acceptable no rely what we do this nighttime you will be my flamingo
'reason pink, it quite is the hot kinda of lingo pink, like a deco
umbrella it quite is kink which you do never tell her pink, it
replaced into love on the beginning up sight And pink when I prove the
sunshine pink gets me intense as a kite and that i think of each and
everything is going to be all acceptable no rely what we do this
nighttime Yeah! i prefer to be your lover I, I wanna wrap you in
rubber And it quite is pink by way of fact the sheets that we lay on
'reason pink it quite is my well known crayon Yeah! pink, it replaced
into love on the beginning up sight pink, when I prove the sunshine
pink, it quite is like crimson yet no longer quite and that i think
of, each and everything is going to be all acceptable no rely what we
do this nighttime
answers9: I like jewlery and handbags, haha , <br>
for shoes, I like leather high-heel shoes,bright colors,whatever.
answers10: accessories: hoodies and brightly colored jewelry <br>
shoe color: purple or checkered...

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Preppy Clothes, hairstyles, accessories?

answers1: well idunno rlly for hairstyles but at any mandee store or
their store online ( mandee.com ) they have cuteee clothing ! <br>
For Accesories..,they always have different brands at Kohl's but only
really at their stores..well for juniors (teens) .., i couldn't find
the nice accesories on their website so u should try checking the
store if there's one near you. <br>
answers2: Well, I know that Hollister and Abercrombie and Fitch are
pretty preppy. So is American Eagle. Those are the stores that a lot
of people are going to today and I feel the have the preppy look to
them. Hairstyles would be the basic ponytail, I think. Or just let
down. There's really not much to being preppy. Skinny jeans, those
t-shirts with the logos on them... Accessories would be those colorful
bracelets, a gold or silver chain necklace, sterling silver anklets?
Dangle earrings. Use your best judgement.

Friday, 8 November 2019

Extra Accessories on Trucks?

answers1: how about a girl friend
answers2: Search the net, i got a 07 F150 and found lots of web site,
but they all on my other computer. srry
answers3: Where do yopu want to start? Engine accessories range from
chrome dipstick handles, air cleaner covers and go all the way up to
superchargers. Body? Lambo doors, spoilers, tinted windows, custom
paint jobs, roof-mounted lights, tube grilles, body kits, bed covers
and/or liners are all very popular. Wheels? You pays your money and
you takes your choice - chrome, painted, mag, aluminum or any
combination thereof in various sizes (with corresponding tires, of
course). Interior? Seat covers, upholstery, seats, dash kits,
electronics (including DVD's, Navigation sysytems, stereos with
umpteen speakers, ipod hookups. <br>
I could go on and on, but won't since I've already given you several
thousands of dollars worth of modifications. Good luck.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

How would you describe japanese fashion?

answers1: Avant-garde. They take normal styles and put their own, new,
twist on it to create new fashion all their own.
answers2: two asian girls dressed like spoil american teenagers that's
what comes 2 my mind
answers3: Unique and cute.
answers4: classic~ genuine, stylish ..............today's style in
japan~ stylish, stylish..(different than for the farming united states
of america. however the ay human beings gown in Tokyo is fairly like
the way human beings gown in long island)
answers5: i like the Giesha costume that is the Kimono
answers6: individuality, wearing what looks good to you and wearing
whatever you want, colorful, unique, international, cultural, amazing
and truly inspirational (Japan is my fashion capital).
answers7: Always up to date. Add a touch of crazy fun into the design
and aren't afraid to try new things and look slightly out of place.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Who are 2 people who influenced 1980's fashion?

answers1: Calvin Klein started the whole designer jeans thing <br>
Versace for high fashion
answers2: See "1980s Fashion Designers" - <a

Monday, 4 November 2019

Easy ten points??? fashion magazine???

answers1: worst dressed best dressed <br>
or <br>
who wore it best
answers2: its really hard to be different anymore.i never see mags for
just white people .blacks have there own.so maybe different things
they go through.to the many hair types and styles they try. um do a
storey on feet.fashionable socks.who talks about socks?goodluck sorry
answers3: do not have periods when you're wearing white undies.
answers4: strange trends that are coming back <br>
(the hipster fanny pack)
answers5: how to apply make up, how to do your hair, how to
accessorize, how to take care of your skin and body.
answers6: Do a letter from the editor column. Or maybe the how to have
that style at an expensive price and at a bargain. Good luck!
answers7: hair and make up, <br>
relationship's, <br>
cute date's to do, <br>
winter hook ups, <br>
partys, <br>
ect:]] <br>
i hope i helped.
answers8: fall/winter trends its about that time eh!
answers9: the newst fashion trends this year <br>
the differences between fall, summer and winter fashion <br>
compare the work of different fashion designers
answers10: Teen Scene Jade-z Sense Karma Kin Yourself :] Holler Tween
Teen Magazine

Sunday, 3 November 2019

upcoming fashion shows in sacramento,ca?

answers1: Fashion in Sacramento? You can try the News and Review.
Sacramento's proximity to SF and LA means that all the best move on to
there, and Sac gets all the leftovers. It's just not an art or
fashion kind of place. <br>
<a href="http://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/arts_culture/more"

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Help with my Humanities Term Paper?

answers1: I am not positive if this will help, but wouldn't the point
have to be that with the upsurge in Autism in recent times has come a
concurrent increase in the research and development of medications and
strategies to treat this problem? While many still believe that there
is a correlation between the dramatic increase in the numbers of
immunizations given in early childhood and autism, look at the studies
that have been done as a result of the demands of parents and

Friday, 1 November 2019

Thursday, 31 October 2019

why during the roman period, they equate humanities with law?

answers1: It was just the way they divided education/ knowledge up. We
still do it today in colleges/universities. <br>
Humanities were just things that had to do with 'humans' law, art,
rhetoric, music, politics as opposed to 'sciences'....medicine,
engineering, mathematics.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

why is Anthropology the most scientific of the humanities and the humanistic among the sciences?

