answers1: It was originally a philosophy but after it went into
practice, people added gods and made it a religion.
answers2: Yes and no. <br>
Buddhism has precepts and meditation practice. You can call it as a
religion. <br>
Buddhism does not put God in the equation. In that aspect Buddhism is
no religion but philosophy.
answers3: I judge a religion or philosophy by the way it treats women.
answers4: No To All. <br>
Not a religion because if you are Buddha(You can be, But use a vary
longgggg... time), you don't need to believe anyone. You just beleive
in realities like kamma and another dhamma that Buddha must be know.
Not a philosophy because Buddhism base on all reality. no takka like
philosophy. <br>
Not a science because Buddha know everything before his first
teaching, but science verifying in things that they don't
know(discover sciences at the hospital, Risk your life by your
answers5: Depends on who's practicing it. Some followers consider it a
more spiritual thing, while others think of it as simply a useful
answers6: Is Christianity a religion or a cult? <br>
It depends on your definition of each word. There is no universally
accepted definition of religion, cult, and philosophy.
answers7: It's a religion. You may have heard of "Buddhist
philosophy," which is simply the philosophy of the Buddhist religion.
You could argue that all religions are philosophies. <br>
It originated in India, and then came to China (this is during Ancient
Chinese times) as the primary religion. It was preceded by
Confucianism. <br>
It's a culture, or a way of life, as well :) <br>
answers8: It is a philosophy, the practice of which is a religion
answers9: I´ve been told there are both views inside Buddhism: for
most of all it´s a spiritual path, a philosophy without any God to
follow, because Buda is a state of mind (that one which got the person
named Buda who lived many years ago), to get a state of illumination.
But for a few of them, they follow the ancient living Buda as a God,
and some other gods they believe in.
answers10: • Is Buddhism a Religion? <br>
To many, Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy or
'way of life'. It is a philosophy because philosophy 'means love of
wisdom' and the Buddhist path can be summed up as: <br>
(1) to lead a moral life, <br>
(2) to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and <br>
(3) to develop wisdom and understanding.
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