Saturday, 19 October 2019

Most colleges require 1 credit of visual arts?

answers1: If it is a requirement, no matter how many AP classes you
take, they won't consider you. Colleges want you to be a well-rounded
person, so just take the class. It will be easy.
answers2: I have never taken a visual arts class and I went to a large
state school also. This is actually the first I heard of it. <br>
Talk to the counselors at Ohio state and see what they will and will
not accept. I know people above said they wont consider you without
it, but thats not true. I know a lot of people who didn't take certain
classes in high school and therefore had to take them while they are
in college- its just an extra pain to have to take it later. <br>
My advice: contact the school, chances are its not that big of a deal.
(and its only 1 credit, whats the big whoop anyway?)

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