answers1: Why is it that human beings nevertheless insist that
evolution isn't a fact? Is it because of fact it extremely is named
the "concept" of evolution? if it extremely is the case, then they
actually would desire to lookup using using the be conscious concept
in technological information. They nevertheless would desire to call
gravity concept- regardless of understanding that it extremely is a
fact. not something in technological information is upgraded from
concept to regulation. all of us be attentive to there became A, and
all of us be attentive to there became Z- and all of us be attentive
to extraordinarily plenty all the middle bit. the belief comes into
why A replaced into Z. The mechanisms for it. If we at the instant are
not animals, why are we so comparable-hearts, lungs, palms, ft, eyes,
ears, legs, and so on. If we've been "particular" why did God
difficulty making our "innards", he would have clicked his hands and
we could have "worked". we are animals, the only factor keeping apart
us from others is our intelligence- yet it is basically our primal
protection. some animals have venom, some fabulous experience on
odor/eye factors of interest, and so on.
answers2: thank you everyone for the answers!
answers3: Anthropology is literally, from Latin, the science of
humans. There are four branches of anthropology: cultural
anthropology, linguistic anthropology, archaeology and biological
anthropology. Archaeology is mainly history-oriented, but the other
three branches are highly scientific, with a sociological flare.
Cultural anthropology is the study of cultures. In other words, a
cultural anthropologist can go live with an Amazonian tribe and record
everything about their culture. A lot of observational skills are
required, and it's necessary to avoid all possible bias. Those same
principles can be applied to any of the physical sciences (chemistry,
physics, etc.) as well. Linguistic anthropology focuses on the
science of words and languages. In other words, it is the study of
how, for example, English evolved out of the mash-up of Latin and
various Germanic dialects. Linguistic anthropologists must know a
TREMENDOUS amount of etymology. Biological anthropology is the most
obviously scientific of the lot, as it's the study of human evolution.
Biological anthropologists often spend extended periods of time
studying advanced primates and relating their actions to our own
actions. <br>
I hope I helped!
answers4: I've already more or less answered this in my response to
your other question ( <a
), but I just want to point this out for you: <br>
If you're being asked a question with that exact wording, you're
likely going to want to answer from Eric Wolf's perspective, since the
question comes from his famous quotation in his 1964 book
"Anthropology." It will obviously depend on your specific instructor,
but if I were your professor, I would grade you down if you didn't
give him credit for being the first to say it that way. His full
quotation is: <br>
"[Anthropology] is less a subject matter than a bond between subject
matters. It is in part history, part literature; in part natural
science, part social science; it strives to study men both from within
and without; it represents both a manner of looking at man and a
vision of man—the most scientific of the humanities, the most humanist
of sciences." <br>
If you visit <a
, you will find a lot of quotations (including Wolf's) that you can
source in your response. I would suggest using that instead of
relying on homework help here. ;) In addition, you might want to try
using the Homework Help category ( <a
) in the future. Good luck with your assignment. <br>
Additionally, just to clarify a little bit about what my future fellow
anthropologist said...archaeology is, in reality, one of the most
scientific fields of anthropology. Linguistic anthropology certainly
does require you to know about words and languages, but it's more
focused on their classification, social use, role in identity-shaping,
and impact on culture; etymology is a very separate field. Cultural
anthropology is the one that tends to be less focused on the hard
sciences, though it certainly incorporates it.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Music In Humanities Questions? 10 points?

answers1: Hmmm... <br>
I too have had Humanities back in college, many moons ago. Fun stuff. <br>
And, I'm not doing someone else's homework for them. <br>
You should have learned by now, the whole concept and purpose of doing
something on your own through the learning process. To make you think
for yourself, and within your interpretations and understanding of
what you discover by yourself. <br>
Also, to learn what doing research on your own can mean, because there
(can be) are other elements and related information that one may find
interesting and informative beyond the question at hand. <br>
Time to see what you are really made of. <br>
Research, and become a good detective. <br>
Not a limited follower. <br>
Anyone else want to make it easy for you around here?

Monday, 28 October 2019

Sunday, 27 October 2019

What are the fine art classes and practical art classes?(In high school)?

answers1: I love the sound of 3am, it'a a magic hour, everything is so
quite and the darkness is like a blanket. Most mornings I wake up a
half-hour before the alarm and just l just lay in bed listining to Joe
breath and cuddle my kitten it's the best place in my world.
answers2: When you yourself have been pulling mainly from images and
desire to lift your sport to the next stage, this <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>https://tr.im/aQG2P</a> , Realistic Pencil
Portrait Mastery guide is certainly a purchase you may want to
consider.  If you're trying to have the ability to pull the individual
head and face in 3 dimensions from your mind, search elsewhere. <br>
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery eBook  comprises of 208 pages, 605
delineations, and large willpower pictures to offer for you personally
orderly aides that you could learn how to pull pictures at home.
answers3: I'm pretty sure fine arts is stuff like painting, drawing,
sculpture etc. And practical arts is stuff like cooking and woodshop,
but I could be wrong!

