Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Why is philosophy useful?

answers1: Einstein was also quite the philosopher...new ideas in
science stimulate debate in methapysics,philosophy etc....just think
where is the center of the universe?.....is there also a black hole in
your interior universe
answers2: Philosophy is useless directly. Indirectly it leads us to
choose certain paths that will make us grow in some areas instead of
others. In the background, it is still what decides what is "right".
People don't realize that religion, politics and everything inbetween
are affected by what we "think". Philosophy is just ideologies stuck
together to make our thinking processes.
answers3: Philosophy governs science. In science there are ethical
boundaries, philosophy helps us determine where those boundaries
should lie. Secondly science itself is split into several schools of
thought with different governing philosophies. <br>
(Inductive reasoning vs. Deductive reasoning) even simply science
claiming absolute knowledge can be argued as a philosophical
shortcoming. My friend Aristotle said that the unexamined life is not
worth living. Even in an age of science as you like to call it, people
still have the need to live fulfilling lives, and even there
philosophy will rule.
answers4: Because sometimes our days our too peaceful and we need a
little something to dwell on and ruminate over and over and over and
over just to make ourselves a little nuts.
answers5: well, for starters you get that cool degree and people call
you "doctor"
answers6: It still make us think?
answers7: Philosophy is the forest and special sciences are the trees. <br>
HOW a scientist thinks and his moral values will dictate how me
approaches his branch of science. If a scientist thinks that there is
no objective reality he will approach physics quite differently than a
scientist that knows that reality is objective. A scientist that
thinks a god would not be happy if he used stem cells would practice
science differently than one that does not think that way. <br>
Every decision made is made based on your philosophy, whether implicit
or explicit.
answers8: Philosophy might nicely be sensible. as an occasion we could
think of with regard to the meaning of our lives, and earnings greater
effective fulfilment from it by way of this new-got here across way of
seeing the international.

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