Monday, 23 December 2019

Who has the better style: Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus?

answers1: Selena Gomez, but only because she isn't Miley Cyrus.
answers2: it depends what theyre wearing && when theyre wearing it <br>
but overall i like selena' s style better <br>
but miley has cute style sometimes 2 <br>
answers3: Selena Gomez! <br>
Deffinatly. <br>
answers4: selena Gomez.
answers5: Selena Gomez definetely, there's not even a way to describe
Miley's style, tacky perhaps? She just looks so piled on. Selena's
style is more clean, and beautiful. She has the same American Eagle
sweater that I have (yes I know American Eagle's popular, but still).
answers6: Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus Sort Of Dresses Like A 13 Year
Old, Whereas Selena Knows Her Stype Sense! <br>
+ Selena Has The Best Hats! <br>
answers7: Selena Gomez. <br>

answers8: Selena Gomez <br>
Selena has her own style <br>
Miley just wears clothes (other than the fact they are a lot of money) <br>
Miley has no particular "style" <br>
and Selena has her own thing
answers9: Selena Gomez.
answers10: If you prefer a slut Miley Cyrus <br>
non-slut Selena Gomez
answers11: Selena by far. She knows how to work her clothes in any
type of condition, and she doesn't have to always be fancy like Miley
thinks she does. GO SELENA!

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