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Is art both skill and expression or just expression?

answers1: is the artist doing it for money, or passion?
answers2: What is art? <br>
Art is invented by the human mind that perceives it. It becomes art
when it creates emotions in people.
answers3: To say what art is is limiting to art. Beyond the social
understanding of art, art does not have to be anything but what it is
to be. What we call it is a reduction of what it actually is.
answers4: Creativity is allowing you to make an expression. <br>
Art is knowing which expression to keep. <}:-})

Friday, 25 October 2019


answers1: Op Art is also known as optical art.
answers2: Sorry, but you should not be asking us to do your homework
for you. We can help you find the answers, but you should write it
yourself. <br>
Perspective is when the lines in the drawing all have vanishing
points. One point has one vanishing point in the image, whereas
two-point has two. A multiple point perspective is very complicated,
and generally allows the item in space to appear more real. <br>
Op art? Like Optical Illusions? That usually implements colors to
allow different parts to pop out, color contrast may allow some colors
to appear further back to your mind, even though you consciously know
they are all on the same plane.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Where are good art galleries?

answers1: In Minneapolis, MN there is the Institute of art, with art
from different time periods all over the globe, as well as the Walker
Art Museum. In My opinion those are the the best in my area that i
know of.
answers2: Vienna
answers3: Most art galleries are not very famous just because they are
so small, art museums are more well known <br>
Some good ones are: <br>
museum of art in philadelphia, museum of modern art in nyc (MOMA),
metropolitian museum of art in nyc (MET) <br>
the smithsonian museums of art in dc, the louvre in paris

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

What are "liberal arts"?

answers1: The Liberal Arts are those subjects which are not applied
professional (how to do a job). They tend to concentrate on the "why
and what" of the world as opposed to the "how to" of a specific job.
Historically the liberal arts were grammar, rhetoric, logic, geometry,
arithmetic, music, and astronomy. <br>
These days we use the term liberal arts to refer to all of the arts
and sciences and include the Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Humanities,
Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Maths. It also includes the
interdisciplinary areas such as Women's Studies, Marine Science, or
Computational Economics and the like. <br>
Examples you'd find in most colleges are Literature, Biology, History,
Psychology, Sociology, Music, Theater, Art, Geography, Chemistry,
Physics, Economics, Political Science, Philosophy, Languages, etc....
The opposite of Liberal Arts are the Applied Sciences. Fields like
nursing, education, business, engineering, architecture, computer
science, etc... are applied/professional sciences. They concentrate
heavily on 'how to' of a specific job. <br>
A "liberal arts major" is a major in any of the liberal arts subjects.
A "liberal arts college" is a college that believes that every student
(no matter what major) should have a strong founding in the liberal
arts (aka 'general education'). You can complete a liberal arts
major in a school that isn't a liberal arts college (such as a
research university) and you can complete an applied professional
major at a liberal arts college. <br>
A "liberal arts degree" is one that required all students (regardless
of major) to take a significant foundation of courses in the liberal
arts. Most people call this "general education" or "the core". One
could get a liberal arts degree in an applied professional major.
This is especially common at liberal arts colleges and in the field of
education (teacher training). <br>
A degree with the major "Liberal Arts" is one that included a study of
all (or many) of the liberal arts subjects as the major coursework but
didn't concentrate on any one subject. <br>
These days, except in very few fields, an advanced degree is required
for a professional position in the liberal arts fields. Almost all of
those fields will require a master's or higher for good employment
prospects whereas a bachelor's degree in the applied sciences (such as
engineering) usually offers sufficient employment prospects. <br>
As you look at college majors, consider what is required of the career
you'd like to enter. If you don't have a career goal but are picking
a major, you're going about the process backward (unless you're rich
and a job doesn't matter). Pick the career and then see what degree
is required for that career. Otherwise you'll be writing here in four
years the question "what job can I get with a degree in Socioeconomic
Philosophy of Russian Art?"
answers2: contains majors such as psychology. <br>
teaching i believe.
answers3: Liberal Arts College: A particular type of institution—often
small, often residential—that facilitates close interaction between
faculty and students, and whose .Considering a liberal arts degree?
Learn about what it is and how it makes you more attractive to
employers. Learn the meaning of liberal arts and what a degree in the
field really entails, now on Fastweb..............figure drawing
answers4: At this point, liberal arts more or less refers to
humanities. History, literature, etc. An easier way to think about it
might be subject areas that aren't part of STEM fields or a hard
answers5: My perspectives tend to be greater conservative and that i
do have self assurance AGW is a few thing to be fascinated
approximately interior the destiny and action must be taken now. i
think of the completed political and religious area of this talk is
quite interesting. this is like the jobs are reversed and
conservatives are the atheists, skeptics and the liberals are the
fundamentalist. even regardless of the undeniable fact that i've got
self assurance the philosophy and bias of scientists and AGW alarmist
impacts the projections of the hazards, I nevertheless do no longer
think of the technology must be omitted. some people who're deniers
have a frustrating time siding with people who're political enemies in
different areas. i think of this is often real if the placement have
been reversed. Its unlucky that human beings won't be in a position to
place aside those transformations even regardless of the undeniable
fact that this is relatively human nature. Reactions to AGW take a
protracted time to adapt i've got self assurance, no longer because of
the fact absolutely everyone seems to be ignorant or deny technology
yet because of the fact replace of habit is so difficult. this is
purely much less difficult to be a skeptic each and every so often,
purely ask an atheist.
answers6: A major for those who don't actually know what they want to do. <br>
Features courses like basket weaving and macrame.
answers7: AHGUHGTBH
answers8: Technically it is
answers9: Insects and people. Crop sciences. Cinema studies, At the
University of California-Berkeley, for example, a student can major in
computer science through either the College of Letters and Science or
the College of Engineering. Besides engineering, students can also go
to trough liberal arts and sciences programs to earn degrees in
physical sciences such as biology or chemistry.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

What are the components of a work of art?

answers1: The components of a work of art (visual art) are the
elements and principles of art. Specifically, Color, Line, Shape/Form,
Space, Texture, Value are the elements. The prinicples include
balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, repetition (pattern), unity,
and variety.
answers2: A work of art represents a fragment or moment of another
human beings consciousness. It is the concrete manifestation of a
feeling, a thought, or an idea.

Monday, 21 October 2019

LGBT Visual Art Ideas?

answers1: Maybe try making a collage featuring LGBT people, gay love,
or LGBT issues. You could include images, gay related headline news,
or gay-related words, phrases, protest posters or issues. Here are
some blogs with a lot of LGBT related images. <br>
<a href="http://lezbhonest.tumblr.com/"class=Clr-b>http://lezbhonest.tumblr.com/</a>
<a href="http://fuckyeahlgbt.tumblr.com/"class=Clr-b>http://fuckyeahlgbt.tumblr.com/</a>
<a href="http://lostinadream1.tumblr.com/"class=Clr-b>http://lostinadream1.tumblr.com/</a>

Sunday, 20 October 2019

What is the difference between a Masters in Fine Arts and a masters in Visual Arts?

answers1: Fine Arts is more historical and theoretical. He'd be
learning about art history and the techniques associated with
different periods. <br>
Visual Arts is more practical. He'd be creating a lot of his own work,
and studying contemporary styles that apply to the world of today,
rather than history.
answers2: I think visual art got more upto date things involved in it.
Thus more chances of getting a good job.

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Most colleges require 1 credit of visual arts?

answers1: If it is a requirement, no matter how many AP classes you
take, they won't consider you. Colleges want you to be a well-rounded
person, so just take the class. It will be easy.
answers2: I have never taken a visual arts class and I went to a large
state school also. This is actually the first I heard of it. <br>
Talk to the counselors at Ohio state and see what they will and will
not accept. I know people above said they wont consider you without
it, but thats not true. I know a lot of people who didn't take certain
classes in high school and therefore had to take them while they are
in college- its just an extra pain to have to take it later. <br>
My advice: contact the school, chances are its not that big of a deal.
(and its only 1 credit, whats the big whoop anyway?)

Friday, 18 October 2019

what's the difference between the SAT & the ACT??? 10 pts?

answers1: maximum if not all colleges different than ACT try. ACT
particularly focuses on math, technology, analyzing and english there
is not a essay till you're taking the writing try(large factors in
case you propose to be a English Lit or Journalism considerable)
that's optionally available. some people believes it fairly is extra
handy then SAT yet its fairly how properly you prepare for it the time
width is especially an identical and in case you come to a call to
take the two you may situation the two on your colleges of selection.
answers2: Never taken the ACT, but I think SAT is more important to colleges
answers3: The SAT and ACT have historically been preferred by schools
in different reasons. As of 2007 the ACT is now accepted at all U.S.
colleges, just like the SAT. <br>
The ACT has four main sections. <br>
English: 45 minutes - 75 questions <br>
Math: 60 minutes - 60 questions <br>
Reading: 35 minutes - 40 questions <br>
Science: 35 minutes - 40 questions <br>
Writing section is optional, with 30 minutes allotted. <br>
Maximum score is a 36. <br>
The SAT has three main sections. <br>
Critical Reading: 70 minutes - 80 questions <br>
Math: 70 minutes - 54 questions <br>
Writing: 60 minutes - 49 questions + essay <br>
Additional subject tests available, and can be taken separately. <br>
Maximum score is a 2400.
answers4: both are different formats

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Will you stop acting like a______ and____?

answers1: Will you stop acting like a screw up and grow up. <br>
I hear that all the time.
answers2: will you stop acting like a kid and pull up your pants <br>
thats what i tell these younger ppl
answers3: Sarah Palin and shut the *** up.
answers4: Will you stop acting like a CHILD and GROW THE !@#$ UP?
answers5: are your parents retarded? because your special.<-------
sorry I had to say that lame pick up line that I heard anyway <br>
Will you stop acting like a douche bag and be a man.
answers6: Will you stop acting like a dipshit and do your job?
answers7: Retard and listen!
answers8: will you stop acting like a retard and shut up?!
answers9: Will you stop acting like a jerk and go and buy me chocolate
answers10: will you stop acting like a hoe and use the shovel.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

The Stamp Act and The Townshend Acts?

answers1: Lil kid do ur homework yourself
answers2: the stamp act was a tax on stamps enforcing colonists to put
stamps on any official papers <br>
the townshend acts is a tax on imports to America <br>
Big difference between them except that they were made in parliament
answers3: Stamp Act Townshend Act

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

minimum ACT score and GPA for mizzou?

answers1: Most universities tend to accept kids with GPA and ACT
scores above the median average. That is, GPA of 3.0 and ACT of 24.
Your GPA can be lower if your ACT score is higher and vice versa. Take
your GPA for sophomore and junior years, and multiply that by 800.
Then, take your ACT score, multiply that by 2400, then divide by 36.
Add that to your the number you got by multiplying your GPA by 800.
Schools usually dont accept you if the total is below 4000.
answers2: Some safe number for those would be 2.5 GPA and a 24 on the
ACT. Apply early though.

Monday, 14 October 2019

acting stuff.....?

answers1: just get a gig online at www.baajaa.com <br>
it's free <br>
u will need normal pics
answers2: i love acting but i am not in any acting school <br>
i like to make mono acts which i perform between my friends & family <br>
when i'll grow up i'll join some acting school to increase my ating skills
answers3: I particularly enjoy acting, but like other aspects of
theatre as well. I am minoring in it right now at a major university,
while also studying Political Science and Spanish. However, I do plan
to pursue a MFA or Ph.D in Theatre Arts once I'm finished with my
undergrad work. <br>
answers4: Well, i like acting but i prefer to work backstage

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Whats the histrical background of the globe theatre by julius caesar?

answers1: this question doesn't make sense because Julius Caesar was
alive hundreds of years before the Globe Theatre was built. so when
you ask "by Julius Caesar" it sounds like you're asking how he himself
had a direct effect on the theatre.

Saturday, 12 October 2019

I have a question about theater hopping....?

answers1: very sneaky you thief, but to answer your question, most of
the time your ticket has already been checked at the door, so if you
know what theater to go to you're probably in like flin. don't look
answers2: This post has already been forwarded to your local theater
along with your picture...just kidding. <br>
Check out my review of Book of Eli.
answers3: depends on the theatre; some are stricter than others, but
IMAX would be harder than a normal theatre

Friday, 11 October 2019

English literature , what is elizabethan theatre?

answers1: "English Renaissance theatre, also known as early modern
English theatre, refers to the theatre of England, largely based in

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Is there a way to find theater capacity?

answers1: No it is not okay to save seats. It is general seating and
if somebody isn't in a seat then it is open for anyone with a ticket
to sit there.
answers2: I doubt that theaters list their seating capacity online.
The average movie theater seating capacity is 200-300, so it sounds
like you need to find a very large theater or an auditorium with a
screen, projector, and sound system. <br>
Start calling very large theaters closest to the area you want to hold
the screening and of course any theater managers you speak to will
know if there even are any theaters in Northern NJ that seat 400, so
ask them.
answers3: you will probably have to go to each individual website or
even call the thearters to find out

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Documentary on Experimental Theater?

answers1: hard subject. lookup on to google or bing. that may help!
answers2: Videos on Documentary on Experimental Theater <a
------------------- Experimental theatre is a
general term for various movements in Western theatre that began in
the late 19th century (Alfred Jarry) as a retraction against the
dominant vent governing the writing and production of dramatical
menstrophy, and age in particular. The term has shifted over time as
the mainstream theatre world has adopted many forms that were once
considered radical. It is used more or less interchangeably with the
term avant-garde theatre. Experimental theatre is what it is, trying
something new. <br>
Like other forms of avantgarde it was created as a response to a
perceived general cultural crisis. Despite different political and
formal approaches all avant-garde theatre opposed bourgeois literary
theatre. It tried to introduce a different use of language, of the
body, to change the mode of perception and to create a new, more
active relation with the audience.More.............. <br>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experimental_theatre"
----------------- News for Experimental Theater <a

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

know any great poetry website?

answers1: Go to voltagepoetry.com!
answers2: Here are a few of my favorites: hope you enjoy them too. <br>
<a href="http://www.poetry-online.org/poetry-terms.htm"
<a href="http://www.poemslovers.com/"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.poemslovers.com/</a> <br>
You can find all sorts of different poems at these sites.
answers3: difficult problem. look at google and yahoo. this may help!
answers4: tell me what you think of my poetry..
kimberlysmith@yahoo.com is email or sign up and review <br>
: http://www.poetry.com/Publications/search.asp?First=shayla&Last=rawson
my poetry =]

Monday, 7 October 2019

Name of a Poetry/literature Group?

answers1: Poetry.com is now owned by Lulu <br>
Nostalgiaramblings is taken <br>
PoetsofMars is taken.
answers2: very confusing step. lookup with bing and yahoo. that will could help!


answers1: If you're a guy and writing verse <br>
Do not think it any worse. <br>
We can express our feelings too <br>
So carry on; do what you do. <br>
A lot of men write poetry, <br>
Like Wordswoth, Keats, and even me! <br>
So take heart from the little rhyme <br>
Keep on writing,all the time <br>
Hope this helps.
answers2: It's Intellectual. I can see how a thug could see an
Intellectual endevour as female, when you consider that so much jail
inmates dont' write poetry. But, who cares what they suppose? I
individually hate poetry. I suppose it is for writing after which
throwing away. Never to be learn to yet another individual, not ever
to be noticeable once more. I hate readingmy possess poetry. I hate
studying any person else's poetry. Even while I are aware of it's
well, I'd a lot as an alternative be doing some thing else.
answers3: No way! Feel free to express whatever is going around in
your head. Lay some on us we would love to share in it!
answers4: Not at all. I know a few guys that write poetry, open mic
pieces, love songs, and all that stuff. Honestly they always did VERY
VERY well with the ladies and YES that includes the really hott ones.
answers5: Of course not! Was Walt Whitman, Edgar Allen Poe, Ernest
Hemmingway, Longfellow, Kipling..etc.? Of course not. Being able to
paint, play an instrument, scuplt, or write poetry has nothing to do
with your "feminine" side...it has everything to do with creativity!
Anyone who says you're anything other than a creative person is
nothing more than a neanderthal and not worth your time or your
attention. However, you do have a bad habit...stop using "i"...it's
"I"; when you use the lower case "i" it shows a lack of
self-confidence, low self-esteem, etc...and if you are indeed a poet,
you have respect for the correctness of words...so use "I"...not "i".
...and keep writing
answers6: Feminine? <br>
Gender has nothing to do with activity. Gender has everything to do
with body parts and sexual identity. <br>
Fact is many people of both genders write poetry. Unfortunately, the
world's more well known poets tend to be men.
answers7: look at all the songwriters and rock stars the men are not
seen as feminine
answers8: Some would argue poetry is feminine in itself, the
syntactical structure of poetry more feminine than masculine. That
being said, poetry is not only for females, and males who write it
aren't the least bit emasculated. I find male poets very sexy. <br>
I guess poetry, to me, is what a guitar is to some other girls.
answers9: Coleridge, Byron, Hardy, all those famous authors... They
were not feminine. Not at all. Think about George Eliott, who was a
woman, and had to write under a man's pen name to be taken seriously.
answers10: okay, who told you that you were a girl?? being able to
write poems, it's a gift. it doesn't have anything whatsoever to do
with being feminine! there are so many great men out there that write
poems, and are praised for it! just because you express your feelings
through poetry, it does not mean that you're feminine!! and,
whomsoever told you this, is insulting you, and other men and women
across the world!! and, if you just came up with this idea on your
own... then, sorry I'm overreacting... you'll get used to it. i mean,
you should be overreacting too! and anyways, even if you did have some
feminine traits, i think that is a gift...((in a way?)

Sunday, 6 October 2019


answers1: Vanity presses utilising print on call for science act as
printers as good as dealers of help offerings for authors eager about
self-publishing. Reputable organizations of this variety are normally
marked by way of transparent agreement phrases, loss of immoderate
costs, retail expenses similar to these from industrial printers, loss
of stress to buy "additional" offerings, contracts which don't declare
individual rights to the paintings being released (despite the fact
that one might be rough pressed to uncover a reputable writer inclined
to place out a competing version, making non-exclusivity meaningless)
---- The traditional "self-writer" writes, edits, markets and promotes
the guide themselves, depending on a printer just for precise printing
and binding. More not too long ago, corporations have supplied their
offerings to behave as a type of agent among the author and a small
printing operation. --- I say all of this to mention I do not consider
that a number of the approaches indexed are 'revered' publishing
manner by way of conventional print publishers and can do little to
get you identified by way of literary dealers or editors. --- The
marketplace for poetry could also be a small one. Consider what number
of books of poems you and your peers have bought within the final yr
written by way of unknown authors. I can practically assurance among
you you could have written extra poetry than you could have learn. It
is an best unfastened sort of expression. --- I'm now not seeking to
discourage you however supply you extra know-how at the enterprise
than simply the joys of 'on the spot however quick lived
gratification' practically like a drug. --- It is nice to have your
paintings available in the market for others to look and if being
profitable is not your target then the ones are first-rate
recommendations however to be able to make this a profession option
you have got to move approximately this in a better means.
answers2: There's the Ghazal page, which takes email submissions: <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://www.ghazalpage.net/</a> <br>
Aside of specialised outlets / sites, there are not many respected
sites that take general poetry. One of the few that does is Poetry /
The Poetry Foundation: <a
If you dont have a track record of publication in printed magazines
(and to a lesser extent in major competitions) then no reputable
poetry publisher will consider publishing a book of your poetry. You
would have no difficulty, however, finding vanity publishers to do it,
at a price. If you intend to spend money on it, you can self-publish,
but that is very hard work, and you're extremely unlikely to make any
money doing it. <br>
Sending out to magazines is the usual first step. Which magazines? The
ones you read yourself, of course. That way you know the kind of work
they publish, and it is likely to be in tune with your own work. Most
magazines will have submission guidelines, but they are all much
alike. Don't send more than 6 pages, make sure they are neatly typed,
spell-checked, etc., send a stamped envelope for return postage. Make
your covering letter extremely brief and to the point. Don't be in a
rush for a reply (and certainly don't phone, email, or write, asking
for news).
answers3: challenging thing. research onto search engines like google.
this may help!

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Philosophy? I need help?

answers1: You should wax philosophical about the paradox of modern
liberalism. <br>
You can back it up by exploring how modern liberalism needs a massive
bureaucratic entity to work, as well as strict and oppressive laws,
which contradict the original intent of liberalism. The belief in the
strong and self reliant individual. <br>
Check out Dr. Jack Wheeler for a great paper on the hypocrisy of
modern liberalism. <br>
As a bonus, if you write your paper well, you'll send your undoubtedly
liberal professor into fits!
answers2: Are you looking for ways people look at life? I'm unclear
as to how I can help.... <br>
The books that have helped me in my life: <br>
The Four Agreements which you can google and get them and see wha
resonates with your views of life. <br>
You could google to see what major religions believe and what works
for you.... <br>
They way you live your life....do unto others as you would like them
to do to you. <br>
What are some sayings that you have heard that you agree or disagree with? <br>
Do you think it is more importan to be truthful or can truth be thrown
out because of monetary gain?
answers3: Your options are wide open. You can choose any topic you
want. What is your approach on honesty, fidelity, cheating, organized
religion, same sex marriage, divorce, bi sexuality, premarital sex,
gay adoption, etc etc. I would start by making a paragraph or two
statement on my position on what issue you are discussing. I would
then set out to state how my position seems to be correct. You have a
chance to express how "you feel" on your chosen issue. If you don't
feel you have a position you could go about discussing your thinking
on how young people can develop such a position through life
experiences. You must have parents and friends. You can discuss child
parent relationships. You could address family conflict, sibling
conflict.You can discuss the human need for relationships. You can
spend a few paragraphs discussing friendship, siblings, parents,
co-worker relationships, employee boss relationships. You can discuss
the human needs that people bring into these relationships and how
they go about fulfilling those needs. You can discuss these
relationships in a corporate environment vs small business
environment. The human condition is packed full of options for you.
Don't be affraid of stetching your self. When it comes to philosophy
there is no right or wrong. So don't worry about your professor
disagreeing with you. The thing to focus on is that you discuss these
things logically and methodically and present you opinion in a clear
and thorough manner. I hope this helps. Mark
answers4: Well you can start off by how you see the world? Like what
do you believe in, How should be the world through "your" eyes. <br>
Idea one- crimes? Why should we care little for crimes? <br>
Idea two- How people of different countries should get along? <br>
Idea three- Is life a game? Since most of us believe god is monitoring
us from above if we are doing sinful things. <br>
Those you can start with. Its really simple.
answers5: LooLLL you get to make up this whole assignment. you really
don't need help. it can be anything you want it to be
answers6: Russell has a powerful quote in this: We could observe one
strange characteristic of philosophy. If somebody asks the question
what's arithmetic, we are able to grant him a dictionary definition,
enable us to declare the technology of quantity, for the sake of
argument. so a ways because it is going it is an uncontroversial
fact... Definitions could settle for in this form of any field the
place a physique of specific information exists. yet philosophy can't
be so defined. Any definition is debatable and already embodies a
philosophic physique of suggestions. the only thank you to confirm
what philosophy is, is to do philosophy. —Bertrand Russell, The
understanding of the West
answers7: Go with Aristotle's idea of the golden mean. the golden mean
is the desirable middle between two extremes! Its easy and who doesn't
love Aristotle?
answers8: My Philosophies: <br>
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. <br>
Try to succeed until you are ready to give up.
answers9: How about the general question of lying? <br>
There are some philosophers who believe that a person harms themself
if they lie to a murderer who is hunting for his victim. <br>
Of course, there are alternate opinions. <br>
Seems as if I could spend a lot of time thinking about whether or not
there is any occasion when a lie is OK. Just remember, in philosophy,
there is almost never a correct answer. People define words
differently; therefore, you need to spend some time defining what you
mean by a lie. <br>
Have fun.
answers10: ya

Friday, 4 October 2019

Which is more IMPORTANT: Science or Philosophy?

answers1: The two are somewhat integrated. Philosophy guides, science
examines, and each one helps shape the other. Either one, when
embraced by itself alone it loses potential and objectivity.
answers2: that depends on what you believe in, but undeniably both are important
answers3: according to what the scientists are now speculating , they
are working on a theory called the M theory , it's a membrain that
takes off where the string theory left off . and they are heading
toward religion it seems the M theory has alot in comon with religion
. you would about have to be a philosopher to study science in the
future , or so it would seem .
answers4: Science IS Philosophy. <br>
No philosophy that attempts to establish the truth can be less
important than another.
answers5: I think philosophy, <br>
because it can guide the scientific community as well as the humanity <br>
to use scientific inventions for collective goodness of the world <br>
that include all forms of beings and the nature as well, <br>
rather than concentrating on the needs and luxury of only humans. <br>
This can also prevent the world from natural disasters <br>
like global warming and pollution of various types <br>
which the world is facing at present <br>
due to unfair use of scientific inventions by humans for humans.
answers6: science <br>
it establishes facts <br>
phil. discusses ideas
answers7: good, if you happen to care to supply it a few suggestion
you'll become aware of that certainly technology IS philosophy, - one
department of it. In different phrases you can't have technology with
out philosophy. Philosophy is the hyperlink which enables intelligence
to wiew the bodily universe and furnish solutions for what we consider
are mysteries. It makes it possible for us to realise the universe
higher in order that we're in a position to position inside it.
Engineers speak approximately a philosophy of layout or "layout
philosophy". This is a philosophy which makes it possible for
engineers to realise how materials pass in combination and position in
combination safely as a entire included unit. There is a pronouncing
which works, ''the entire is bigger than the sum of its materials"...
this can be a style of philosophy which is helping to give an
explanation for how matters paintings... (Actually , my possess
interpretation of this could be , "The ORGANISED entire is bigger than
the sum of its materials"). This latter is truthfully beside the point
on your query , however I suggestion I'd throw that during for
curiosity !
answers8: Philosophy, because it helps us formulate the ideas about
how to pursue science.
answers9: I feel like philosophy just makes you want to tie your brain
in a knot. Hard sciences seem a lot more useful.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Is Buddhism a religion, or, a philosophy?

answers1: It was originally a philosophy but after it went into
practice, people added gods and made it a religion.
answers2: Yes and no. <br>
Buddhism has precepts and meditation practice. You can call it as a
religion. <br>
Buddhism does not put God in the equation. In that aspect Buddhism is
no religion but philosophy.
answers3: I judge a religion or philosophy by the way it treats women.
answers4: No To All. <br>
Not a religion because if you are Buddha(You can be, But use a vary
longgggg... time), you don't need to believe anyone. You just beleive
in realities like kamma and another dhamma that Buddha must be know.
Not a philosophy because Buddhism base on all reality. no takka like
philosophy. <br>
Not a science because Buddha know everything before his first
teaching, but science verifying in things that they don't
know(discover sciences at the hospital, Risk your life by your
answers5: Depends on who's practicing it. Some followers consider it a
more spiritual thing, while others think of it as simply a useful
answers6: Is Christianity a religion or a cult? <br>
It depends on your definition of each word. There is no universally
accepted definition of religion, cult, and philosophy.
answers7: It's a religion. You may have heard of "Buddhist
philosophy," which is simply the philosophy of the Buddhist religion.
You could argue that all religions are philosophies. <br>
It originated in India, and then came to China (this is during Ancient
Chinese times) as the primary religion. It was preceded by
Confucianism. <br>
It's a culture, or a way of life, as well :) <br>
answers8: It is a philosophy, the practice of which is a religion
answers9: I´ve been told there are both views inside Buddhism: for
most of all it´s a spiritual path, a philosophy without any God to
follow, because Buda is a state of mind (that one which got the person
named Buda who lived many years ago), to get a state of illumination.
But for a few of them, they follow the ancient living Buda as a God,
and some other gods they believe in.
answers10: • Is Buddhism a Religion? <br>
To many, Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy or
'way of life'. It is a philosophy because philosophy 'means love of
wisdom' and the Buddhist path can be summed up as: <br>
(1) to lead a moral life, <br>
(2) to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and <br>
(3) to develop wisdom and understanding.

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Good Philosophy Books?

answers1: Good Philosophy Books? <br>
I asked a question earlier about time that got me thinking.. I think I
want to study more about the universe and philosophy. So if anyone
could suggest books that are good about philosophy, time, the u <br>
~~~ The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are <br>
...is not difficult. Listen to him on youtube.
answers2: Carl Sagan is a pretty good one too. Although he was an
astrophysicist or something like that.
answers3: Well I know one. Literally just one. It was a waste of money
because philosophy is a waste of money. <br>
but anyways <br>
The Dreamweaver <br>
have fun reading about an old man and ian
answers4: I cannot in good conscience recommend that you attempt to
read a book about philosophy. <br>
Last night you asked, and I quote, "Can you be a christian and believe in God?"
answers5: Good Philosophy Books
answers6: <Bertrand Russell> <br>
*A History of Western Philosophy <br>
It gives you the whole picture of philosophy, it is easy for the beginner. <br>
<Rene Descartes> father of modern philosopher <br>
*Meditations on First Philosophy (Wax argument) <br>
*Principles of Philosophy <br>
<David Hume> <br>
*An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding <br>
<Immanuel Kant> <br>
*Critique of Pure Reason <br>
This book solved the debate of the rationalism and empiricism. <br>
This book is the most difficult to read <br>
If you can understand this one, I think the others would be easy <br>
to comprehend. <br>
<Plato> <br>
Allegory of the Cave
answers7: i guess you can start by the basics (Plato, Aristotle)..Now
you are talking i guess about existential philosophy. Some
philosophers you should real is Kant, Sartre, Nietzsche. (Nietzsche is
kinda hard to understand, so leave it for the end) <br>
And if you do not now the basics, i wouldtotally recommend you
philosophy intro books. (search for introduction to philosophy books)
answers8: Kinda hard to answer without more detail. I would suggest a
good History of Western Philosophy (assuming you're interested in
Western, not Eastern philosophies). I know you're not asking for
advanced texts, but if you do get to that stage (most people do
eventually) then my favourites are Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida,
Julia Kristeva, Elizabeth Grosz; but they are rather difficult to
understand without a grounding in the basics first.
answers9: I suggest you start here by listening to some of the
"Philosophy Talk" episodes. The current one is apropos: <a
answers10: Tom Morris' "Philosophy for Dummies" may appeal, for its
topical and personal awareness. <br>
Frederick Copleston's "A History of Philosophy" is comprehensive. <br>
Louis Pojman's "Ethics;" "Philosophical Traditions;" and "Philosophy
of Religion." <br>
Merrilee H. Salmon's "Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking." <br>
Roger Scruton's "Modern Philosophy: An Introduction and Survey." <br>
Eugene Rose's "Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age." <br>
Omraam Aivanhov's "A Philosophy of Universality."

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Why is philosophy useful?

answers1: Einstein was also quite the philosopher...new ideas in
science stimulate debate in methapysics,philosophy etc....just think
where is the center of the universe?.....is there also a black hole in
your interior universe
answers2: Philosophy is useless directly. Indirectly it leads us to
choose certain paths that will make us grow in some areas instead of
others. In the background, it is still what decides what is "right".
People don't realize that religion, politics and everything inbetween
are affected by what we "think". Philosophy is just ideologies stuck
together to make our thinking processes.
answers3: Philosophy governs science. In science there are ethical
boundaries, philosophy helps us determine where those boundaries
should lie. Secondly science itself is split into several schools of
thought with different governing philosophies. <br>
(Inductive reasoning vs. Deductive reasoning) even simply science
claiming absolute knowledge can be argued as a philosophical
shortcoming. My friend Aristotle said that the unexamined life is not
worth living. Even in an age of science as you like to call it, people
still have the need to live fulfilling lives, and even there
philosophy will rule.
answers4: Because sometimes our days our too peaceful and we need a
little something to dwell on and ruminate over and over and over and
over just to make ourselves a little nuts.
answers5: well, for starters you get that cool degree and people call
you "doctor"
answers6: It still make us think?
answers7: Philosophy is the forest and special sciences are the trees. <br>
HOW a scientist thinks and his moral values will dictate how me
approaches his branch of science. If a scientist thinks that there is
no objective reality he will approach physics quite differently than a
scientist that knows that reality is objective. A scientist that
thinks a god would not be happy if he used stem cells would practice
science differently than one that does not think that way. <br>
Every decision made is made based on your philosophy, whether implicit
or explicit.
answers8: Philosophy might nicely be sensible. as an occasion we could
think of with regard to the meaning of our lives, and earnings greater
effective fulfilment from it by way of this new-got here across way of
seeing the international.

Monday, 30 September 2019

which university has a better performing arts program?

answers1: performing arts? Do you want to be an actor or broke:?
answers2: i know that yale has a good acting school
answers3: while asking this question, you need to be greater specific
while asking approximately appearing arts, because of the fact
distinctive colleges have song, theater, and dance. some colleges have
all of those thoughts, some purely a determination of a million or 2.
One college would have a terrific song application, yet theater, no
longer a lot. Be greater specific, which appearing arts are you
searching for in a college?

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Top Performing Art high schools in America?

answers1: I was accepted too :D for art. hbu? & yeah, i'm sure it is
true. ;] but even if it's not, i never heard of anyone that went there
and didn't like it ;D
answers2: Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and
Performing Arts the best

Saturday, 28 September 2019

What is a good medical and performing arts college here in L.A?

answers1: USC- that is like comparing apples to oranges. Either you
starve (performing arts) until you get discovered, or get fat
answers2: Medical fields and performing arts are drastic opposite and
schools usually aren't highly ranked in both. Figure out which route
you want to pursue first. Also, medical schools are irrelevant to you
until you have an undergraduate degree.

Friday, 27 September 2019

What is performing arts and give types?

answers1: Performing arts is defined as Forms of creative activity
that are performed in front of an audience, such as drama, music, and
answers2: 'Performing arts', as the name suggests, are arts that are
performed. Some examples could include dancing, singing, acting,
basically things that are generally done in front of an audience.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Performing arts school questions?

answers1: complicated stuff. lookup at bing and yahoo. it can assist!
answers2: Oh hey! I go to a performing arts school. :) I'm a singer,
and an actor. Someday hope to be on Broadway and film. :D okay, so
when I auditioned, the first question they asked me was, "why do you
want to audition for this school?", to which I replied, "because I
want to study in an environment where I can be surrounded by people
with the same aspirations as me and so that I can showcase my talent
every single day of the week". Or, something like that, I don't fully
remeember.. other than that, theyre really cool.. they're gonna want
to know about you, your hobbies, etc. And then comes the theory and
knowledge. If you're doing something like singing, they would probably
question you on basic knowledge like notes, stuff like that. It's
pretty straight forward. Just go in there standing tall and with a big
smile on your face, and speak clearly and loud. Theyll love you. Good
answers3: they might ask about how you feel when performing or how you
got started. be prepared to answer questions about you and performing.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

How do I find the history for Yahoo messenger?

answers1: go to yahoomessenger, then contacts then history. have a
great new year.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

History on donnie bickham middle school Louisiana ?

answers1: You should probably post this in a better category. This is
the trying to conceive category. <br>
Here. Let me Google that for you. <br>
<a href="http://lmgtfy.com/?q=History+on+donnie+bickham+middle+school+Louisiana+%3F"